
Canada approves of killing baby seals

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It seems to me that YOU have not done your research on both sides.

You've said that more than once now and each time it comes across as "You couldn't possibly have done your research, otherwise you'd agree with me."


And if you were to disagree with that, you would unfortunately be mistaken and uneducation yourself on this subject.

Simply because you've chosen a side does not make you educated on this subject. In fact, many would believe you to be a fool as you've hardly presented anything of substance, yet you stick to your argument and even flaunt your 'evidence' as all that we need to know regarding the hunt.


so I think that those who think that WE'RE uneducated about it need to do some research themselves.

There you go. Those who disagree with you can't possibly have done independent research and come to a reasonable conclusion, otherwise they wouldn't disagree with you. The fools! Whether you know it or not you've just insulted a very large group of people.


Whatever.....You pick apart my statements and twist them how you feel fit. Post the entire statement rather than posting which part fits for you to bash me. I haven't insulted anyone. I've actually left the door open to people to decide what they want on this issue. I am merely suggesting that I have done my research and have decided on the side I want to take. I dont' see an issue with that. I have NEVER said that someone was wrong for thinking that this issue was just or right..have I? Nope. I was merely suggesting that people need to do their research and not try to tell others what research they have or haven't done when they (namely YOU) have no idea what research I've done. As for me not writing anything concrete on this issue....there's not enough room or time for that. People can go read the hundreds of articles that are out there and form their own opinion. I posted to raise awareness.

What side you take is your decision and I respect it. If you need to read that again, go ahead. But do me a favor, before you put words into my mouth, THINK....

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LOL, there is more in the world than "you" guys

if you say so

I have heard than to the east, where the world is suppose to end in a huge waterfall there is a place call Europe. And to the west a tiny island where they eat fresh uncoked fish, go figure... :S

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everyone just needs to shaddup on the issue. I was born, raised and educated in Nfld, where the seal hunt is pretty much a way of life.

My post WAAAAAYAAY back (http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=1514169#1514169)
explained much of the situation.....'torture' my ass. No more, no less than hogs on the slaughter line, chickens strung up with their throats slit, cows with a bolt fired into their skull.

Do you eat meat? Wear leather? If you do then countless numbers of animals are slaughtered every day for your personal needs.

So shaddup. Hypocritical. Paradoxal. If it comes on a styrofoam tray wrapped in saran wrap, then it must be OK and humanely killed? Go visit a slaughterhouse and get a reality check.

I have seen both the seal hunt and slaughterhouses. Fact of the matter is that we kill other living beings to survive. Call it what you want.

Do you think a wild animal that dies via a pack of wolves gets killed 'humanely'. Talk about slow torutre. Let's stop all the wolves, mountain lions, grizzlies and such in the name of protecting poor creatures from torturous, and slow deaths.

Someone suggested that the hunters could find other ways to make living..... Maybe you should try growing up on a rock in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean and see what options you have. One of the poorest places around, dominated and controlled for centuries by British merchants who took all and left little.

Rampant unemployment, but probably better educated than many of the southern states. Many scrape a living between fishing, lobster, seals, and a moose in the winter to feed the family. All seasonal work, so they do what they need to do to make a living.

my $0.02 worth


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But I avoid to cause pain at the animal.

A bullet tearing through flesh and bone isn't causing pain to the animal? I think you're kidding yourself.

Don't know for sure but, doubt you are hunting. Otherwise, you would'nt have asked me that question. [:/]


What those baby seal killers are doing: They cause tremendous pain.

Prove it. Seems to me that a good whack in the ol' brain bucket is likely less painful than a bullet to the heart (and God forbid you miss). Though since I've never been shot and never been hit in the head hard enough to kill me I guess I'll never know. I assume that the same can be said for you.

Prove?? Now YOU seem to be kidding yourself.
Every kid knows that it surely causes pain if a iron stick equipped with a kind of ice-axe has been smacked down the head several times. Then the skinning starts :S. Another horrible pain for many minutes.

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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First off stop using the Eskimo! This is a derogatory term. The word is Inuit.

If you were living in the area where most Sealers come from you would be living in an area with around 16% unemployement. To say there are other options is just not correct. Do you think they like travelling in small boats through freezing cold rough water surronded by ice bergs? They do it because it provides an additional resource for money so they can put food on the table.

Don't even get me started on your native Spain. The trawling fleets from Spain have been using illegal sized nets to fish on the edge and inside Canadian territorial waters.

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Every kid knows that it surely causes pain if a iron stick equipped with a kind of ice-axe has been smacked down the head several times. Then the skinning starts. Another horrible pain for many minutes.

You're not reading what the scientists are saying, and to what some of us have pointed you.

Go back to message #145 and click on the "Fisheries and Oceans Canada" link. Read and become informed.

Then again, maybe you know more than all those scientists. Yeah, that must be it...

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sure there are better ways - lets raise seals in confined pens, wait for them to get to the right age, then 'harvest' them with slaughter lines like cattle.

What's the difference? At least the wild seal had a life to live and a chance to live it. The raised one did not, nor would he EVER get a chance to live a life.


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