
Canada approves of killing baby seals

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I am assuming you are against hunting as well?

If its done as humanely as possible I won't complain. But I certainly wouldn't be doing it for pleasure. The fact that so many people do this for pleasure to me reflects negatively on humanity in general. I would much rather hunt Muslim extremists than innocent animals.
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I am assuming you are against hunting as well?

Come to think of it I don't even like fishing for big fish. I have gone deep sea, Tuna fishing and caught 60 pound Tuna before. Being in a boat, with a 60 pound Tuna bleeding all over the place, struggling for its life, shaking a 32 foot boat, was a very unpleasant experience for me. Call me a pussy if you like. But I have yet to see a hunter who ass I couldn't kick. :P
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I would much rather hunt Muslim extremists than innocent animals.

absolutely, killing people is much better than killing animals.


Certainly!, if they deserve it
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I can't understand how somebody can be so heartless to swing that club over and over again until that seal is dead.

Is it humane when polar bears and killer whales attack seals? Have you ever seen that footage of a killer whale throwing a seal into the air, playing with it like a cat with a mouse, before finishing it off?

Mother Nature is a vicious heartless bitch. She's the biggest killer of wildlife of all.

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I have gone deep sea, Tuna fishing and caught 60 pound Tuna before. Being in a boat, with a 60 pound Tuna bleeding all over the place, struggling for its life, shaking a 32 foot boat, was a very unpleasant experience for me.

Do you buy and eat tuna fish out of those little cans?

Should millions of people go hungry to keep you from feeling bad about the fishies?

Are you a religious person and a believer in god? Didn't god put the creatures of the earth here for our use?

Genesis 1

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the
fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and
over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God
created he him; male and female created he them.
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and
multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and
over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Genesis 9

2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every
beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that
moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into
your hand are they delivered.
3 Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the
green herb have I given you all things.

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> I would much rather hunt Muslim extremists than innocent animals.

Hmm. And to think they'd call someone who hunted christian extremists a serial killer. A strange place, this world we live in, where seals are afforded more respect than someone who believes fervently in their god.

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I can't understand how somebody can be so heartless to swing that club over and over again until that seal is dead.

Is it humane when polar bears and killer whales attack seals? Have you ever seen that footage of a killer whale throwing a seal into the air, playing with it like a cat with a mouse, before finishing it off?

Mother Nature is a vicious heartless bitch. She's the biggest killer of wildlife of all.

I have watched it and don't consider it pleasant to watch. But that is nature and the food chain. I still think I am smarter and therefore have more choices than a killer whale. In anycase, the killer whale is killing for its survival not the vanity of where a nice coat.
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that is nature and the food chain. In anycase, the killer whale is killing for its survival not the vanity of where a nice coat.

So you're okay with the mass slaughter of cows, pigs and chickens, because it's necessary to feed people as part of nature's food chain?

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I have gone deep sea, Tuna fishing and caught 60 pound Tuna before. Being in a boat, with a 60 pound Tuna bleeding all over the place, struggling for its life, shaking a 32 foot boat, was a very unpleasant experience for me.

Do you buy and eat tuna fish out of those little cans?

Should millions of people go hungry to keep you from feeling bad about the fishies?

Are you a religious person and a believer in god? Didn't god put the creatures of the earth here for our use?

Genesis 1

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the
fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and
over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God
created he him; male and female created he them.
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and
multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and
over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Genesis 9

2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every
beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that
moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into
your hand are they delivered.
3 Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the
green herb have I given you all things.

First of all I just finished eating 3 cans of Tuna for lunch. I never said fishing should be illegal or that anybody should not do it. I simply said I don't enjoy it and prefer not to do it. Notice I said prefer. If I was on a boat ship wrecked and had not other choice but to hunt (big fish) and eat that, you can be sure I would do just that.
As for quoting religious scripture, I will probably defend your right to you're Christian belief more than more so if not as much as anybody else here will. I went to see the Passion twice last year in support of Mel Gibson who was being attacked by the left. I am in full support of Chief Justice Roy Moore of Alabama, you know the guy who wanted the monument of the ten commandments in the state judicial building. However, if you plan to use religious scripture to justify animal sacrifice you won't get very far with me on that. My biggest gripe for which I doubt the validity of the old testament is that it is loaded with references to animal sacrifices. There is no way you or anybody is ever going to convince me that a supreme being (god) ever wanted any animal to be burned alive for him. The general Christian explanation for this is that we don't have to do this anymore because Jesus died for our sins. I think that, Jesus may have said that this should not be done because it was a stupid idea in the first place. It seems like human nature to avoid feeling pain for themselves. Kind of like the slave owner that had his slave whipped as punishment for something he did wrong.
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> I would much rather hunt Muslim extremists than innocent animals.

Hmm. And to think they'd call someone who hunted christian extremists a serial killer. A strange place, this world we live in, where seals are afforded more respect than someone who believes fervently in their god.

Well I would hope so! When was that last time you had 19 seals that would glady march to their death as long as they could kill thousands of people. Oh that's right, because the seals don't have opposing thumbs I should be careless over their senseless pain and suffering. And somebody who wants me dead so badly that he is willing to kill himself deserves my mercy because after all we are the same species.
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>When was that last time you had 19 seals that would glady march to
>their death as long as they could kill thousands of people.

If those 19 people were US soldiers, and marched to their deaths under orders while killing thousands of the enemy, most people would call them heroes. Want to kill them too?

We are the biggest killers on the planet. Not only do we kill tens of millions of animals, we kill tens of thousands of our own species. We fly planes into buildings because we think god wants us to do it. We kill people of other religions by the millions for the same reason. We drop nuclear bombs on civilians and doom hundreds of thousands of them to a slow torture of a death - and then we write entire essays on how that was a good decision, a humane one, a reasonable one.

Personally, I don't much care about seal hunts as long as we don't kill so many of them that they're in danger of extinction, and as long as we're relatively humane about it. I care a lot more about the people we (and that's we as in the human race) kill. I've known a few seals in my time. I knew one really well, and he was a likable creature most of the time. But I'd hit him over the head with a club in a second if it would save a human. Even a muslim.

>Oh that's right, because the seals don't have opposing thumbs I should
> be careless over their senseless pain and suffering.

No. We should care about that for ALL animals. Most people don't. It's a bit contradictory to care fervently about seals but not at all about the chickens, or rats, or cows, or ducks, or deer that we kill by the tens of millions so we can SuperSize our burgers or clean our houses.

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Mother Nature is a vicious heartless bitch. She's the biggest killer of wildlife of all.

I have watched it and don't consider it pleasant to watch. But that is nature and the food chain. I still think I am smarter and therefore have more choices than a killer whale. .

Well put.

Mother nature is mother nature, she will take care of things as they should be and need to be. It is when man steps in that we make choices FOR mother nature, when WE think we know what's good for the envirnment.

In anycase, the killer whale is killing for its survival not the vanity of where a nice coat.

Again, well put. It's survival, not greed that drives the whale or any other animal to kill.

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If those 19 people were US soldiers, and marched to their deaths under orders while killing thousands of the enemy, most people would call them heroes. Want to kill them too?
I would say that was good spin but I really don't believe it is. You know as well as I know that no US soldiers have ever or will ever purposefully take a boeing full of passengers, be it the enemy or not, and fly it into a building full of civilians, all the meanwhile expecting to die, that is in a suicide mission. If you wish to debate this over hundreds of posts as has been done in the past thats fine. But it won't be with me. I will state for the record that I don't believe you are that clueless that you don't see all the holes in you're own arguement before posting it.
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>Mother nature is mother nature, she will take care of things as they
>should be and need to be.

That is 100% correct. However, that often leads to some very cruel actions. It is natural that we die of colon cancer, that lion cubs play with wounded animals for hours before killing them, that some parasitic birds push all the other baby birds out of the nest to die. That's nature. Doesn't mean we should emulate everything it does.

>It's survival, not greed that drives the whale or any other animal to kill.

I take it you don't have any cats.

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>You know as well as I know that no US soldiers have ever or will ever
> purposefully take a boeing full of passengers, be it the enemy or not,
> and fly it into a building full of civilians, all the meanwhile expecting to
> die, that is in a suicide mission.

Dude. We dropped nuclear weapons on civilians and killed 350,000 of them, even though we didn't need to do that to win the war. And then we found a way to call those people heroes. If that's the case, those same writers would have no problem at all calling US soldiers who killed a few hundred civilian passengers heroes. You would too. That's not because we're especially evil, it's because we win the wars and thus write the history books.

Around 250 years ago, there was a war in which what would become the US engaged in the most vile terrorist tactics imaginable. If we had lost the war, those revolutionaries would be viewed as beneath Al Qaeda, horrible immoral people who inflict terror and pain upon honorable british troops. Since we won, we wrote books about how Paul Revere was a hero and Benedict Arnold was a traitor. But do not delude yourself into thinking that's because we were right. It is because we won.

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>It's survival, not greed that drives the whale or any other animal to kill.

I take it you don't have any cats.

I do actually! True, very true. My cat does play with cute little animals for his own sick pleasure. ;) And he gets scolded every time! :)


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Quote #1: I have gone deep sea, Tuna fishing and caught 60 pound Tuna before. Being in a boat, with a 60 pound Tuna bleeding all over the place, struggling for its life, shaking a 32 foot boat, was a very unpleasant experience for me.

Quote #2: I just finished eating 3 cans of Tuna for lunch.

By eating those cans of tuna, you caused the death of one of those tunas, which someone else had to kill on your behalf.

I'd say that this makes your credibility on this argument about zero, with me.

If you want to talk the talk, you've got to walk the walk. Someone who dislikes the killing of fish, should forego eating fish, if they expect to earn respect for their position.

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If its done as humanely as possible I won't complain.

I take it your not a vegetarian. Have you ever been to a slaughter house? The animals that you eat have been killed in a far from humane way.

I'm a meat eater, I wear leather shoes and have on occasions worn leather chaps (in a none homoerotic way ;)) and therefore cannot take the moral high ground on this. If I were to take the moral high ground I would see a double standard in my ways.

May Contain Nut traces......

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define 'pleasure'. I used to hunt for pleasure - the pleasure of having a freezer full of moose and deer, ducks, rabbits and geese.

that is pleasurable, but it serves a purpose as well.

Did I 'need' to hunt for survival? Certainly not, I can buy it at the store, but I chose to get my food via my own means. It can be 'pleasure' and still be OK


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