
Canada approves of killing baby seals

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Quote #1: I have gone deep sea, Tuna fishing and caught 60 pound Tuna before. Being in a boat, with a 60 pound Tuna bleeding all over the place, struggling for its life, shaking a 32 foot boat, was a very unpleasant experience for me.

Quote #2: I just finished eating 3 cans of Tuna for lunch.

By eating those cans of tuna, you caused the death of one of those tunas, which someone else had to kill on your behalf.

I'd say that this makes your credibility on this argument about zero, with me.

If you want to talk the talk, you've got to walk the walk. Someone who dislikes the killing of fish, should forego eating fish, if they expect to earn respect for their position.

Once again somebody is missing the point. The point, with me saying I had just eaten 3 cans of tuna, was to affirm that I am not against tuna fishing. Hunting fish or any animal for food and hunting for the value of their skins are two different things. Plain and simple, a dumass who shoots a 14 pointer, goes over and cuts its head off to hang it on his wall and leaves the body behind. is a problem, IMO.
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a dumass who shoots a 14 pointer, goes over and cuts its head off to hang it on his wall and leaves the body behind. is a problem, IMO.

That is far removed from the original piont of this thread and nobody here has sanctioned that kind of waste. Very few hunters, dumbass as you call them would do that, (I am not saying it does not happen completly) and most if they knew it was done would be just as disgusted as you claim to be.

The original point of this whole thread I believe was about the seal hunt in Canada, a strictly controlled and monitored event which many people around the world, and apparently that includes you, choose to protest against based on a lot of pictures of the cute little baby seals (not the ones being harvested) and alot of emotional and unfounded claims, such as the live skinning (lot od bull).
And 25 whacks on the head according to an earlier post of yours. Get real!! And as for leaving the fourteen pionter in the woods and wasting all that good deer meat?? Rare I think!
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However, if you plan to use religious scripture to justify animal sacrifice you won't get very far with me on that.

The passages from Genesis which I quoted have nothing at all to do with animal sacrifice.

They have to do with the creatures of the earth being put here to serve as meat for humans, and for humans to have dominion over them. That's what we're talking about in this thread...

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>They have to do with the creatures of the earth being put here to serve as meat for humans . . .

Several months ago, the remains of a species of human was found in Indonesia. They were about 3 feet tall, somewhat intelligent (judging from their usage of tools and burial ceremonies) and probably had language. They likely split off from Homo Erectus after we split off from chimpanzees and bonobos, so they'd be our closest evolutionary relatives. The remains are only about 12,000 years old, indicating they were alive when modern homo sapiens roamed the earth.

Even more interesting are the suggestions that some may still be alive in the forests of Indonesia. There's a lot of unexplored forest around there.

Every time a new scientific breakthrough suggests that some part of the bible is wrong, a split develops in the faithful. Some find ways to rationalize the bible's seeming errors (i.e. maybe a day is really a billion years, maybe Noah was a little mistaken about that whole-earth-underwater thing) and some hew to the original (i.e. the earth is really only 8000 years old, fossils are tricks, and that was one mother of an ark.)

If we do find some of those hobbits still around, it will be interesting to see whether the faithful will split again. Are they just meat? Are they humans made in the image of god? Or will we have to think of them in a new light, despite the seemingly clear instructions of the bible?

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In the news:

Audubon Society labels deer a threat and pushes for hunt

"For the first time in its 108-year history, the New Jersey Audubon Society is taking a stand on hunting and will ask the state to reduce the population of white-tailed deer.

"In a special report to be released today, the bird-watching group says white-tailed deer have become an ecological "stressor" for birds and other wildlife by eating away the natural landscape. Hunting, the report says, is a viable option to bring the deer population down to a manageable number that doesn't eat through thousands of acres of forest underbrush.

"The group is also considering opening some of its own preserves to hunters.

"The Audubon Society underscores the voracious foraging habits of the white-tail. For decades, deer have munched away at New Jersey's plant life, leaving other creatures that depend upon it to disappear. 'We have lost 14 bird species alone,' Stiles said."

Full Story

Even many wildlife preservation groups recognize the role of hunting in wildlife management.

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The author's failure to accurately report the status of the hunt and her fabrication of details at the scene ***

Is typical of the world's press corps and one eyed special intrest groups such as green peace, when inflating emotional issuies to suit there own narrow agendas.
Watch my video Fat Women

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Don't anyone kid themselves, if a baby seal got a hold of a machine gun, he'd kill every human he could find. Same with cows. And clowns.

It's them or us.

What kind of sorry ass clowns came to -your- party?! ;)


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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My father emailed this to me from the Boston Globe:

For the record
April 15, 2005

Editor's Note: An article by a freelance writer based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in Wednesday's Globe said that the season's hunt for baby seals off Newfoundland had begun the previous day. In fact, the hunt did not begin that day; it was delayed by bad weather, and is scheduled to begin today, weather permitting. The article included details of the day's hunt as if it had taken place and without attribution or other sourcing, as if the writer had witnessed the scene personally. Details included the number of hunters, a description of the scene, and the approximate age of the cubs. The author's failure to accurately report the status of the hunt and her fabrication of details at the scene are clear violations of the Globe's journalistic standards. Because the freelancer was not reporting from the scene, Globe editors should have demanded attribution for any details she provided about the hunt itself. The story should not have been published in the Globe, and the Globe has discontinued use of the freelancer.

Speed Racer

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It is very efficent to raise funds for a cause if one has a spectacular victim to show.
In this case a "wide eyed innocent white furry baby seal being skinned alive and spilling it's blood on white snow" is one of the most powerfull image that has ever been used .
I submit that this very seal has been long eaten and the leather it had to provide has been at the dump for a long time but the image remains and lobby groups are milking it because of people's misquided feelings.
It is very interesting how somepeople chose to care more about animals than human beings.

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It is very interesting how somepeople chose to care more about animals than human beings.

Again, it's all about personal preference and feeling. I chose to fight for the rights of animals because they do not have the words to do it themsleves. They don't have the means to buy a gun or a club and put themselves on the same playing field as the hunters who mercilessly slaughter them. They can't fight back. They can't explain why they shouldn't be killed for their fur. They can't ask to not be left for dead, bleeding and rithing in pain as they try to get away. They cannot fight for THEIR rights as living creatures worthy of respect and love. So, that is why I chose to fight for them. That is why I care so much about annimals, making them MY FIGHT. So, don't judge someone for WHAT their fight is or WHO/WHAT they chose to defend because if you're not there next to them fighting the battle then you have no right to judge. Everyone has differnt opinions about what "deserves" the most attention, what fight should be fought. I am one to fight for the rights of animals BEFORE humans and if you don't undertand it, don't judge it.


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You are harsh :P

See what opposable thumbs do to a person?

I'm kidding man...
I really don't like to see animals suffer. I do, however, believe and participate in hunting. I always try and minimize suffering, though. I honestly don't know much about the baby seal thing. If they're used completly and not just for their fur, I have no problem with it. Just b/c they're baby seals isn't a concern. I mean...veal is a baby cow....and that's some tasty stuff. B| I would have a problem with anyone killing for fur and leaving carcasses all around. Kind of like some people who kill trophy deer, cut their heads off, and leave the body to rott. That's wrong and irresponsible IMO.

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Thank you for posting that picture...even though I don't think you did it trying to educate people on how sensleless and sad the situation is. Thank you. It makes me so sad to see such beautiful little creatures being killed senselessly. It just rips my heart out, yet fuels my fire even more.

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Thank you for posting that picture...even though I don't think you did it trying to educate people on how sensleless and sad the situation is. Thank you. It makes me so sad to see such beautiful little creatures being killed senselessly. It just rips my heart out, yet fuels my fire even more.

Honestly, I was just kidding. However, I don't think beauty has anything to do with it. A duck-billed platypus has as much right to live as that cute white little baby seal or white spotted Bambi in the woods, which is to say they have an equal chance of me putting them on the dinner table. They're animals and I'm a carnivore. B|

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You are harsh :P

If they're used completly and not just for their fur, I have no problem with it. I would have a problem with anyone killing for fur and leaving carcasses all around. Kind of like some people who kill trophy deer, cut their heads off, and leave the body to rott. That's wrong and irresponsible IMO.

That's exactly what's happeneing here. It's soooooooo sad. First they are clubbed and then skinned (wether that be alive or not) and then the carcasses are thrown into a pile along with the others. Sometimes you can see the chest moving as they continue to breath (not that I've seen this first hand). The flesh isn't used for food. Nothing else is used besides the fur!

I wish I had the means and the $$ to go up there and kick some ass! The things I would do to those bastards!

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