
Support for the invasion

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I did 8 years as a SERE in structor in the 1970s...there goes your personal slam right up in another right wing ranting smoke and mirrors.... I served this country..for 8 years... I think that is a HELL of a lot more than a HELL of a lot of the Ultra Right Wingers.

Are you still within the age limits... Perhaps you should re-enlist.. George needs all the help he can get over there... well until he blames more of the people who ara ctually serving..

And Lush Rimjob and Micheal Savage et al will be happy for you to be over there... as long as its not them

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Hell I could go back and find your posts over and over......face it.. you love TRYING to do it.. but just cant quite get a good one in...

So... UNCLE SAM NEEDS YOU....I am sure you could find a recruiters office.. you can report back just how well YOUR WAR is going since you seem to support the idiots and incompetents who got our people ovcer there..

Personally I would rather see that money being wasted over there... funding space exploration... education for our people.. OVER HERE....making peoples live BETTER.... not killing thousands of fellow human beings for what.. EGO.....:S:S:S:S

So does being SO WRONG about this war hurt????

I would love for you right wingers to answer that... oh thats right.. others are doing the getting hurt FOR YOU.

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Only by the stupid readers.


Oh ya
Saw an opening and took it[:/]

Contrary to your "stupid" statement I still believe we are doing the right thingt.


Well, I guess that bring the number up to three; George, Dick, and you.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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This topic is getting very old, but do not worry skyradster, our dem's will be raising the White flag soon enough and have our troops running for cover as they pull out.

to bad your elected Admin 'broke the egg' in the first place by mistaking a Sword for a Hammer.

Destroying is easy, rebuilding extremely difficult,even under the best conditions, and conditions in Iraq will NEVER be optimal. Something anyone with a brain could (and did) tell the Admin BEFORE they made this ugly mess....

Anyone who believes the American Military was EVER designed, trained and equipped for the sort of 'Nation Building" mission (the reason Bush has finally decided on) is completely clueless. Sure they always adapt, and improvise for modest results outside of training and preparation, but it helps if they are actually given the required force FROM THE BEGINNING, or better yet.. A Mission that CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED....

unfortunately the Clueless are in charge in the White House still... and will never have to answer for the mess they created, or the lives they have wasted in a needless War.
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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"Personally I would rather see that money being wasted over there... funding space exploration... education for our people.. OVER HERE....making peoples live BETTER.... not killing thousands of fellow human beings for what.."-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Com'n. You know the answer to that one. OIL oil oil oil oil Halliburton rocks;)

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"Personally I would rather see that money being wasted over there... funding space exploration... education for our people.. OVER HERE....making peoples live BETTER.... not killing thousands of fellow human beings for what.."-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Com'n. You know the answer to that one. OIL oil oil oil oil Halliburton rocks

Well said!
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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if the reasoning behind the u.s. attacks were legitimate then a mass invasion of the u.s. would be legitimate as well.

haha..funny i was thinking that to!

I think Europe should invade the US to 'liberate' the repressed free thinking peoples of Northern California hooorahhhhh!!!!

See how silly it all is???? What do you mean thats absurd???

Blanket bombing Afghanistan to kill one Saudi Arabian man...now thats absurd.

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I would be interested in your justification for that position.

Everytime I get a chance, I talk to the troops that were over there. Amost 100% agree we are doing the right thing.

Who am I to argue with the guys whose butts are on the line?

Maybe all foreign policy should be made by grunts. They couldn't do any worse than Bush and cronies, whose prosecution of the war is generally seen as an abysmal failure right now.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>Everytime I get a chance, I talk to the troops that were over there.
>Amost 100% agree we are doing the right thing.

Of course. Few people want to think they are doing the wrong thing.

Talk to anyone who worked at Enron. Most of them were good workers who did their jobs well. If you asked them "are you doing the right thing" how many would have said "no, I'm working for a lousy company that will end up screwing me to enrich the CEO and his buddies?" They were just doing their jobs, and usually doing them well, thinking their efforts would be rewarded by the company's success. It was the company's leadership, not the workers, that caused such a spectacular failure.

People want to believe that what they are doing is right. And most people try to do their jobs well. But the best soldier in the world can't make up for incompetent leadership; it isn't reasonable to ask them to do the job that our leaders are failing to do. That doesn't mean they are doing a bad job.

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I would be interested in your justification for that position.

Everytime I get a chance, I talk to the troops that were over there. Amost 100% agree we are doing the right thing.

Who am I to argue with the guys whose butts are on the line?

I also take the opportunity to talk to returning troops when possible. So far I have heard of only one who thought that we should be over there, and that things were going well. And that one was from very early in the invasion.
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