
The Meaning of the Second Amendment

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Oh, here we go. You blame all guns and all gun owners for crime.

Please don't start putting words in my mouth. And also do not group me with the anti - gun enemies you challenge with "absolute overkill"

I've put as many if not more down range....and being a NRA life member with a known face at many local ranges should speak clearly on my opinion on the second admendment and the NRA's efforts

I am debating your point that civilians should be allowed current military weapons because the 2nd mentions a militia. I disagree

You admitted that military weapons used in the 1700's were the same as what that average citizen could obtain. You will also easily admit that is not the case today. That is my point. There is a difference TODAY.

No need for overkill, we're on the same side. I just have grown older and tired of being the radical on the subject.

And you're right. I did mis-speak in regards to Class 3. I was attempting to connect the current ability (right) to posses a fully suppressed machine gun and the extent you allow your personal privacy to be penetrated because of it.

I am in favor of personal firearms rights but not to the extent that the "right" includes matching the military.... I think this is the point we disagree on.

Carpe Diem

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Oh, here we go. You blame all guns and all gun owners for crime.

Please don't start putting words in my mouth. And also do not group me with the anti - gun enemies you challenge with "absolute overkill"

Can you explain what you meant with this comment

Every gun control law and safeguard for society is going to be challenged by the NRA through the court. NRA lawyers are finding ways to get around the 2nd Amendment while they search for judges who can be "persuaded" that this nation needs to protect the rights of gun owners rather than save the lives of its citizens.

What action do you perceive as protecting gun owners that harms the lives of citizens?

Do you advocate restricting every citizen's options based on the acts of criminals?

Do you believe making certain guns illegal keeps them off the street? Is gun control somehow the exception to the rule that governments can't stop the black market?

Do you support prior restraint laws?
(rather than laws that punish bad acts)


I am debating you on your point that civilians should be allowed current military weapons because the 2nd mentions a militia. I disagree

Have you read US v Miller or any writings by the men who wrote our founding documents? You might want to review the first page of this thread. Miller is quoted and explained.


You admitted that military weapons used in the 1700's were the same as what that average citizen could obtain. You will also easily admit that is not the case today. That is my point. There is a difference TODAY in the two, thus providing YOU with the differences in the perceived meaning of the phrase THEN AND NOW.

Do you understand teh concept of circular logic? You are using the existance of laws today as justification that those laws should exist.

Your point is that there is a difference. My point is that that difference should not exist. You have not shown why is should exist, only that it does. How does the second amendment support a difference in arms used by the military and arms owned by the public?

The words in the amendment have not changed, and neither have their definitions. I am still waiting for you to explain what the second amendment means to you. So far you have only stated what you support. You have not explained how the second amendment supports your view.


I am in favor of personal firearms and the ability to protect yourself and family but NOT full auto for everyone...get it yet?

Oh, I get it. I just want to know why, and how you can support that stance with constitutional law, rather than waht you "believe," or "favor."
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How does the second amendment support a difference in arms used by the military and arms owned by the public?

My understanding of the 2nd amendment is that the right to keep those arms was such that they could be used in the defense of our country and when the time came that the country called, the gun owners could answer, be armed and ready to march.

As I said earlier - if you want full auto go ahead but I think the country can call on you anytime to be shipped out.

It seems to me you want the priviledge of owning such a firearm without the duty and/or responsibilty implied by the second amendment (as I read it).
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As I said earlier - if you want full auto go ahead but I think the country can call on you anytime to be shipped out.

Your advocating personal not trained in military combat be called upon to serve the country because they are capable of firing a weapon? WOW! Most of the people I know that own/buy Full Auto Weapons are not in any shape to be defending our country.

That spot isn't bad at all, the winds were strong and that was the issue! It was just on the downwind side.

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As I said earlier - if you want full auto go ahead but I think the country can call on you anytime to be shipped out.

Your advocating personal not trained in military combat be called upon to serve the country because they are capable of firing a weapon? WOW! Most of the people I know that own/buy Full Auto Weapons are not in any shape to be defending our country.


who said anything about not training?
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Most of the people I know that own/buy Full Auto Weapons are not in any shape to be defending our country.

Do you want the passing of a physical fitness test to be a requirement to own a firearm?

Should a Civics test be passed before being allowed to vote?

Should a Religion test be passed before being allowed to attend church?

Should a English test be passed before being allowed to exercise free speech?

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Do you want the passing of a physical fitness test to be a requirement to own a firearm?

Should a Civics test be passed before being allowed to vote?

Should a Religion test be passed before being allowed to attend church?

Should a English test be passed before being allowed to exercise free speech?

No to all. What the fuck John? Have you gone mad?
That spot isn't bad at all, the winds were strong and that was the issue! It was just on the downwind side.

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Should a Civics test be passed before being allowed to vote?

while no on this one - I think there should be a requirement you know what the heck you are voting on. How many people in this country go to the polls with an informed opinion? Do you think they've thought through the school bond issue or water bill they just voted on? probably not and probably did more damage than good...

Okay - thats for another thread....:S
Scars remind us that the past is real

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Do you want the passing of a physical fitness test to be a requirement to own a firearm?

Should a Civics test be passed before being allowed to vote?

Should a Religion test be passed before being allowed to attend church?

Should a English test be passed before being allowed to exercise free speech?

No to all. What the fuck John? Have you gone mad?

Well, I'm just wondering why you seemingly want to place a requirement on one constitutional right (being physically fit enough to own a gun for defense of country), but not place similar restrictive "competency" requirements for other constitutional rights.

Yeah, sometimes I do feel like I'm mad. Or maybe that the rest of the world is mad, and I'm the only one that is sane.

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Well, I'm just wondering why you seemingly want to place a requirement on one constitutional right (being physically fit enough to own a gun for defense of country),

Where in the fuck do you come up with this crap? I never implied any such thing!
That spot isn't bad at all, the winds were strong and that was the issue! It was just on the downwind side.

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Personally I have no interest in an M16 due to cost, space, and lack of familiarity. I'm not even suggesting that we up and make them legal today. I understand the political landscape.

...though you're still having trouble with the constitution, I see.


As I said earlier - if you want full auto go ahead but I think the country can call on you anytime to be shipped out.

It seems to me you want the priviledge of owning such a firearm without the duty and/or responsibilty implied by the second amendment (as I read it).

If you read the constitution, it becomes clear you are reading the second amendment incorrectly. The militia des not get "shipped out." That is why we have armies.

US Constitution, Article I, Section 8

To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

Those purposes are clearly spelled out. The militia does not serve in foreign wars.


It seems to me you want the priviledge of owning such a firearm without the duty and/or responsibilty implied by the second amendment (as I read it).

It's not called the Bill of Priviledges. It is a RIGHT.
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as requested by billvon.


A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

The second was intended to cover military arms of the "average" infantry soldier.

In 1781 in his Notes on the State of Virginia, Query IX, Thomas Jefferson described the militia: "Every able-bodied freeman, between the ages of 16 and 50 is enrolled in the militia. .... In every county is a county lieutenant, who commands the whole militia of his county. .... The governor is the head of the military, as well as the civil power. The law requires every militia-man to provide himself with the arms usual in the regular service."

Today, at the very least, that would mean M16s and M4s. Yes, I believe the second amendment applies to select fire and full auto firearms. Obviously, this also precludes any kind of magazine ban, as soldiers use 30 rounds mags in their rifles. It also should prevent any kind of ban on semi-automatic handguns, including Glocks, 1911s, and Berettas.

Also, according to Miller, other military arms, such as bolt action rifles and common military arms would be covered. The argument could be made, though it may be a bit more tenuous, that the second should cover MP5s and SAWs as well. An RPG is on the border line, and I must conclude that it is not covered. A 28 inch double barrelled duck gun is not covered under the second amendment. A soldier's rifle is.

Any politician who proposes a "sporting purpose" test for whether arms should be allowed for citizens is sponsoring positively unconstitutional legislation.

The Second Amendment Recognizes and Individual Right
All scholarly research (that hasn't resulted in firings and revoked prizes) clearly shows that the second amendment is an individual right. Studies of court decisions shows the same thing. Read Dred Scott about the rights he would've aquired if given citizenship. Read Miller about military arms and which guns the second amendment protects. Read United States v. Verdugo-Urquidez, 110 S. Ct. 1839 (1990). Read the other thirty five or so cases where the supreme court recognized and upheld the second amendment. Check into the story of Michael A. Bellesiles and his Arming America.

"The people" mentioned in the second amendment are the same ones mentioned in the rest of the amendments and the rest of the constitution.

Concealed Carry
This is the one area of major gun rights/gun control debate that is not guided by the second amendment. The right to keep arms is about as straight forward as can be, though some jurisdictions cannot even keep to that. The right to bear arms, though, is not as clear. Does it mean open carry? Bearing arms for a particular purpose? The answer to each question leads to a dozen more unanswered questions. Until the Supreme Court of the US hands down a clear and complete interpretation, and incorporates the states through the 14th amendment, I won't use the second to advance concealed carry. I'll use statistics, logic, and history instead.

While I strongly believe in RTC legislation and will constinue to support it, I can't be certain enough to claim it is covered by the second amendment.

Please elaborate on your poll answers.

Let me start by saying that as much as we disagree on, we both agree that citizens should be able to own, bear, and otherwise have, "gun rights."

The differences we might have is how we get to that consideration. You want to assume that the Constitution is adhered to as it should be, and disregard the 'living Constitution.' I realize that the written Constitution is just fodder to be thrown about when justifying past actions. I don't like it being used that way, but I'm not willing to live in fantasy. I beg you to show me any of the sustantive Bill of Rights Amendments (1,2, 4, 5, 6, 8) that is actually adgered to verbatim. What is free speech, non-establishment of a stste religion, unreasonable search/seizure, right to counsel, cruel and unusual punishment? Those are so broad that there are as many definitions as there are definers. The machine will do what it wants and throw you a Constitutional bone when pressed.

Now we have the 2nd. The worst words that were written within the 2nd was, "well regulated." That gives all kinds of interpretational license to the powers that want to revoke guns, both lefties and righties.

Also, the powers that be could easily say the 2nd was written at a time when we didn't have a standing army, hence it becomes moot. Guys like you, right as you may or maynot be can continue to intelligently disect the 2nd like a high school frog, but the maggots that run this country (into the ground) may tell you otherwise and dare you to defy them.

In spirit and heart I back you, in reality I fear as you do that gun rights will go the way of the 4th, 8th and other goodies.

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Can you explain what you meant with this comment

Every gun control law and safeguard for society is going to be challenged by the NRA through the court. NRA lawyers are finding ways to get around the 2nd Amendment while they search for judges who can be "persuaded" that this nation needs to protect the rights of gun owners rather than save the lives of its citizens.

c'mon Dude, you get it.

Yes, The NRA does a damn good job challanging gun control laws through every legal means possible. At local and federal levels. I could go on about NRA ILA and Grassroot efforts, but you get the point. Duh

Your pont is that the 2nd allows the avg citizen military weapons. An extreme in my opinion. I also think the NRA tries extreme measures in some cases, and yes to combat the extreme gun control freaks.

By allowing the avg citizen the availability to Full Auto and the ability to fire on a crowd(Bday party, mall, hang out, Friday night etc) with a MP5 vs a 1911, we allow them a higher kill rate.

I ment what I said.

By not being rational in applying the vauge verbage used, I consider that extreme IMHO.

What action do you perceive as protecting gun owners that harms the lives of citizens?

The above example. You want anyone to have the ability to have fulll auto "Protecting gun owners" I think, _insert crazy scenario here_ with a MP5 would do much more damage - but not allowing it, hence saving lives of citizens...

....because TODAY, there is a difference between military and civilian firearms----unlike in the past. The 2nd can still be preserved without allowing every one SAW's

Carpe Diem

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By allowing the avg citizen the availability to Full Auto and the ability to fire on a crowd(Bday party, mall, hang out, Friday night etc) with a MP5 vs a 1911, we allow them a higher kill rate.

And not allowing the LAW-ABIDING CITIZENS military-class weapons is going to make WHAT difference to the pond scum that would do what you describe?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
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US Constitution, Article I, Section 8
*** To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions;

Those purposes are clearly spelled out. The militia does not serve in foreign wars.

Okay fine - you don't go to iraq.

Whats the chance we will be invaded? I think the Marines can handle that. Or have an insurrection or the need for private citizens to execute the laws of the union? That's what the cops are for.

So since none of those threats are real today, then I would argue the 2nd amendment is no longer needed and all guns would need to be given up - interpreting the 2nd strictly of course.
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Whats the chance we will be invaded? I think the Marines can handle that. Or have an insurrection or the need for private citizens to execute the laws of the union? That's what the cops are for.

So since none of those threats are real today, then I would argue the 2nd amendment is no longer needed and all guns would need to be given up - interpreting the 2nd strictly of course.

Does the phrase "subordinate clause" mean anything to you? They could've replaced "a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state," with any random group of words and the meaning of the amendment would not change. It could've read "the earth being round, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Of course, then anti-gunners would argue that the earth isn't really round, so there are no gun rights...

Do you really not see that the method you're using to read second amendment rights out of existance can be used on every other constitutional protection?'

If you really believe that because circumstances have changed an amendment doesn't apply anymore, then you just don't believe in the idea of a constitution.

bottom line:
You think it doesn't apply any more? Go ahead and repeal it with a new constitutional amendment. Until then, it stands.
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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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The NRA does a damn good job challanging gun control laws through every legal means possible. At local and federal levels. I could go on about NRA ILA and Grassroot efforts, but you get the point.

That's their job, and I'm glad they do it well.

I was more interested in hearing you explain how

NRA lawyers are finding ways to get around the 2nd Amendment

and why you think the NRA is saying we need to

protect the rights of gun owners rather than save the lives of its citizens

First you say Class III proceedures don't threaten liberty, then you say how it restricts freedom and liberty. First you say I'm extreme for my position because the NRA doesn't support it, then to support a bash of the NRA you use my position as an example. Do you see why it's hard to even follow, let alone refute your posts?


....because TODAY, there is a difference between military and civilian firearms----unlike in the past. The 2nd can still be preserved without allowing every one SAW's

You still haven't stated legal grounds for why that difference is not in contention with constitutional law.

Bill of rights is written.
Second amendment covers military arms for populace.
Laws are written that ban military arms for populace.
This creates a line between military arms and arms legal for populace.
Laws are challenged as not obeying second amendment.
You use the fact that a line exists as reason why the laws should exist.

Do you see the circular logic there?

It seems like you are aginst changing the status quo, no matter what it means or how we got there. You know, people with that position wore white hoods once...
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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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First, lets put this one to rest.;)

I first said

I do not think that it is limiting our freedoms as gun owners to have to file for a class 3 to posses "some" military grade weapons.

You have a problem with this?. You seem to think I'm being contractive. How does it limit your freedoms by applying. It doesn't.


btw....A Class 3 is not like a driving permit....you are giving up many liberties and freedoms by having an application approved.

But once the application is approved by the ATF, and you now have the "right" to a machine gun, you are also subjecting yourself to unannounced inspections of your place of biz, or if just a collector, your place of residence if that's where you have "listed" as the address the class 3 weapon is stored. And by the way, once they are there and you have shown them what they came looking for, they then have the right to search the entire place for anything they think should NOT be there. The reason why I did not apply - certainly felt like limiting my personal freedoms.

Your main point seems to be: The second was intended to cover military arms of the "average" infantry soldier. And although it does not spell it out as such, yes, you can rely on US vs Miller as the only reference to that connection. And that case relies on the VA Act of 1785 to support it.
Most states address the right to bear arms and differences in the language employed have naturally led to somewhat variant conclusions concerning the scope of the right guaranteed.

While I'll agree that the Constitution should remain in tact- it should adapt where the courts see fit. If it didn't as you would wish, standing on verbiage alone, blacks, women or anyone unhealthy or under or over the ages provided would not be able to the right to bear arms.

What does the 2nd mean to me? It means the right to bear arms is available to me and cannot be diminished. It does not say that I should have a dual 50 to do so. And relying the on the VA Act of 1785 to support that, which it can to some degree, is still a stretch in my opinion.

BTW, being a card carrying NRA lifer doesn't mean I have to subscribe to inappropriate actions I believe to be overkill....as in, why is it appropriate for any citizen to posses a weapon equal with the current military to feel the right to bear arms is being exercised.

So, that's it for me.:P

Carpe Diem

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Well, I'm just wondering why you seemingly want to place a requirement on one constitutional right (being physically fit enough to own a gun for defense of country),

Where in the fuck do you come up with this crap? I never implied any such thing!

Your message #54 is where I got it:
Your advocating personal not trained in military combat be called upon to serve the country because they are capable of firing a weapon? WOW! Most of the people I know that own/buy Full Auto Weapons are not in any shape to be defending our country.
Maybe I misinterpreted your meaning, but that's what it sounded like to me.

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What does the 2nd mean to me? It means the right to bear arms is available to me and cannot be diminished. It does not say that I should have a dual 50 to do so. And relying the on the VA Act of 1785 to support that, which it can to some degree, is still a stretch in my opinion.

OK, so now I understand where you draw the line. I'm curious as to why. When did things change? Was practical full auto the distinguishing charateristic? Is that was changed the meaning of the second amendment for you? No sacasm, I just want to know how you draw the line that full auto is too fast.

Separate question: do you support the bans on .50 caliber weapons that congress is considering?
(wondering if there is a "too big" to go with that "too fast")

Is there a "too small" in your second amendment?
(so-called "saturday night specials)

Do you believe other amendments are subject to this "new technology is too much and outside the scope" concept?
e.g. Does the first cover computers? Does the fourth cover computers and high tech surveillance?
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While I'll agree that the Constitution should remain in tact- it should adapt where the courts see fit. If it didn't as you would wish, standing on verbiage alone, blacks, women or anyone unhealthy or under or over the ages provided would not be able to the right to bear arms.

Incorrect. As has been disucssed, the militia clause is a subordinate clause. Any meaningful study of the English language leads directly to understanding that. The militia is one explenation, but not the only one.

However, even if I accept your flawed conclusion that the militia is the only reason for the second amendment, then one must come to the realization that at the very least all men 18 to 45 must have the right to weapons appropriate to a miltia: select-fire rifles and handguns.

Remember, the constitution and it's amendments are limits of government action, they are not the limits of all rights.


BTW, being a card carrying NRA lifer doesn't mean I have to subscribe to inappropriate actions I believe to be overkill....as in, why is it appropriate for any citizen to posses a weapon equal with the current military to feel the right to bear arms is being exercised.

That statement contradicts your idea that the militia is the only reason for the second amendment. If militia weapons are what it covers, then it must cover weapons such as the M16 and M4.

I'm still waiting for any significant reason why it is not appropriate to trust citizens. I can't understand why you think something must be banned just because it could be dangerous. That is the logic used by people who want to ban all guns. How is your idea truly different from theirs?

Why is prior restraint the only answer you can offer?
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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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However, even if I accept your flawed conclusion that the militia is the only reason for the second amendment

Where did you get the idea that I thought the militia was the only reason for the 2nd?


That statement contradicts your idea that the militia is the only reason for the second amendment

maybe because I haven't conveyed that idea?


If militia weapons are what it covers, then it must cover weapons such as the M16 and M4

Again, you based this entire argument for the need to have weapons that match the modern military on US vs Miller that dealt with a shotgun with a barrel less then 18". Not exactly an HK416 is it? Argument based on case none the less. But you draw the line at a RPG? So yeah, I draw the line at machine guns. Partly because I don't think that the founding fathers would have been as vague about the "militia" term and it's relation to a "person bearing arms" ,if they knew that the difference was single action vs an MP5 that shoots 800 rnds/m. These being the same guys who thought "militia" meant something along the lines of early defence against the British. That "militia" is history. There are two different species of military force. One is historical. The one you tie your entire argument on.

Sorry Dude, I don't want to take away your guns, or anyone else's. I'm just that law abiding citizen we all talk about. And I aint got no problem with the current provisions dealing with the subject at hand

a) The term 'firearm' means a shotgun or rifle having a barrel of less than eighteen inches in length, or any other weapon, except a pistol or revolver, from which a shot is discharged by an explosive if such weapon is capable of being concealed on the person, or a machine gun, and includes a muffler or silencer for any firearm whether or not such firearm is included within the foregoing definition, [The Act of April 10, 1936, c. 169, 49 Stat. 1192 added the words] but does not include any rifle which is within the foregoing provisions solely by reason of the length of its barrel if the caliber of such rifle is .22 or smaller and if its barrel is sixteen inches or more in length.

Just go get your class 3 - your problems solved

Carpe Diem

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