
Gender neutral restrooms?

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After 2 girls (13yo and 9yo) have been killed this year in Florida, I can't imagine a worse idea than allowing mixed gender restrooms.

Like a lot of ideas, some stuff works well in microcosm societies (such as colleges), but not well in general society. There aren't many 60yo convicted sex offenders in college dorms.

Sometimes trendy ideas can be made to sound rational. This happens in New York and Calif so often, they should have to get immunized against it.

In this case, the judgement needs to be seasoned with thought about how the world really works.

The trans-whatever people are going to have to suck it up until they make a decision.

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BS something is either true or it is not. You can clain 51% all you want, but thats for a vote, not for proof of genetic drive

Sorry to burst your bubble Ron, but there you're just wrong. Things either are or are not. It's a quantum physics kinda thing. On the other hand things can be 51% proved or 95% proved or any other degree of proof.

Only 51% is required unless you're talking about a criminal conviction. You seem to be confusing proof with certainty.


You brought it up.

You said trannies chose to be that way. I said that most literature and the trannies themselves would disagree with you on that. You've yet to adduce any evidence in support of your position that the majority of literature and the community does actually agree with you.

Unless you can show me otherwise my comment stands. So far you've simply given us your own guesses about the meat of the topic as opposed to actually addressing my comments.

Prove that the community itself and literature does not disagree with you? After all that's all I ever brought up - that they disagree with you. I'll even let you prove it to 51%.

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The article was published in Jan 05. Google it.

I have and I haven't found the source you quote. Most articles on the subject read something like this.


Is There a "Gay Gene"?
Many laymen now believe that homosexuality is part of who a person really is ­ from the moment of conception.

The "genetic and unchangeable" theory has been actively promoted by gay activists and the popular media. Is homosexuality really an inborn and normal variant of human nature?

No. There is no evidence that shows that homosexuality is simply "genetic." And none of the research claims there is. Only the press and certain researchers do, when speaking in sound bites to the public.

How The Public Was Misled

In July of 1993, the prestigious research journal Science published a study by Dean Hamer which claims that there might be a gene for homosexuality. Research seemed to be on the verge of proving that homosexuality is innate, genetic and therefore unchangeablea normal variant of human nature.

Soon afterward, National Public Radio trumpeted those findings. Newsweek ran the cover story, "Gay Gene?" The Wall Street Journal announced, "Research Points Toward a Gay Gene...Normal Variation."

Of course, certain necessary qualifiers were added within those news stories. But only an expert knew what those qualifiers meant. The vast majority of readers were urged to believe that homosexuals had been proven to be "born that way."

In order to grasp what is really going on, one needs to understand some littleknown facts about behavioral genetics.

Gene Linkage Studies

Dean Hamer and his colleagues had performed a common type of behavioral genetics investigation called the "linkage study." Researchers identify a behavioral trait that runs in a family, and then:

a) look for a chromosomal variant in the genetic material of that family, and

b) determine whether that variant is more frequent in family members who share the particular trait.

To the layman, the "correlation" of a genetic structure with a behavioral trait means that trait "is genetic"-in other words, inherited.

In fact, it means absolutely nothing of the sort, and it should be emphasized that there is virtually no human trait without innumerable such correlations.

Scientists Know the Truth about "Gay Gene" Research

But before we consider the specifics, here is what serious scientists think about recent genetics-of-behavior research. From Science, 1994:

Time and time again, scientists have claimed that particular genes or chromosomal regions are associated with behavioral traits, only to withdraw their findings when they were not replicated. "Unfortunately," says Yale's [Dr. Joel] Gelernter, "it's hard to come up with many" findings linking specific genes to complex human behaviors that have been replicated. "...All were announced with great fanfare; all were greeted unskeptically in the popular press; all are now in disrepute."{1}

Rest of article here:


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> Or maybe we should just not worry about fixing what isn't broken.

There's no "fixing" or "broken" about it, I think. There are unisex bathrooms that work just fine. There are male/female bathrooms that work just fine. Neither one is broken. Take your pick.

"Work" in that the toilets accept waste and flush and the sinks provide water and drain?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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BS something is either true or it is not. You can clain 51% all you want, but thats for a vote, not for proof of genetic drive

Sorry to burst your bubble Ron, but there you're just wrong. Things either are or are not. It's a quantum physics kinda thing. .

Quantum physics has no problem at all with something being 51% one thing and 49% another thing. Like Einstein's cat being 51% alive and 49% dead.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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So whaddya think?

I always thought gender-specific bathrooms were silly. Even when I was little I hated waiting in the women's line if the men's line was empty (I even snuck in a few times at a very early age! :o :D)
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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So whaddya think?

I always thought gender-specific bathrooms were silly. Even when I was little I hated waiting in the women's line if the men's line was empty (I even snuck in a few times at a very early age! :o :D)

men's restrooms are starting to get overcrowded too, but not like women's... why don't the damn architects design the "facilities" more in favor of women? It's not like overcrowded "girl's" rooms is a new phenom...

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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