
Teen Driver law passed in Colorado

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I happened to be her son's teacher and spoke at his funeral. I have to say that having been there and experienced that, I'm all for this legislation. There most certainly are responsible teenage drivers, but for every one of them, there are at least two others who don't have the judgment to make the important decisions related to driving. Spending five minutes in a high school classroom on a Monday morning makes that quite evident.

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What's the difference if you are friends or siblings?

When I was 19 years old, I had a 9 year-old brother, a 3 year-old brother, and a 1 year-old brother. Guess who sometimes took them to school, to soccer practice, etc. The exception was built in to allow things like that.

Also, think about the 18 year-old parent. Without the exception, the parent breaks the law taking the child anywhere, right?

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I understand why the exception was made, I just was trying to point out that it doesn't matter if they are siblings or friends in the car, the drive will still be distracted. If they want to take away all the distractions, then don't allow even siblings.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I'm sorry for what the mother had and is going through. The imagine losing one of my boys rips me apart.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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If you want parental freedoms do you think the gov't should get rid of the minimum age for drivers licences?


I personally wouldn't have a problem with that, since I'm a responsible parent and know when my boys are mature enough to start driving or not.

I'm quite convinced my parents had a very unrealistic opinion of me when I was a teenage driver, on account of stuff they did NOT know.

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Trust me John, I know what my teenage boys do. Many a time they complain to me about how I know about everything they are doing. I guess it pays to be in a smaller town, and have worked in the same school system that one attends now, and I'm working at the same college the other is attending.

Not much gets by me. Maybe it's because I pulled all kinds of shit when I was young, and I know the tricks and signs to look for.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Teens (15-20 year olds) make up less than seven percent of the general population but account for fourteen percent of all car accident cases. Car accident teen statistics show that a teenager is four times more likely to be killed in an auto accident than are people aged 25 to 69. Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for Americans aged 15 to 20.

And that is with driving considerably fewer miles than typical. The statistics for teen drivers is terrible, hence these sort of restricted licenses.

I recall that with certain people in the car (typically MOSs), my driving got more interesting. And I guess with these sorts of rules, one will never be caught by the police in the backseat anymore...

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However, they'll never be able to pass a law requiring vision tests every year after you're, say, 80 years old.


I've had some patients of mine who have to take vision tests every year to be allowed to drive. Even with this, is scares the hell out of me to think they get behind the wheel anyway. :|


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