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Darius11 12
Me I am the VP of sales for a million dollar company.
I came here 8 years ago with 1500 bucks in my pockets and no help from anyone I was 21 at the time.
What about you since we are sharing?
If you really think that GWB would have been any thing with out daddy’s money and help you are in a dream world.QuoteWhy don't you run for President.. Snap your fingers and fix everything? You seem to have all the answers
Speedracer answered this better then I could have.I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
rhino 0
QuoteWhat about you since we are sharing?
Doesn't matter what I do...
QuoteIf you really think that GWB would have been any thing with out daddy’s money and help you are in a dream world.
What does that have to do with anything? You said he was stupid. He's president. Validate your remarks with some substance other than shooting your mouth off.
QuoteK.. pull our boys the fuck out of Afghanistan.. Turn the whole fucking place into a glass parking lot.. Set an example..
QuoteI do not judge all Muslims off of the actions of a few.
Am I the only who saw the humor (sort of) in this?
(drink Mountain Dew)
Steel 0
QuoteQuoteQuoteIt would be great if we could spread freedom with out killing a bunch of people.
It would be great if the Muslims could practice their religion without killing a bunch of people.
If we leave them be maybe they’ll stop.
If we keep fucking with peoples countries, religion and freedoms then what goes around will go around, and around, and around.
Oh that is so not the case. That religion of yours has only been around since the 6th century. However by the 7th century it had spread (though conquest) to Morroco. There they decided to go north and conquer Spain. It took more than 700 years to kick their asses the hell out of there. But in this case atleast I can be proud of my ancestors that they did not give up until the job was finished. The Crusades were a beautiful joint effort to get the Muslims out of Spain and it worked, thank GOD for that. There was nothing evil about the Crusades, it simply put the Muslims in their place. The Spanish didn't really care where that was as long as it wasn't Spain.
In any case the point is that its funny when I hear somebody say if we left them alone that they would leave us alone. Because there is so much history, to the extent of the entire existance of this faith that proves otherwise.
I have nothing against people who were unfortunate enough to be born into this faith personally. But I hope for the good of this planet that this religion slowly slips away into the history books, as I don't believe anything good has ever come from it specifically.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.

That was an embarassing read. And in case you hadn't noticed, the Crusades did not begin & end in Spain.
study a little medieval history before you post something like this again.
kelel01 1

Holy m-f'in shit.

Your post is a serious affront. On religious beliefs. The pic of an American you paint here: dude, that's weird somehow.
BTW: You really do understand your sig line? I doubt that you understand one single word of that poem. It's a shame.

dudeist skydiver # 3105
yep, that's why I said it was an embarassing read.QuoteThe pic of an American you paint here:

dorbie 0
I have nothing against people who were unfortunate enough to be born into this faith personally. But I hope for the good of this planet that this religion slowly slips away into the history books, as I don't believe anything good has ever come from it specifically.
Your post is a serious affront. On religious beliefs. The pic of an American you paint here: dude, that's weird somehow.
19 assholes hijacking 4 jets and murdering nearly 3000 people in the name of Allah is a serious affront to religious beliefs. The Spanish inquisition was an affront, the burning of Giordano Bruno was an affront.
Does Christopher Hitchins affront you because he expresses a similar view about Christianity and religion in general? It's a legitimate view based on sound observations. Many people think religion is a bad thing, doubly so when it is dominated in places by militant radicals. If you're affronted by a view that thinks that one religion or multiple religions are bad maybe you should learn to cope with the affront and tollerate the viewpoint.
Steel 0
QuoteHOly crap!!
yeah nothing good came from Islam. Except modern mathematics, astronomy, the rennaissance,etc etc.
That was an embarassing read. And in case you hadn't noticed, the Crusades did not begin & end in Spain.
study a little medieval history before you post something like this again.
Actually if you would read closely you would notice I said nothing good specifically. In other words things like mathematics, astronomy or ennaissance would not be included because these were not working of the religion, just workings of people who happen to be of the religion. Whether the Crusades started in Spain does not change the fact that took place in Spain and thank GOD for that.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.
JohnRich 4
QuoteI think we should make it our policy not to stick our nose in to other peoples business.
So, when we see evil occuring elsewhere in the world, we should just mind our own business and do nothing to help people who are suffering?
We should have stayed out of WWII and let Hitler massacre all of Europe, and Tojo massacre the Pacific Rim?
We should quite supporting Israel and let the Muslims commit Jewish genocide?
We should withdraw our support for Taiwan and let communist China invade and take over?
We shouldn't have donated all that money to the tsunami victims?
We shouldn't give food to the starving overseas?
We shouldn't try and cure AIDS in Africa?
My oh my, your proposal is quite charitable and loving.
If the Muslims weren't so hell-bent on massacreing those who worship differently, there wouldn't be any motivation for America to step-in and protect those others. Then everyone could mind their own business. But for that to happen, people have to first learn to behave themselves and respect others.
Steel 0
I have nothing against people who were unfortunate enough to be born into this faith personally. But I hope for the good of this planet that this religion slowly slips away into the history books, as I don't believe anything good has ever come from it specifically.
Your post is a serious affront. On religious beliefs. The pic of an American you paint here: dude, that's weird somehow.
BTW: You really do understand your sig line? I doubt that you understand one single word of that poem. It's a shame.

Ich verstehe alles in dieser lied. Ich hab in Dresden acht monaten gelebt. Dort habe ich genug Deuschter kennen gelernt zu wissen dass, Gott Sei Dank all Deuschter sind nicht wie dir. Wenn sie waren dann wurde ich viel schneller gegangen bin.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.
JohnRich 4
***Quoteumm ... please tell me you don't think flying those planes into the WTC was justified?!
I just feel it could have been prevented with better foreign policy.
Please elaborate. What foreign policy change should America have made that would have dissuaded Muslim extremists from attacking America?
Steel 0
I have nothing against people who were unfortunate enough to be born into this faith personally. But I hope for the good of this planet that this religion slowly slips away into the history books, as I don't believe anything good has ever come from it specifically.
Your post is a serious affront. On religious beliefs. The pic of an American you paint here: dude, that's weird somehow.
BTW: You really do understand your sig line? I doubt that you understand one single word of that poem. It's a shame.
Ich verstehe alles in dieser lied. Ich hab in Dresden acht monaten gelebt. Dort habe ich genug Deuschter kennen gelernt zu wissen dass, Gott Sei Dank all Deuschter sind nicht wie dir. Wenn sie waren dann wurde ich viel schneller gegangen bin.
And for those who don't understand what I said was that I understand everything in this song. I lived in Dresden for 8 months. There I met enough Germans to know that thank GOD they were not all like her. If they were I would have left long before.
Now I am sure she can tear my grammar apart and poke fun at it, as it is far from perfect. However, I have enough German freinds to know that my German is far better than would ever be expected of a non-German and that her Anti-American antics that are seen over and over again on this forum may be in sync with their Chancellor but they are not in sync with most Germans.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.
03CLS 0
QuoteQuoteIt would be great if we could spread freedom with out killing a bunch of people.
It would be great if the Muslims could practice their religion without killing a bunch of people.
Exactly and I don't understand why they're making a big deal about it. I guess the Afgans have nothing better to do. At least they're killing each other? They could be taking shots at our troops.
03CLS 0
QuoteQuoteI think we should make it our policy not to stick our nose in to other peoples business.
So, when we see evil occuring elsewhere in the world, we should just mind our own business and do nothing to help people who are suffering?
We should have stayed out of WWII and let Hitler massacre all of Europe, and Tojo massacre the Pacific Rim?
We should quite supporting Israel and let the Muslims commit Jewish genocide?
We should withdraw our support for Taiwan and let communist China invade and take over?
We shouldn't have donated all that money to the tsunami victims?
We shouldn't give food to the starving overseas?
We shouldn't try and cure AIDS in Africa?
My oh my, your proposal is quite charitable and loving.
If the Muslims weren't so hell-bent on massacreing those who worship differently, there wouldn't be any motivation for America to step-in and protect those others. Then everyone could mind their own business. But for that to happen, people have to first learn to behave themselves and respect others.
Besides Israel would stomped the shit out of most of the countries in the middle east.
JesseP 0
Every post I have read by people referencing the word 'crusade' to a holy war have been cafeful to point out that Bush almost certainly wasn't trying to make reference to holy war against Islam. Nevertheless, it was understandably interpreted by some muslims as a direct reference to this.
Your attempts to assert that interpreting the word 'crusade' in this capacity is "ludicrous" and "archaic" is difficult to fathom. Your own sited source ( states quite clearly the literal meaning of the word.
And you accuse others of being full of bluster.
rhino 0
QuoteAm I the only who saw the humor (sort of) in this?
You have SELECTIVE READING. Read one more sentence further then apologize.. Unfuckingbelievable...
QuoteYou have SELECTIVE READING. Read one more sentence further then apologize.. Unfuckingbelievable...
Just one more? How about four more?
(drink Mountain Dew)
skydyvr 0
QuoteHOly crap!!
yeah nothing good came from Islam. Except modern mathematics, astronomy, the rennaissance,etc etc.
Yea, but all that was 500 years ago, before Islam was hijacked by excessive religious fundamentalist law. What have they accomplished lately? Not much.
Since the renaissance died off, the world of Islam has declined in many respects. The western world now rules in industry and technology.
. . =(_8^(1)
rhino 0
QuoteJust one more? How about four more?
What do those posts have to do with this one? Nothing at all...
Anyone talking about nuking a country because a couple of fucknuts is wrong. That includes me.
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