
Racism still exists.

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I can't stand coppers who think that THEY are the law. Also, it shows that you are a rational person, all of you, that has had a troublesome experience with one asshole and didn't credit all cops for it.

Here is a tip. You you feel like you have been harassed or had your rights violated, do something about it. A copper CAN NOT pull you over without you committing a violation, you matching a description of a suspect, or reasonable suspicion that your about to or have committed a crime. If your stopped and the cop can not give you a LOGICAL reason why you have been pulled, stay calm and let them do their thing. When it's over CONTACT HIS/HER SUPERVISOR. after doing so follow up. No results? Contact the city/town managers if its a city cop, the sheriff if its a deputy, or the Goveners Office if it's a trooper/state police. Yes, MOST of you realize there are good coppers out there and most are. I like to think I am one of them and it hurts all of us (good ones) when one prick acts like this or is crooked.
I hope this helps some of you in the future.
Oh..and if coming through my town make sure you got a "pull pin" hanging from the rear view mirror, USPA sticker on the back of your car or something that I can see to let me know your "one of the ones"....maybe I can get yall to jump with me sometime...;)B|
"A radical man is a man with both feet firmly planted in the air."
-Franklin Delano Roosevelt

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Glad you enjoyed it. My view on racism is that it ain't gonna go away in our lifetime and I'm kind of tired of all the hostility over it.

The hostility comes when a persons racist view leads to discrimination or violence.

Blue Skies Black Death

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As bad as I think drugs are, I think what the government is doing is far worse.

I personally have been stopped and harassed by a cop acting as part of the "Chambers County Drug Task Force" on I-10 east of Houston. In my opinion, that psycho had no business being in possession of a firearm, let alone a badge. He obviously thought that I was a drug trafficker and, as far as he was concerned, I was guilty until proven innocent. He was visibly very pissed when he didn't find any drugs.

The police are being used as jack-booted government thugs, to use a term coined by Wayne LaPierre of the NRA. I don't blame the police officers--I'm sure many of them are quite disgusted by many of the laws and the way they are applied. In the name of making the world safer for "our kids", they are being used to take this country in a direction that would make Adolph Hitler proud.

This country has been transformed from the Land of the Free to the Land of the Imprisoned, all in the name of eradicating drugs. Screw that. I don't see where the War on Drugs has had any real effect on availability of illegal drugs in this country. On the other hand, it has overcrowded our prisons to the point where violent criminals are being paroled early and free to run wild in the streets.

The really stupid thing is, I doubt seriously that there is evidence that supports all the money being spent on eradicating drugs. I did some research a while back and found that the statistics show alcohol to be a FAR larger problem than drugs

this just needs to be said again... i'd happily call myself a conservative, if conservative still meant as little government involvement in its citizens lives as possible....
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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JUST AN UPDATE (if you care)

I testified in the grand jury proceedings which consisted of 4 blacks, 3 hispanics, 3 whites, and 2 asians. My stop was found to be justified.
He is going on trial or he will plead out. He has asked for a court appointed attorney. The DA stated that from what he has been told the ACLU isn't wanting to represent him now that the stop was found justified, (my translation: no race card to play), but it's up to the Judge to allow the ACLU to back out. However, I've never seen nor heard of a Judge not allowing an attorney to stop representing anyone with a good reason. Regardless, the fuckers going to face the music. The DA stated that he would not except a plea of less than 12 years (which means he will serve 5 to 7) or he could face 15-25 years if he tries to fight it in court.

Beer anybody? B|B|
"A radical man is a man with both feet firmly planted in the air."
-Franklin Delano Roosevelt

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JUST AN UPDATE (if you care)

I testified in the grand jury proceedings which consisted of 4 blacks, 3 hispanics, 3 whites, and 2 asians. My stop was found to be justified.
He is going on trial or he will plead out. He has asked for a court appointed attorney. The DA stated that from what he has been told the ACLU isn't wanting to represent him now that the stop was found justified, (my translation: no race card to play), but it's up to the Judge to allow the ACLU to back out. However, I've never seen nor heard of a Judge not allowing an attorney to stop representing anyone with a good reason. Regardless, the fuckers going to face the music. The DA stated that he would not except a plea of less than 12 years (which means he will serve 5 to 7) or he could face 15-25 years if he tries to fight it in court.

Beer anybody? B|B|

Thanks for the update!!! I do care. Despite my negative attitude toward the War on Drugs and my opinion that all drugs should be legalized, I have no sympathy for anyone who gets caught with a large amount of drugs. Anyone playing that game knows the risks and it is at least arguable that the punishment fits the crime for the distributors.

Congratulations on beating the ACLU!!!


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