Channman 2 #51 June 14, 2005 The folks in Galveston Texas who oppted out of Social Security in the early or mid 80's recieved the golden egg. The rest of us saps are forced to fund a system that will not pay off when we need it. Thats why you should save and invest, and not rely on the Government for anything. Theodore Roosevelt wrote, "If an American is to amount to anything he must rely upon himself, and not upon the State; he must take pride in his/her own work, instead of sitting idle to envy the luck of others. He must face life with resolute courage, win victory if he can, and accept defeat if he must, without seeking to place on his fellow man a responsibility which is not theirs." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Channman 2 #52 June 14, 2005 OH gravity master your good. It all boils down to choice. Everyone one of us have an oppertunity to do something special with our lives. Some may fail, but fail while daring greatly. Quade must think some great injustice has been done to him. But some people, hopefully you and I place will never be know with timid souls who know neather victory or defeat. injoy reading your threads. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vmsfreaky1 0 #53 June 21, 2005 QuoteQuoteI have been working in the USA and paying social security taxes since 1990. Is it your arguement that I should not be able to collect benefits although I have been legally forced to pay into the system? Yeah, if you become a citizen then you can collect. If I go to another country do you thin I will get free healthcare and such? Ever been to the UK? you would most certainly get free healthcare even if you have never paid a penny into that countries tax system. Canada also comes to mind, it was also the way in Australia for a time, however thanks to our great leader this is being dismantled with some fervent glee by said 'great leader' Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ron 10 #54 June 21, 2005 QuoteEver been to the UK? you would most certainly get free healthcare even if you have never paid a penny into that countries tax system. Would I get a retirement? QuoteCanada also comes to mind, it was also the way in Australia for a time, however thanks to In both Canada and Austrialia, could I move there for work and get on that countries retirment programs?"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gravitymaster 0 #55 June 21, 2005 QuoteEver been to the UK? you would most certainly get free healthcare even if you have never paid a penny into that countries tax system. Please define Free. Do you actually believe you get something for nothing? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BaconStrip 0 #56 June 22, 2005 Hey Quade, why are you such a hater? Why penalize the people who provide the most for society. Rich people are good at providing society with what it wants. That is why they become rich. Not only do you want to penalize them, but you also want to prevent them from efficiently improving the way of life in America. Taxing the wealthy 1% is a nice political catch phrase. But, do you really think that wealthiest 1% will eat the tax increase? Not a chance, it will get passed on to consumers like you and me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,027 #57 June 22, 2005 >Why penalize the people who provide the most for society. Because they can afford more. The issue is that the government needs great gobs of money, and needs more and more as time goes on. If you just give everyone a $40,000 tax bill every year (which would be 'fair' to some people) then a significant part of society would not be able to pay and would end up in jail. Then taxes on the rich would go up anyway because they'd have to pay for all those jails. So it behooves society to get money from those who can afford to pay it. And rich people can afford to pay more than poor people. Really pretty simple. In addition, if you believe that the government has an obligation to not hammer the economy, then taxing rich people more heavily than poor people makes good sense. If you give Warren Buffet a 3 million dollar tax break, he's going to put it in the bank. If you spread that 3 million tax break over 30,000 poor people, they're going to go out and get new brakes on their beater cars - and that's a more direct benefit to the economy, because that money is going right back into the economy. Buffet himself has indicated this, and I figure he knows more about being rich than most people here do. You want to reduce taxes? Reduce government expenditures. Have fewer wars. Stop subsidizing Wal-Mart and Exxon. Then we can reduce taxes on everyone. >Rich people are good at providing society with what it wants. ??? What the heck are you talking about? Rich people are good at making money. Period. What did Enron provide society? How did OJ's laywers provide society what it wants? >Not only do you want to penalize them, but you also want to >prevent them from efficiently improving the way of life in America. Rich people improve their own lives. Philanthropists improve the way of life for others. Two different things. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flifree 0 #58 June 22, 2005 i hate to break the news to you quade, but you are dead wrong. i happen to be one of the small business owners you and mr. kerry wanted to come after. you know what is going to happen when you stifle small business america with new taxes? jobs will disappear and i'm going to pass those costs right back to the consumer. i truly get sick to my stomach when i hear people say that: i came from jack shit, worked my ass to the bone and made something of myself and now it's my responsibility to take care of the rest of the people in america that haven't done or won't f-ing way. this is why i can't ever look at a democratic candidate: it's a haven for people who live their lives in envy of what other people have done. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BaconStrip 0 #59 June 22, 2005 People pay money for what they want. People are rich because they provide people with what they want. Think of the people who are very rich and successful, they provide things that society wants. Example Who has provided more for todays society than Bill Gates? How many hours a day do you spend on Would you be doing it without microsoft? He provided something that the world loves and the world has made him rich in return. Think about it. Instead of being jealous, why don't you go out and provide something for society and and you too will become rich. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites