
Fuck the Race Card Part II

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You wonder why the progeny of the slaves steal your cars and rape your women?

Interesting ,Michele, when I click on your post to refresh my memory as to the post which you quote with no context , I get an entirely different post with none of the quoted material! You might want to ask the administrators how that happened . Unless of course you did that with some purpose.
But let me address your comment.

quote] You wonder why the progeny of the slaves steal your cars and rape your women?

Wow. What a comment. It speaks volumes about how you view the progeny of slaves, now doesn't it?

What it speaks to ,Michele , is my knowledge and insight of the reasoning of many in the black community.
If you purposefully clipped and then posted one line without any of the supporting context, and then moved that line to reply to another competely different post, inorder to make it more difficult for the reader to see my statement in the proper context ,
then I would say that "speaks volumes about you".
What do you think?


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That is a suprisingly high number of employers (that aren't economically accountable, at least in their own minds).

You can't really apply the notion of free markets when it comes to hiring practices. The value of potential employees is very hard to establish, and even when it's obvious individuals will make non ideal choices.

There you go, you said it, the company's only hurting itself. So it's obviously not in the best interest of a company to discriminate. But you try to place all these anti-discrimination laws(which are exactly the opposite of what they are called) then the government is responsible for hurting the company

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>I think Baconstrip is trying to say that if a business does not hire the
> most productive and qualified person because of discriminitory
> reasons than they are going to suffer the financial consequences
> because of producion.

And I am saying that there are places where discriminatory hiring practices make you MORE money.

>Leave the FREE market alone, the more stupid rules you put on
>it like this only F#$% it up.

You can't leave it alone. If we did, we'd all be choking in our own filth. We have come to realize that there are some things that the free market does NOT work well with - although it does work pretty well in most cases.

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And I am saying that there are places where discriminatory hiring practices make you MORE money

I can't honestly understand how this would make any sense unless your referring to discriminating based on qualifications, ie your ugly model example. It may also be true we run across your make believe gas station example where all the customers are bigots, but I don't think there are too many successful businesses where this is going to be an issue.

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Supply vs. Demand

You have a lot of workers qualified and willing to work for your company= lower wages

You have very few workers who are qualified or willing to work for your company= higher wages

An employer who will not hire minorities effectively restricts the number of qualified applicants. This in turn, forces their own work force costs up.

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Its this right here that encourages racism. I try to be nice hand help, you act like that.

You are your own worse problem.


So tell me ,Ron, how my attitude encourages "racism"?

Exactly what race do you believe that I am ,and if you have even considered what race I belong to, does that make you a racist?

Do you have to assign me a "color" or can my thoughts just stand as colorless?


Frankly, Cliff, when I read that last night, I stopped giving a fuck about how society is treating you.

In a more general sense, when people are mocked because their efforts or beliefs don't go far enough, their general tendency is to stop trying at all.

Society nowithstanding, that huge chip on your shoulder is keeping you down.


Actually ,Kelpdiver, I don't think society has treated me badly at all. Especially when I consider how "lesser"blacks have been treated. When I say "lesser" I'm talking about those whose anscestors were slaves.
My family are relative recent immigrants and more of a "high yella" . We are decendants of royalty. Yes ,infact, my great,great grandmother,the cousin of the King of Sheba(Ethiopia to you) was sent to London and then Germany to be educated around 1893.
At about the time her studies were concluding ,political upheaval was taking place in her homeland and she opted to remain in Europe where she eventually married the brother of the archduke Ferdinand. Following the assasination the family was wisked to one of the more *posh* areas of Virginia where they were able to live in virtual anonymity ,total security, and in the splendor one would expect considering the combined fortunes of a *ruling elite * marriage.
You could say that I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I even had a "white "nanny and servants, all of whom were paid a generous wage.
If you were to read the first page in this thread you might realize that my posts weren't so "radical". As a matter of fact, when I reread them I understand why I'm often referred to as "the pillsbury dough boy" by my group of friends.;)
Shortly after those first few comments I was told to "go fuckyourself" and notified that I was the problem. This post was deleted by a moderator but did offer me some insight as to how the darker ,less economically advantaged,"Niggas" are treated more regularly.
Then I was told that yes slavery was wrong but there was no reason for the decendants of slaves to inherit the monies long past due. Sure everyone agrees that those slaves should have been compensated, but it seems that it would just be too hard to find out who should get that cash. Better to just let those who got rich off the backs of blacks to keep that money! I mean , pickin cotton is easy work compared to trackin' down who might be entitled.
Next I was told that there is still discrimination ,but it ain't any harder on blacks than whites.
All I'm doin here is stickin' up for those poor unfortunate darker blackies,and y'all act like I'm one of them!!
I'm a rich, High Yella ,Dammit! I ain't got no grudge!

But while I'm posting let me tell you the truth about jails in america.
They aren't meant to deter the "darkies" from crime. Infact, as I previously stated ,this segment of the population doesn't recognize the "white mans" laws or government. That government has never made restitution or sought any Justice for past grievances , grievences that they have admitted, so why should those "darkies" put any stock in the white mans 'system?
This being the case, going to jail has become somewhat of a "right of passage" among the males in the black community. If you ain't been to jail you must be kissin' up to the man too much!
And less you think that "jail time" is any deterent to the blacks, let me remind you that jail is one of the few places in america where the blacks are in the majority. This is a place where they have white servants bringing them meals, medicine , and toilet paper. This is a place where they are runnin' things and jungle rules apply. The Government knows this and uses it to it's advantage.
The jails aren't there to force the blacks to comply with the white mans laws. Jails are there to cower the white man into accepting an abiding by the white mans laws.


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You can't really apply the notion of free markets when it comes to hiring practices.

That probably went down in history as the single dumbest statement ever made on dropzone.com.

Wait! What did you posting say before you edited it?And you failed to actually address the argument made.

Hence, I'm declaring it the dumbest response in the history of dropzone.com.

How many jobs have you held in your life?

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Come out to the real world, pork strip. This isn't first week economics where you have that simple little supply/demand line.

Despite claims otherwise, the US economy has been in a slump for a good while. Employers can be very choosey right now and 'shop' for employees. If we assume that we're filling a position that is race neutral, you can eliminate 20% of the applicants without compromising the quality of the hires in any measurable value. And there are enough applicants out there that you don't fear wage pressure much, as my direct (white) experience indicates.

Worse, in a big company, a manager is far more likely to be rewarded or punished for how well the budget is maintained than the quality of the work done by that unit.

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Sometimes that is the only way stuff gets delt with

Sometimes that's the case but I still don't feel like Cosby handling it the way he did did anymore good that it would have done if he'd handled it in a different venue.

hr] SWEET....is she hot?

It lacked the cinematic quality or an onionbooty.com clip but it was cool.

Dude its in their charter...BLACK Entertainment Television.

I'm well aware what the name stands for and as I said earlier, if the name was anything different you would feel the same way about it.

The demographics are black males 18-35.

The simple fact is that BET is racist. It is an organization created for one segment of the population. Now they don't disallow white viewers...But the simple truth is that a white only channel would catch grief.

I still don't see why its OK for blacks, not OK for whites. (I know you say you don't care, but the truth is all hell would break loose)

No player Ron, it's not racist. A chief component of racism is an inherent supeority of one race. BET doesn't embody anything of the sort. It targets one segment of the population the same way Parachutist and porn pop up ads do.

We'll again have to agree to disagree.

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Actually ,Kelpdiver, I don't think society has treated me badly at all. Especially when I consider how "lesser"blacks have been treated. When I say "lesser" I'm talking about those whose anscestors were slaves.

How has society treated a black man whose ancestors were slaves poorly? What does there ancestors have to do with anything?


Then I was told that yes slavery was wrong but there was no reason for the decendants of slaves to inherit the monies long past due.

Once again, why should somebody receive monies from something that happened generations ago? Why do they personally deserve it?


Next I was told that there is still discrimination ,but it ain't any harder on blacks than whites.

There is discrimination against all races in the world, but for some reason black people seem to think they have it worst off then anybody else.


All I'm doin here is stickin' up for those poor unfortunate darker blackies,and y'all act like I'm one of them!!

Darker blackies? Can you please explain exactly what a darker blackie is.


Infact, as I previously stated ,this segment of the population doesn't recognize the "white mans" laws or government.

Isnt it the american peoples laws and government? I didnt think different races had different laws in this country.


That government has never made restitution or sought any Justice for past grievances , grievences that they have admitted, so why should those "darkies" put any stock in the white mans 'system?

Once again, please explain this "white mans system" Which system does the black man adhere to?


This being the case, going to jail has become somewhat of a "right of passage" among the males in the black community. If you ain't been to jail you must be kissin' up to the man too much!

Good excuse for criminal behavior. Nice try.


And less you think that "jail time" is any deterent to the blacks, let me remind you that jail is one of the few places in america where the blacks are in the majority.

It obviously isnt a deterent. Just look at the numbers. It is actually very sad if you think about it.


This is a place where they have white servants bringing them meals, medicine , and toilet paper. This is a place where they are runnin' things and jungle rules apply.

Great, there is your retribution. The white man serving the black man. Happy now?

Honestly bud, some of your arguments actually got me thinking. This post totally swayed me from thinking that you are sincere in your thoughts. Some of the statements in this particular post are just ridiculous

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Come out to the real world, pork strip. This isn't first week economics where you have that simple little supply/demand line.

It sounds like you slept through everything after that first week when they talked about the "simple little supply/demand line".

Yea, and its BaconStrip with a capital B.

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Then I was told that yes slavery was wrong but there was no reason for the decendants of slaves to inherit the monies long past due.

Once again, why should somebody receive monies from something that happened generations ago? Why do they personally deserve it?

Tell me this Bud,
If Wachovia had extended credit to your grandfather, and he died before he paid it back, would you agree that your grandfathers' estate owed Wachovia the balance of the account?


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Tell me this Bud,
If Wachovia had extended credit to your grandfather, and he died before he paid it back, would you agree that your grandfathers' estate owed Wachovia the balance of the account?

If signed documentation existed proving who owed who what then yes i would agree. Otherwise there are just to many unknowns to hold anybody liable.

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[Honestly bud, some of your arguments actually got me thinking. This post totally swayed me from thinking that you are sincere in your thoughts. Some of the statements in this particular post are just ridiculous

Ok , You caught me , My great great grandmother wasn't the cousin of the King of Sheba, that was rediculous, she was his sister.
So which of my comments "got you thinking"?


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Tell me this Bud,
If Wachovia had extended credit to your grandfather, and he died before he paid it back, would you agree that your grandfathers' estate owed Wachovia the balance of the account?

If signed documentation existed proving who owed who what then yes i would agree. Otherwise there are just to many unknowns to hold anybody liable.


Signed documentation isn't going to happen here but we all know that blacks were held as slaves and worked for no compensation.
If any progeny of a slave could document their family tree back to a slave that was working on a certain plantation or farm, would you support the progeny of that slave in a compensation lawsuit against those who profited from the slaves labor?


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[Honestly bud, some of your arguments actually got me thinking. This post totally swayed me from thinking that you are sincere in your thoughts. Some of the statements in this particular post are just ridiculous

Ok , You caught me , My great great grandmother wasn't the cousin of the King of Sheba, that was rediculous, she was his sister.
So which of my comments "got you thinking"?


Is the king of sheba you are refering to in your family history Menelik II?

If yes, Do you think "your" family should be paying people for all the money his / your family made in the slave trade in the 18 and 1900s????


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we all know that blacks were held as slaves and worked for no compensation.

We also know that blacks owned slaves.


If any progeny of a slave could document their family tree back to a slave that was working on a certain plantation or farm, would you support the progeny of that slave in a compensation lawsuit against those who profited from the slaves labor?

No. Whats done is done. Get over it. Reliving the past isnt going to help create a better future.[:/]

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Does not explain why it is OK for Blacks to have BET, but whites would be called racist.

Do you believe BET should be off the air?

While MTV(WET), VH1(WET), TNN, TBS, ABC, NBC, CBS, (WET, WET, WET, WET, WET,) remains?

Blue Skies Black Death

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Does not explain why it is OK for Blacks to have BET, but whites would be called racist.

Do you believe BET should be off the air?

While MTV(WET), VH1(WET), TNN, TBS, ABC, NBC, CBS, (WET, WET, WET, WET, WET,) remains?

I think we all know that you can hardly call MTV "White Entertainment Television". If you had to classify it I would put it in the same group as BET;)

The biggest issue with BET is that it is actually called BLACK entertainment television and publicly states that it is geared towards the black community. The majority of the shows on the WB have all black actors, however they dont advertise that it is geared towards the black community.

Please read this article. It is written by a black actor. Very interesting, he too believes that the black man is his own worst enemy!

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Very good article my favorite part deals with the outcry that would have happened had they cast someone in the role of Kramer or any of the other cast members of Seinfeld and its a crying shame as there are some extremely good actors out there that will probably never get a shot as a result >:(

Only skydivers know why the birds sing!


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Take a more likely scenario. A store in Georgia needs to hire clerks. The majority of the potential customers of this store are bigots and don't like blacks, and are more likely to patronize stores that have no blacks in them. Refusing jobs to black clerks will therefore make the store owner more money. So he makes a purely capitalistic decision to hire only whites. Does that make it OK?

I think it DOES make it ok. What if hiring only whites makes the difference between the business being viable or closing its doors? Would the community be better off without the business and jobs it creates?

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