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skydyvr 0
QuoteDo nothing. Just sit back and wait for capitalism to work. Less expensive fuel sources will become available as oil from the ground gets too expensive.
The downside of capitalism is that it fosters greed and selfishness. That's why our society is tempered with a degree of socialism.
I hope the alternative fuels you mentioned (and/or others) do indeed come to market as smoothly as you suggest.
. . =(_8^(1)
billvon 3,031
>drive 12,000 miles, I use less gas a year than someone in a car
> going 30,000 miles.
No. See above. You still use more gas. If you compare you driving 12,000 miles a year and me driving 30,000 miles a year, you use 666 gallons and I use 612 gallons. 666 is more than 612.
>So just because it's less efficient, doesn't mean that I use more
>gas than you do.
Actually, it means exactly that.
>But why penalize me if I'm not driving that much.
Cause you _still_ use more gas.
Quote>You completley missed the point I was making- if I own an SUV and
>drive 12,000 miles, I use less gas a year than someone in a car
> going 30,000 miles.
No. See above. You still use more gas. If you compare you driving 12,000 miles a year and me driving 30,000 miles a year, you use 666 gallons and I use 612 gallons. 666 is more than 612.
>So just because it's less efficient, doesn't mean that I use more
>gas than you do.
Actually, it means exactly that.
>But why penalize me if I'm not driving that much.
Cause you _still_ use more gas.
But you pollute more than he does.

billvon 3,031
True. But I also generate more methane!
Quote>But you pollute more than he does.
True. But I also generate more methane!
Try Gas-X

rwieder 0
See this URL for todays update on the energy situation.
"You're Holding The Rope And I'm Taking The Fall"
Once you introduce different driving distances between vehicle A and vehicle B, your point loses all logic.
If you're not driving that much, you'll be penalzied less no matter what you drive. If you buy something more efficient, you'll be penalized even less.
. . =(_8^(1)
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