
The origin of Bush's plan to remove Saddam

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I am sure I know more about the US processes than you....

I would hope so...you are a US citizen...but then, you did start by claiming the president was elected by the people......so your knowedge is a little suspect...

He (or someday she) is. You tried to add the word "directly" to the sentence to make it false.

That we use an electoral college system on a state by state basis doesn't alter the fact that the people determine who is president. It certainly isn't a parliamentary system where the legislators pick the PM.

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Well then maybe they should not claim to have that proof?

Some of us just don't need third degree burns as proof that there was a fire...

You know, that phrase can effectively be turned the other way too. IOW - Bush didn't need to wait for Saddam to rain chemical weapons down on some target AGAIN before concluding that maybe we can't trust fate and leave him be.

Consider every time he turned away an UN inspector as a fire alarm going off.

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He (or someday she) is. You tried to add the word "directly" to the sentence to make it false.

That we use an electoral college system on a state by state basis doesn't alter the fact that the people determine who is president. It certainly isn't a parliamentary system where the legislators pick the PM.

They don't, since a minority vote can lead to election...

You are right, parliament does not pick, the electoral college picks...and there is no requirement to pick the candidate whose party received the most votes either.....

The people do not elect the president.....

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there is no requirement to pick the candidate whose party received the most votes either

Yeah, but when was the last time a member of the EC voted against what the state voters did?

Secondly, the amount of times a president has been elected by the EC, but not by popular vote is very few. I think 2 or 3 times. And the reason he won in that situation is because he won some bigger states. That's how the system works, too bad. Otherwise, the president has been elected by popular vote as well (if you want to look at it that way). Thus, how is the president not elected by the people?

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how is the president not elected by the people?

You just answered that question yourself....

When was the last time you went to your polling station and actually voted for the president? Where was a ballot listing the presidential candidates and you picked which cendidate you wanted to be president?

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When was the last time you went to your polling station and actually voted for the president? Where was a ballot listing the presidential candidates and you picked which cendidate you wanted to be president?

Every single time.

The people elect the president. If it makes you feel better to qualify it by saying in 2000 that a minority of the people indirectly elected George Bush, good for you.

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When was the last time you went to your polling station and actually voted for the president?

Ummm, lets see, it was...oh yeah, last November.


Where was a ballot listing the presidential candidates and you picked which cendidate you wanted to be president?

At every single polling station in America. Seriously, did you even read what you wrote? You're obviously incredibly ignorant of the election process if you think ballots with candidates on them don't exist.

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You're obviously incredibly ignorant of the election process if you think ballots with candidates on them don't exist.

and what is the statement on that ballot?

Let me see if this rings a bell for you:

"A vote for the candidate will actually be a vote for their electors"

Though I will concede I was wrong on the listing on the ballot issue. Still doesn't change the original statement though...the people do not elect the president.

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By the way, here's a picture of a presidential ballot. Gee, what a surprise, you punch the hole of the candidate YOU want. This little stint of this topic is laughable. I mean, who thought somone would try to argue that ballots don't exist. But, I guess there's always someone out there ignorant enough to do it. Sorry, I usually refrain from such accusations, but this time, it's so bad I just have to.


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Now look at that ballot and tell me what the line is between brackets....that line clearly states you are not voting for the candidate...

Then read my post right above yours...I agree, I was wrong about the listing on the ballot....though, funny enough, it proves my point....

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The voter information packet says that you are casting a vote for the candidate of your choosing. I guess it should also say to not complain if the canidate you voted for doesn't win. By the way, have you EVER voted in a US election, presidential or congressional? Because if you have, do us all a favor and don't vote; you've made it clear that you do not understand the system. That's ok, just don't vote unless you actually understand the system and how it works.

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What lines between the brackets? I think I'm confused about which lines you are talking about.

the one that says:

"A vote for the candidate will actually be a vote for their electors"

Which pretty clearly indicates you are not voting for the candidate. The elector is under no obligation to chose the candidate of his party. (granted that is what usually if not always happens, but it still means the people do not elect the president)

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Now look at that ballot and tell me what the line is between brackets....that line clearly states you are not voting for the candidate...

Then read my post right above yours...I agree, I was wrong about the listing on the ballot....though, funny enough, it proves my point....

Is this what you are refering to?

From what I can see in the picture it says: "A vote for the candiadate will actually be a vote for their electors"

Edited to add: Looks like you beat me to it!
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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When has an elector not voted the way of the state's voters? Think of it this way - The electors of a state vote for the candidate who receives the most popular votes in that state, thus giving those electoral points to the candidate. Therefore, the people of the state have indeed voted for their candidate of choosing. So again, how is it that the people do not vote for their candidate? Now, if your argument of the eletor going against the state voters actually happened all the time, then I would be much more apt to agree with you.

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Hummm, No I have never voted in any US election since I am Canadian. You do understand not everybody on here is from the US right?

Yet it didn't stop you from making a totally incorrect statement about what's on our ballots. What else might you have completely wrong?

Do you see the name of the Elector on that ballot? No, you see the name of the candidate. Who the citizens select. Torture English as much as you like, you won't change that reality.

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Never said I was an expert...but the ballot clearly states that you are not voting for the person on the ballot....don't have to torture english for that......it says it right there....

Ron stated that the people elect the president....they don't. Your president is chosen, the persons who chose him are elected by the people.

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