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John4455 0
How do ya like it Johnny?
John4455 0

How do ya like it Johnny?
rwieder 0
"You're Holding The Rope And I'm Taking The Fall"
jakee 1,535
QuoteThere was a move with Kirk Douglass and Annete Benning called The American President where Douglass played this left wing wacko president who wanted to confiscate hand guns.
Y'know, I'm pretty sure you mean Michael Douglas.
The rest of the post was good though, totally agree about the freedom thing.
gkc1436 3
mr g. bangs announced that all landings will be straight in with no s turns below 1500' thus lessining the potential of tramatizing the general public that could wittness a possible deadly accident.
he added that any violations will be dealt with harshly with revocation of uspa membership and seizure of the offending rig
after all, we dont want to trammatize the general public by allowing them to wittness a possible fatality
we at the uspa did not acheve our positions by allowing such dangerous acts of self gratification that show such great disrespect to the sport
also other new laws are gaining speed in the executive branch
racer only law> only racers will be allowed to be jumped at uspa dropzones due to their superior reserve opening speed and comfortable fit.
tempo only law> since equipment and jump tickets are so expensive, reserves should be cheap to allow more jumping
uspa members disagreeing with the new rules are obviously not good members and will have their membership revolked and their names givin to the proper authoritys
maybe they should go to canada bangs was heard saying as he left the room
rhino 0
QuoteAny american citizen who burns an american flag should move out of the country.
Bingo... I completely agree.. Love it or get the fuck out.
wmw999 2,485
Quotemaybe they should go to canada bangs was heard saying as he left the room
Or (heh heh heh) France, and jump Atoms

Wendy W.
wmw999 2,485
QuoteLove it or get the fuck out.
Love the country, or love the flag? Are you saying that one can't love one without loving the other?
Wendy W.
QuoteDon't be shy Walt, tell us how you really feel..
Ok, since you asked. Here's a great idea for a MasterCard ad:
One cheap-ass copy of the Qur'an (translated to English): $5.95 (
One totally nasty turd: $15.00 (for 2 six packs of beer, 3 tamales, one can of cabbage, 2 hard-boiled eggs, 6 pickled jalapenos, one can of sweet corn, 2 cans of sardines, and 3 scoops of refried beans).
One ziploc bag, shipping box, and postage: $5.00
The look on the Saudi Arabian Ambassador's face when he opens the Qu'ran ala turd on the first day of Ramadan: priceless.
Notice the turd has significantly more value than the Qu'ran. Not sure whether it has more value than the Saudi Arabian Ambassador, but I'd bet the turd smells better and for sure I'd rather spend time with the turd.
SkyDekker 1,465
QuoteI catch some one burning a flag, well let's just say there would be a slight altercation.
What would you do to some one who pisses on the US flag?
EBSB52 0
QuoteWell, you're in luck; no one die of AIDS, but AIDS related symptoms.
AIDS kills. You seem to be uninformed of what this virus does to the immune system and the body in general. I fully expect to die from it as healthcare in the US is an utter shame. I was diagnosed in 1995 after a 7 month stay in Mexico. My healthcare was great during the Clinton years but since that asshole Bush got in my care is next to nothing. Why waste time on some ass who wants to burn a piece of cloth when there are so many other issues that need addressing. Unless you also have HIV or work in the field or you are a caregiver to someone who is infected or your an AIDS activist then your opinion means zero to me. Hey, walk into any AIDS clinic and shout your opinion. Your remark is the remark of a very uninformed person. I know that AIDS opens the door for OI's after it destroys the immune system. I am very well informed and do not need your small mind to tell me what it does. When one speaks of AIDS killing it is in the form of an overall generalization to cover the scope of its deadliness. Go read up on what it does and while you are at it, look at some pictures at what this virus is capable of bringing on.
Actually I was just being technical, but I am correct. AIDS obviously suppresses your immune system and then you get an infection or pneumonia and your body is unable to resist it so you sucumb to it. I have never read an obit that reads that a person died of AIDS, now maybe a media sourse somewhere has, but that's irresponsible.
As for me, I just fininshed Anatomy and Physiology 1 & 2, an entire year of it, I also just finished Microbiology, so I think I know what a virus is and how it infiltrates your body and then uses your cells to make copies of itself. These little creatures actually hijack your cells, inject its DNA into them and uses your cell's functions to make copies of itself. Really creepy. Viruses are not living and can be billions of years old, unless you believe in the Christian short-earth then they are up to 10k yrs old

As for what is the most common whay to contract AIDS? Hetero sex. Again, that is on a world basis.
I just read, I am really sorry for you. I didin't know that you have AIDS. So you were diagnosed with AIDS in 95 or HIV? If HIV, then when were you diagnised with AIDS?
My healthcare was great during the Clinton years but since that asshole Bush got in my care is next to nothing. Why waste time on some ass who wants to burn a piece of cloth when there are so many other issues that need addressing.
WHen will these stupid fucking Bush-voting Americans realize that corp profits mean nothing as compared to people and lives? I would like to hear some of these people comment on this, but I'm sure we won't. It's so easy to say that maggotted term, "personal responsibility." But when there is actually a person being refused services and might die these maggots tend to slither away. Virtually all of the rest of the world has socialized medicine, but this piece of shit called the US.
Unless you also have HIV or work in the field or you are a caregiver to someone who is infected or your an AIDS activist then your opinion means zero to me.
I understand. I am working toward being a nurse, my girlfriend's brother was gay and died of suicide because he didn't want to have another cycyle of the illness.
Hey, walk into any AIDS clinic and shout your opinion. Your remark is the remark of a very uninformed person. I know that AIDS opens the door for OI's after it destroys the immune system. I am very well informed and do not need your small mind to tell me what it does.
Like I said, I'm sorry for your condition and didn't mean to anger you. It is splitting hairs to say that AIDS doesn't kill, because it may as well and for all intents and purposes it does due to the OI (oppertunistic infections). I would never be that incompassionate to be mean to a person with any illness, especially a potentially terminal one.
I am very well informed and do not need your small mind to tell me what it does. When one speaks of AIDS killing it is in the form of an overall generalization to cover the scope of its deadliness. Go read up on what it does and while you are at it, look at some pictures at what this virus is capable of bringing on.
I do understand about it and have studied it to a degree. Like I said, I was being technical and wouldn't have posted the original statement had I known you have HIV/AIDS. Peace.
Now, back to Bush bashing. You mentioned this pathetic flag burning issue. Even many conservatives on this board and elsewhere think this is a joke. Hopefully after Bush shifts as much of the assets as he can to the rich, the poor/middle class Bushers will wake up. Unfortunately it won't be until after much damage has been done. Is it naivity or just plain meanness for people looking at the Hoover years and the Bush 2 years to not see the inhumanity going on? Is it that theses people are bling or cruel? At least in 33 I think it was, the Americans has the sense to vote out their mistake.... by a landslide. Are the votes fixed or are people that stupid? As I've said many times in the past, I am out of here as soon as I get my nursing school finished and by then this countyr will be so fucked up that I will be fighting other people to get out first. So what do I hope? I hope this flag burning issue/amend goes through and I hope Jeb (could there be a gheyer name?) gets elected/appointed. Let's run this mother fucker into the ground ala the Hoover years.
Take care and peace.....
Ron 10
Quote>If not, honestly, the only thing I fear is dying of AIDS.
Well, you're in luck; no one die of AIDS, but AIDS related symptoms
That is the tackiest fucking thing I have ever read.
You claim to be compasionate, then you say shit like that.
EBSB52 0
QuoteQuoteQuoteIt's their right of expersion, and such a ban would be just an opening to the floodgates of censorship.
Ok then, I'm gonna have a big party in a public square and have a Quran burning party. Who's up for that? Did I spell Quran right?
Not a bad idea, actually. When the Quran flushing thing was in the news constantly, I was thinking about getting a few copies, putting each in a Ziploc bag along with a fresh turd, and mailing each to a different Saudi embassy.
Still sounds like a good idea, but would probably be a waste of perfectly good turds.
I don't have a lower opinion of Islam than I do any other organized religion, but a bunch of people acting like little crybabies over some reported damage to a book makes me want to annoy them just for sport.
As for a Constitutional amendment banning flag-burning, that's just silly. If I buy or make an American flag, then it's mine to do with it anything I want--including burn it. Same with anything else. Too bad I can't buy some Al Quada shit-heads. I'd like to roast them slowly over a nice fire of Qurans.
Isn't this:
...a bunch of people acting like little crybabies over some reported damage to a book ...
the same as some maggots crying about burning the US flag?
Furthermore, the Quran issue was when people were being detained, they didn't ahve the right to leave or diregard it. I think it's semantic to worry about it, but then I'm not Muslim.... hell, I'm agnostic. That's not the issue, the issue is holding someones face and making them watch the most sacred thing get destroyed. I would compare it to people breaking into your house and fucking your wife/GF and making you watch..... get it?
I cringe when I see people desecrate it the way they do.
I am so opposed to this ammendment, that I would rather burn our flag myself, in protest, then see this ammendment passed.
The flag is a symbol of freedom. So we are going to remove freedom from the people, to protect the symbol of freedom? Have we all lost our minds?
Methane Freefly - got stink?
Not a bad idea, actually. When the Quran flushing thing was in the news constantly, I was thinking about getting a few copies, putting each in a Ziploc bag along with a fresh turd, and mailing each to a different Saudi embassy.
Still sounds like a good idea, but would probably be a waste of perfectly good turds.
I don't have a lower opinion of Islam than I do any other organized religion, but a bunch of people acting like little crybabies over some reported damage to a book makes me want to annoy them just for sport.
As for a Constitutional amendment banning flag-burning, that's just silly. If I buy or make an American flag, then it's mine to do with it anything I want--including burn it. Same with anything else. Too bad I can't buy some Al Quada shit-heads. I'd like to roast them slowly over a nice fire of Qurans.
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