
Gay Marriage?

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I'm sure I will be flamed for my thoughts, but so what.

The latest news that Canada and Spain have legalized gay marriage got me to thinking this morning...

Why are people so concerned about the way someone else is living? Why is it so important to protest and try to change someone else's happiness? What difference does it make?

**Disclaimer - "YOU" is in reference to the general public, not any one specific person who might be reading this.

A lot of people don't live the way I choose to live. I don't care. I know I don't live the way some people would like me to live. I don't care. If you're happy, I'm happy. If I'm happy, I would like for you to be happy for me, too, but I don't care if you're not.

What would happen if people told us, "I absolutely don't agree with your lifestyle. How could you live the way are? God didn't give you wings, he gave you feet. (As in "God didn't make Adam and Steve, he made Adam and Eve.) You need to go to counciling to make you change so you won't want to do what you think you love (that being skydiving)."

I used to be a lifeguard at the Elks Lodge back home. One of the families that came to the pool was pretty religious. At least the wife was. I guess I had done 8 S/L jumps and was doing tandems to progress to AFF. So I had maybe 10 jumps and was SO excited about it. I told everyone about it. All of the men at the lodge knew about it and were very impressed and very supportive of it. This woman came in one day while I was talking to someone about jumping. She stuck her pointy little nose in our conversation and said, "You shouldn't do that. God doesn't like that. He didn't create you to skydive." I was stunned. I just said, "My God doesn't have a problem with it apparently. But thank you for your opinion." The next day, she brought a couple of brochures from her church that preched about extreme sports and why they are wrong and I forget what else. She handed them to me, I read them all, handed them back at the end of the day, and said, "I appreciate your beliefs and concerns for me. However, they are different from my beliefs and concerns. See you tomorrow!" She never ever said anything else to me about it.

The reason I mentioned that story is because I really don't see how it's much different from the way some people treat gays and gay marriage. Wouldn't our world, our lifes, our family and friends, be so much better if it happiness were accepted?

Everyone needs to be loved. Period. Does it really matter who the person next to you is loving, if they are truly happy?

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Thanks for the post jumpergirl. I wish more people were less judgemental of others. But unfortunately there are too many people who choose to judge people who are different from themselves. Oh I'm NOT gay, but I couldn't care less if a gay couple wanted the same rights that a straight couple would want. ;)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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But unfortunately there are too many people who choose to judge people who are different from themselves.

I really think that's basically it. People are afraid of/intolerant of/uncomfortable with DIFFERENT. I, for one, like "different."


Oh I'm NOT gay, but I couldn't care less if a gay couple wanted the same rights that a straight couple would want. ;)


I totally support gays. Absolutely. But more importantly, in my mind, I support HAPPINESS and LOVE. It's all about LOVE.

Moulin Rouge is one of my favorite movies. It's all about love. My favorite quote is "The greatest thing you can ever learn is to love and be loved in return." What a wonderful way to look at it. :)

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Why should I have to legally support gay marriages? Why does the minority have to push their views of right and wrong on me? They can do what they want with there lives. I don't care how someone else is living as long as it doesn't impose on me. I also don't have to support something that I think is just wrong.

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Why should I have to legally support gay marriages? Why does the minority have to push their views of right and wrong on me? They can do what they want with there lives. I don't care how someone else is living as long as it doesn't impose on me. I also don't have to support something that I think is just wrong.

Why do gays have to legally support hetero marriages? I don't think gays are trying to push anything on anyone. Ok, maybe some are going overboard and actually ARE trying to push things to be recognized, but I don't think they are trying to push anything ON anyone else. You don't have to support it, and that's fine. I don't support drugs, but I'm not going to go out of my way to make someone else's life miserable because they do something I don't agree with. If they are happy, then fine. Don't push it on me and we'll both be happy. I think that's the way the whole "Gay Debate" should be handled.

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What makes you think that I am going out of my way to make gay peoples lives miserable? I just won't vote for or support in anyway the gay lifestyle. As for why do they have to "legally support hetero marriages?" that is because that is what the majority of the people in this country support. When they become the majority then they can vote into law whatever they want and I would have to support it whether I want to or not.

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I don't care how someone else is living as long as it doesn't impose on me.

How is a marriage between two individuals being imposed on you as an individual? Why should you care about what others are doing with their lives? Stop judging people and start accepting them for who they are. The world would be a whole lot better place to live if more people did this. [:/]

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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I don't care how someone else is living as long as it doesn't impose on me.

And if gay marriage did become legal it wouldn't make a bit of difference to your life. So why not let gay marriage become legal and let gay people live however they want?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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What makes you think that I am going out of my way to make gay peoples lives miserable?

I didn't mean for that to sound like it was directed at YOU specifically and I apologize for that.


I just won't vote for or support in anyway the gay lifestyle.

That's why we have the vote. I won't vote for or support in any way to legalize pot. But those who do support it, can vote for it, and I won't "bash" them or try to protest it.


As for why do they have to "legally support hetero marriages?" that is because that is what the majority of the people in this country support.

So are you saying you are just going along with the majority? That you have no other reason for your feelings other than, "That's what everyone else thinks, so I'll agree?"


When they become the majority then they can vote into law whatever they want and I would have to support it whether I want to or not.

That's a "safe" statement for you to make because it's unlikely that gays will ever be the majority. But you know what, maybe they already are. I don't recall there being a question in the Census asking, "Are you gay?"

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so I will not vote for or support it.

Will you vote against it, or will you simply not vote? If you vote against it, then you're acknowledging it, and giving it power over you.

You can just ignore the issue. Don't vote for it, don't vote against it, it's unlikely to come looking for you.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Will you vote against it, or will you simply not vote? If you vote against it, then you're acknowledging it, and giving it power over you.

You are not "giving it power over you". You are voting your opinion which is the whole point of voting in the first place.

There is no reason why someone who does not support a position has to not exercise their right to vote.

The only time you should not vote on a subject is if you really don't care, or do not know enough about the subject.

Inspite of what some think, you have the right to vote basied on your opinion. And you have the right not to support something you don't agree with.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Its asking me to support something that I don't agree with. I consider that an imposition. so I will not vote for or support it.

I don't agree with Christianity. Personally I believe it's one of the world's greatest untrue brain-washing schemes ever created to control the masses and I certainly don't like it when this religion is imposed on me as it is often done in today's society. Am I wrong for judging Christians then? Hell ya I'm wrong!!! So I try (I'm not always successful) to let Christians do their thing just as long as they don't impose their ways on me (as they are often trying to do).

Do you see the similarities here? If homosexuality was being imposed on people, then that would be wrong. But's homesexuality is NOT being imposed on you. All these laws are doing is allowing two individuals to be together and to have the same legal rights to healthcare decisions and insurance as any other couples would have.

Try not to judge people who are different than yourself and I will try to not judge religious people as well. I'm out of here folks. I promised to help someone move today. But I'll check back later.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Its asking me to support something that I don't agree with. I consider that an imposition. so I will not vote for or support it. That doesn't mean there won't be enough people supporting it with out me.

I don't support golf and I think it's a terrible waste of time and natural resources but I really don't care if someone else wants to play.

Should I push to outlaw golf? Or just ignore the fools that like to have their walk spoiled?
illegible usually

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If they propose a law saying that Christianity is the fedarally approved religon I would vote against it. If they propose a law saying it is ok for gays to marry I will vote against it. I disagree with both. Why should I have to change my mind to make gays happy?

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You're not being asked to support it - just not to stand in the way of it.

So you are not allowed to stand up against things you don't like?

Then why do you talk about the US in Iraq?


Now if you want to rely on the hearsay reiteration of evidence from a questionable source by an interested party that doesn't actually show anything in the first place, go ahead... but really... it's far from being of capable of description as "real and credible" by anybody but the most inept... and we all know what happened last time people tried to rely on "real and credible" information don't we.

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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If they propose a law saying that Christianity is the fedarally approved religon I would vote against it. If they propose a law saying it is ok for gays to marry I will vote against it. I disagree with both. Why should I have to change my mind to make gays happy?

You don't have to change your mind to make anyone but yourself happy. That being said, if it comes up in a vote, feel free to vote against it. That's your right. Just like it's my right to vote against legalizing pot and for legalizing gay marriage or whatever else we (YOU and I) want to for for or against.

You don't have to support it. Just try to tolerate it. We all tolerate things we don't agree with. I tolerate things my boyfriend does because I want to be with him. Why not try to tolerate things that make other people happy because IT MAKES THEM HAPPY?

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I am not pushing to outlaw anything. I will vote how I want to and not be pushed into voting for something that I don't agree with.

You aren't being pushed into voting the way you don't want to. That's illegal as far as I know. You vote how you want, I'll vote how I want, Ron will vote how he wants, Wendy will vote how she wants, that guy sitting in the next room will vote how he wants... that's how it works.

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I think I see the problem.

When it's brought to a vote, people don't realize the question they're being asked. The question is, "Should the government prevent or allow gay people to marry?"

But the voters against it think it says, "Do you personally want to be in a gay marriage?"

So the voter thinks, "Hell, I'm not gay. I don't want to do gay things. I like to do STRAIGHT things. This question is about gay things and I don't want to do them so I guess I'm voting no."

It's too bad people can't read these slightly complicated questions more clearly.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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I think I see the problem.

When it's brought to a vote, people don't realize the question they're being asked. The question is, "Should the government prevent or allow gay people to marry?"

But the voters against it think it says, "Do you personally want to be in a gay marriage?"

So the voter thinks, "Hell, I'm not gay. I don't want to do gay things. I like to do STRAIGHT things. This question is about gay things and I don't want to do them so I guess I'm voting no."

It's too bad people can't read these slightly complicated questions more clearly.

I never thought about it like that. That's a good point.

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