
London Transport terrorism?

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Bomb in Tavistock Sq and 'seperate incidents' in 5 stations. Speculation pointless at this stage but it is looking, unfortunately, like a terrorist attack.

Makes me so fucking angry but as my bro has said many times, you want to cripple London - hit the Tube.


Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people

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Sucks big time. Just heard from my sister in law who arrived in London yesterday. Lucky they were still doing breakfast before taking the tube for sightseeing.... Going myself for a visit next month..... hmmm....
When people look like ants - pull. When ants look like people - pray.

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Sucks big time. Just heard from my sister in law who arrived in London yesterday. Lucky they were still doing breakfast before taking the tube for sightseeing.... Going myself for a visit next month..... hmmm....

Glad to hear she was ok... Are people still worried about terrorists' right. The gallows are to good for this lot or a slower more painful death [:/]

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find them guilty of terrorism and you can do what you like to them as far as I'm concerned... till them they're just suspects.

let's say when you arrest the suspects you find bomb making supplies. And one tells you there are 4 more bombs in London set to go off in half a hour. What would you do to get the location of the bombs...... Are you concerned about rights or lives of london people?

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So you'd cut his toes off one by one till he told you some bullshit story about where the bombs were... making yourself a terrorist too will never save lives.

We learned in the 70's and 80's that stooping to the level of the IRA didn't work. It won't work with Al Qaeda either.

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let's say when you arrest the suspects you find bomb making supplies. And one tells you there are 4 more bombs in London set to go off in half a hour. What would you do to get the location of the bombs...... Are you concerned about rights or lives of london people?

Blah, Blah, Blah.. Lets just short circuit this one, shall we? The bombs are everywhere, and the only way to find out where they are is for everyone to push their most loved child feet first through a giant blender.

Do we do it?

Who is the greatest threat?
A couple of unhinged nutters with limited resourses, or your elected government of calm, rational, educated men who think terrorist attacks are "Barbaric" but would authorise the action you beleive is so nessesary?
It's the year of the Pig.

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The collision's new info to me. Do you know where and when that happened?

I did wonder about the possibility of this being a or a number of suicide bomber(s).

We don't have any bins or lockers or anywhere to leave things on our public transport systems following our experiences of living with the IRA bombing campaign for so long... we're also very strict on unattended luggage so London and the UK in general would be one of the harder targets in the world to hit like this (not to say it wouldn't be frighteningly easy in any case).

Of course no system can be perfect and standards have slipped significantly since the IRA quit trying to blow us all up... but a suicide bomber would be the most effective way round the physical measures we do have in place.

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Who is the greatest threat?
A couple of unhinged nutters with limited resourses, or your elected government of calm, rational, educated men who think terrorist attacks are "Barbaric" but would authorise the action you beleive is so nessesary?

Innocent people have been murdered this morning and yet people still find time, and feel it's relevant, to complain about a couple administrations...unbelievable. Who's the greatest threat? Well, gee, I'd say the asshole murderers who's sole goal is to kill as many innocent people as possible. But no, you don't like Blair or Bush and their War on Terror ideas, of which you take no part in I'm sure. Hell, no sweat off your back. Why's it your's or anyone else's problem that innocent people are dying, and are in great danger of terrorism every day? Well, I'm damn glad I chose to do something about it, and I'm glad I have a lot of friends that made that choice. Well, off to try and stop crap like this from happening while 1,000's of people sit on their useless asses and do nothing to help...or even worse, hinder the effort. Sorry bout that, just really pissed off right now.

p.s. Everyone please feel free to continue the mundane complaining about our government heads...the toll's only up to 45 brits anyhow. Not like they're important....right?

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