
London Transport terrorism?

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>Show me proof that American service members have DELIBERATELY
> killed people like those who died in the attacks today. Show it to us all.

"Several hours passed before an emergency room doctor finally saw Mr. Dilawar. By then he was dead, his body beginning to stiffen. It would be many months before Army investigators learned a final horrific detail: Most of the interrogators had believed Mr. Dilawar was an innocent man who simply drove his taxi past the American base at the wrong time."


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Do you have any evidence that todays bombings were the acts of Islamics?

Well, the attacks have all the signs of Al Qaeda's involvement, and a cell with membership ties to Al Qaeda has claimed responsibility.

What signs?

Basically you have nothing ! Do Ya'?

Keep firing blind ,pal! That's damn Patriotic!!!

And do you really believe there is a group called "Double Secret Society of Arab Al-Queida Members in Europe with Turbans"?

Or is it more likely that this was another Mossad operation ?


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can you provide me proof that an American service member beat to death an innocent civilian for the reason of extracting WMD info?

You are the one over there who is so proud that you are killing people.
How about you show us some proof that every person you kill is guilty.
And it is documented that prisoners were beaten to death at Abu Graib. .
I could provide links but it may have more impact on you if you do the research yourself.
Of course you could always just keep on salutin', beating your chest about your good deeds,etc.
And those of us who know will look at you as a misinformed government dupe.


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> . . .will look at you as a misinformed government dupe.

Your one warning.

My Bad,
and my sincere apologies to Viper Pilot!

We'll believe , Viper Pilot, that you are very informed and not a government dupe at all !!!!


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[B]Britain[/B] lived through Hitler.
[B]Britain[/B] will live through the new evil.
Stand tall, [B]Britain[/B], and remember that you are a nation that gave the world Winston Churchill.
Prayers for the families.

There I fixed it for you.

It pisses me off when people assume that England is Britain (or UK).

If you think my attitude stinks you should smell my fingers

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[B]Britain[/B] lived through Hitler.
[B]Britain[/B] will live through the new evil.
Stand tall, [B]Britain[/B], and remember that you are a nation that gave the world Winston Churchill.
Prayers for the families.

There I fixed it for you.

It pisses me off when people assume that England is Britain (or UK).


Agreed, but London is still in England, Hitler's onslaught in 1940 and the V1s and V2s of 1944 were endured by the south and midlands (London, Coventry, Southampton...), the Battle of Britain was primarily fought over London, Kent, Essex and Sussex, and Churchill was neither Scottish nor Welsh.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Oh but wait, this is nothing compared to putting panties on someone's head or turning up the air conditioning.:|
England lived through Hitler.
England will live through the new evil.
Stand tall, England, and remember that you are a nation that gave the world Winston Churchill.
Prayers for the families.

Britain also endured 30 years of IRA terrorism. All in all, apart from the G8 connection, I would have thought London was a poor target if panicking the population was the goal.

But you never know. In 1938 Orson Welles managed to panic much of the US with a radio play.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Not a single one. We have never DELIBERATELY killed an INNOCENT civilian. That's not what we do.

Yes you do, that is what the U.S military does in every single war. In WW2 cilivilians were bombed. You guys dropped 2 atomic bombs on two cities. In Vietnam villages citizens where executed just in case, and now in Irak you guys drop bombs in resident areas just because you have a hint that a terrorist could be hiding.

The civilized world could surely live without your wars and without terrorism.

Ever wondered why canada, New Zeland, Finnland, etc are never attacked by terrorists?

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Ever wondered why canada, New Zeland, Finnland, etc are never attacked by terrorists?

That's easy -- those countries don't do jack shit to try and stop the world from becoming a totally dark, rotten place place to exist.

It's a two sided coin: sure, the US makes a lot of mistakes, but there IS a motive to do some good out there. If you don't think so, then you're wearing some pretty big blinders.

. . =(_8^(1)

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***Yes you do, that is what the U.S military does in every single war. In WW2 cilivilians were bombed.

Madre de Dios.......my bullshit alarm went off again!

Spain "invented" the bombing of civilian populations or does Guernica not ring a bell with you.......something the Spanish government still refuses to apologize for:(

Easy enough to overlook with those really big blinders that seem to be the fashion in Espana these days
Marc SCR 6046 SCS 3004

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***Yes you do, that is what the U.S military does in every single war. In WW2 cilivilians were bombed.

Madre de Dios.......my bullshit alarm went off again!


You're shure it ever was was on??


Spain "invented" the bombing of civilian populations or does Guernica not ring a bell with you.......something the Spanish government still refuses to apologize for:(


Holy Moses, what are your talking about: The famous pic called "Guernica" or an event which took place about 70 yrs ago? Man, I doubt you know anything about it at all. :|

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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Spain "invented" the bombing of civilian populations or does Guernica not ring a bell with you.......something the Spanish government still refuses to apologize for

I agree that there were atrocities perpetrated during the Spanich Civil war, but to whom should the Spanish government apologize? To itself?

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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>Spain "invented" the bombing of civilian populations or does
>Guernica not ring a bell with you.......

Side historical note -

The Guernica, one of the most famous of Picasso's works, adorns the entrance to the UN building in NY, as a reminder that the work of the UN is to prevent the sorts of horrors that Picasso presented in that work. It was covered up for Powell's speech calling for war against Iraq.

BTW the Germans bombed Guernica.

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The people that work and live in the area couldn't give a fuck about the politics, religion and personal views of whoever did this. Likewise, they couldn't care less about the prattlings of a bunch of knobheads discussing how to fix this shit.

The fact is, the people who did this are not in any shape, way or form living in the same reality as anyone who sees the evil in it. If it was al-qaeda or some related group, then I'd bet a million of anyone's currency that the members couldn't find Iraq if you gave them a fucking globe and pointed to the middle east.

We're not safe, ever. There's always someone with a big stick, nothing to live for and a fanatical view around the corner.

And that's all I have to say about that.

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I'd argue its the other way around. Mss murder is their aim and Islam is just an excuse to commit it. Aldgate is a Muslim area of London and Edgeware road is a Arab/Muslim area of London. They don't care if they kill Muslims, Jews, or Christians just so long as they kill.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Thanks for the sentiment. Although Churchill saved us during the WWII I couldn't help smile. Did you know that Churchill was a strong advocate of Terrorism? During the Kurdish uprising in Iraq in the early part of the last century Chruchill ordered that the RAf bomb the civillian villages with chemical weapons to 'instill a lively terror amoungst the Kurds' Yep, just like Sadam did. ;)
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Madre de Dios.......my bullshit alarm went off again!

LOL that was funny. :)

Spain "invented" the bombing of civilian populations or does Guernica not ring a bell with you.......something the Spanish government still refuses to apologize for:(

Actually that is wrong, as it has been pointed out by Bill it was the germans who did it. Although i am sure Franco was aware of it.

See, if i had said that Spain is the perfect country, your answer could have made some sense (provided it had been accurated), but i was just replying with factual data to someone who truly has big blinders...


Easy enough to overlook with those really big blinders that seem to be the fashion in Espana these days

You don´t know spaniards very well, do you? we know where we stand, we know we are not perfect but we don´t claim to be. And above all, we don´t rationalize issues to make it easier to digest.
Now i will put my big pink blinders so i will not see what is going on in Iraq.

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My statement of who was responsible for Guernica is accurate,if you choose not to accept factual data,that is your "blind spot";)

You don´t know spaniards very well, do you? we know where we stand, we know we are not perfect but we don´t claim to be

I confess,I do not know Spaniards very well,but I do know they handed the terrorists a major victory after the Madrid bombings,and perhaps in some way set the stage for the London bombings by doing so:(

Nowhere did I say anything about anyone being "perfect"but if you wish to mis-interpret my statement have at it.............

You started out by bashing the US for bombing civilian populations in WWII and I merely reminded you it was a Spanish invention.......if you find this fact distasteful I am sorry
Marc SCR 6046 SCS 3004

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Well Bill, what happened to that man is a damned shame. Thanks for sharing the story. I really do appreciate it. I don't claim to know everything, so I'm not pissed when someone points out data, I just like to see it. However, I guess a better point I could make on this topic is that American soldiers at least do not deliberately try to kill numerous, innocent civilians. Are there shitbags in our military? Yes, there are. However, 99.9% of us would never do something like this. Where as there are thousands of these jihadists that get off by killing as many innocent people as possible. While America's military is not perfect, I do not take kindly to people practically comparing us to terrorists (not that you did, but other people on this site). So in short, we do not deliberately try to kill large numbers of civilians. There may be a few shitbags in the military who have killed a single innocent civilian, like in the story you posted, but they will be delt with. But like I argued previously, we still do not deliberately kill numerous civilians.

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Cliff, by your years in the sport, I can assume you are well into your adult years. So, how bout we act like it and not try to render useless flames like "keep firing blind, pal! That's damn Patriotic!!!" A large reason I think it is Islamic fundamentalists is because British forensic scientists think it is. They've found evidence, I believe them. No, I did not say it was Islamic fundamentalists just because you think I'm a muslim hater. I said it because the government investigators think it is, and I have no reason to not back that up...especially considering past history.


And do you really believe there is a group called "Double Secret Society of Arab Al-Queida Members in Europe with Turbans"

It's been proven knowledge for several years that Al Queda has numerous cells throughout Europe.

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You are the one over there who is so proud that you are killing people.

You are grossly blinde to the world you live in Cliff. I take personal offense to you accusing me of that. While I don't have a bleeding heart for terrorists who die, it still is a terrible thing to take a life. You can't even imagine. I'm not proud of killing people, I NEVER WILL BE. But, I'm damn proud of helping people and helping keep Iraq and the rest of the world safe...and if that means killing some terrible people, then so be it.


Of course you could always just keep on salutin', beating your chest about your good deeds,etc.
And those of us who know will look at you as a misinformed government dupe.

I'll keep on sacrificing more than you'll ever know so that you can sit in your comfortable office and try to flame me with personal attacks. Cliff, you're grossly misinformed about how you even have the freedoms that you do today. I won't explain because you won't listen. Your disrepectful candor on this thread is just ridiculous. Grow up and show some respect for your country and for the people who keep the air you breath free. While I do not want personal praise, I want you to understand and respect the thousands of people who have died over the years. You don't need to like Bush or his policies, but you should respect those who selfless died for you and millions of others across this planet.

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In WW2 cilivilians were bombed

I never said civilians don't die in war. Civlians will always be killed in war, it's unavoidable. But, we don't say, "hey, lets go bomb a neighborhood and see how many people we can kill today." That's not the mentality we have...that's the mentality of the terrorists.


You guys dropped 2 atomic bombs on two cities

Yes, what a terrible occurance in history. But it did end a war and saved millions of lives in the process. So, it's a tough call. We could have not done it and millions would have been killed. Or, we could do it and kill people, but overall save millions (especially Americans...and yes, even though that seems harsh, we all have our own self-preservation as first priority...even you do).


and now in Irak you guys drop bombs in resident areas just because you have a hint that a terrorist could be hiding.

No, we get good intel almost all of the time. We stictly target a single building at a time, killing the terrroists inside. If they surround themselves with civlians inside that we don't know about, well then that's horrible on their part, not ours. We do not just strafe neighborhoods...we're very "surgical" in our bombing. People are killed accidentally, but overall, very few innocent civilians are killed by our bombings. But go ahead and believe bullshit news articles telling you otherwise. Afterall, the piece of shit journalist was right there and pickeled the bomb themselves, didn't they?

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Spain "invented" the bombing of civilian populations or does Guernica not ring a bell with you.......something the Spanish government still refuses to apologize for:(

Rubbish. Germany bombed civilian areas of Yarmouth and Kings Lynn in January 1915 (WWI), two decades prior to Guernica. London soon followed.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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