
Threads about other posters

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Speaker's Corner is not the flame-fest forum. All of the standard DZ.com rules apply here.

If you find yourself starting a thread specifically about another poster, I strongly urge you to reconsider. Personal threads are silly, usually pointless, and mostly devolve into flame fests. Such threads are viewed with the utmost skepticism by the moderators, so be prepared for them to be removed without notice.

Also, trying to dress your attacks up as a poll (poll: is Joe an idiot? poll: should Jack admit he's wrong?, etc) is a not very clever way to disguise a personal attack, and will not be tolerated.

When discussing in this (or any) forum, a good rule of thumb is the one we learned in 2nd grade soccer--play the ball, not the player. If you find yourself directing things at a person rather than at what they say, chances are you are out of line.
-- Tom Aiello


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but in hockey you play the man, not the puck

Unless you're a goalie then you ALWAYS play the puck. Guess which one I am;)
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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but in hockey you play the man, not the puck

Unless you're a goalie then you ALWAYS play the puck. Guess which one I am;)


In the 'new' NHL, the goalie can play the puck in that little trapezoidal area behind the net. Which means... he's very limited. I can dig it.


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but in hockey you play the man, not the puck

Unless you're a goalie then you ALWAYS play the puck. Guess which one I am;)

so you are saying you are the "catcher"?

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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No, feel free to as long as the post remains civil and respectful. But be aware the thread will be closely watched by the mods and after the person being talked about has their say the thread will probally be locked. Also post it in the correct fourm. For this type of thing Bonfire or Gen might be the correct fourms. If its about your lens then stick to the thread you already started in Photo.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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You're free to post your factual, business experiences with business entities in the skydiving world in whatever forum is most appropriate. Please remember that you must still follow the forum rules, so describing your experience is ok (and useful for others to read), but calling someone names (even if you think they deserve it) is not allowed.

Feel free to PM me if you want to discuss specifics.
-- Tom Aiello


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but in hockey you play the man, not the puck

Unless you're a goalie then you ALWAYS play the puck. Guess which one I am;)

You are the puck'er:P

...as opposed to puckee? You are a too-generous man.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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