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mnealtx 0
I wouldn't read too much into it. Bush received a briefing entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike the US" shortly before 9/11, a briefing that discussed hijacking airliners and targeting buildings. He figured it was just a general cautionary thing.
LOL! And for Netenyahu to recieve the warning just before the attack!
So who sent the warning? Arabs or Scotland Yard (they've denied it) or others?
Dude - can you at least give them time to bury their dead and mourn before starting in with the conspiracy shit?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706
The media and the conspirators stared long before I. Mr. mnealtx.
The question now is do you believe the official conspiracy theory or can you shrug off that propaganda and see the Truth.
Maybe we should have a "government investigation"!
Dude - can you at least give them time to bury their dead and mourn before starting in with the conspiracy shit?
The media and the conspirators started long before I. Mr. mnealtx.
The question now is do you believe the official conspiracy theory or can you shrug off that propaganda and see the Truth.
Maybe we should have a "government investigation"!
this is kinda like the one about the Jews secretly being behind the 9/11 attacks??
or that no plane hit the Pentagon, or....(fill in favorite conspiracy theory here)
Yep. Just watch your email inbox. The little guys in the aluminum foil hats are already starting to swarm.
QuoteOh boy, here its starting again...
this is kinda like the one about the Jews secretly being behind the 9/11 attacks??
It is a fact that Odigo employees had advance warning.
Do you dispute that?
The only thing that makes me madder than speculation is the dick-heads on the news asking fuckin stupid questions ... Like "well, how do you feel"
Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome
QuoteThe only people who knew are those that planned & carried out the attrocity,
Very True,shropshire.
Now who knew?
We know that Israeli minister Netenyahu had advance warning of the attacks.
We know that Scotland Yard ,the source of the warning according to Israel, says they didn't issue that warning.
So who warned Netenyahu?
I doubt Arabs would have!
Do you think an Arab would be looking out for the well being of an Israeli?
So , If it wasn't the British, and it wasn't the Arabs..., Who warned the Israeli minister?
Cipher that one out and you'll know who was responsible for the bombings.
I'll help !
Ought plus ought equals double ought . Double ought times ought equals ought.
Well not me that's for sure.... And as sure as eggs is eggs, no one here on this here web site, either.
P.S Sorry, but I, for one am not buying your Israli conspiracy theory. Not till there's real, credible evidence ... Ha, then it would be a theory.
Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome
__________________________________________________ That's fair enough!
As long as you don't buy into the * Islamic fanatic theory* either , until you see "real credible evidence".
Shoot, that evidence hasn't been provided to prove 9-11 was orchestrated by Islamics or even Arabs.
Do you have or know of any irrrefutable evidence which links 9-11 to Islamic fanatics?
Hey, maybe I need too much convincing, I'm not too hot on taking stuff on blind faith (call it a failing!)
One of the problems, it seems to me, is the 'fog of war syndrome'. As soon as something happens, someone(?) send out a press release (i.e this mornings Electrical Overload crap), instead of just keeping quite, till they actually know something. Then one story (lie?) leads to another, then more and then IMHO the terrorists have won... Panic, finger pointing, Knee Jerk [over]reactions etc.. The cycle continues.
Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome
QuoteWhat's Odigo?
Odigo is an instant messaging company which controls all of the instant messaging in the US.
There are other Israeli based companies which control and can listen in on any phone conversation in the US including White House and congressional" secured lines".
Do you doubt that?
Michele 1
What I find interesting is that the warning was dismissed until after the attacks, which tells me that a widespread system of warning did not occur; rather, I'll bet a dollar that the warning was something to the effect of the warnings which were running around at the time, nebulous and uncertain, which would've said something to the effect of "watch your back tomorrow. I can't say any more, but you'll see what I mean."
The fact that only 2 employees were sent the IM also indicates to me that it most probably isn't anything conspiratorial (as the OP is insinuating), but rather something that, while meriting investigation, turned up nothing of import.
Very similar to the little boy who dreamed, on 9/10, that WWIII would start on 9/11. Or the Nostradamus "prophecy" which circulated the 'net in the weeks after 9/11. Or, even my own dream, which detailed the towers collapsing, bombings occurring, and a war starting, 180 days prior to 9/11. I blamed it on pizza right before bed...
Funny thing about conspiracies; most of the time, when looked at with any sort of clarity, and with any ability to actually research things and use a bit of judgment, they tend to fall apart pretty quickly.
~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~
QuoteScooby, the best research can only turn up two workers at Odigo who were "warned." Of what, it is unclear. By whom, it is not released. And which workers, it has not been revealed.
"Of what it is unclear" , "by whom , it is not released".
Those are your words, Michelle.
Do you think the government has conducted a complete investigation into 9-11?
Do you believe we should know who warned those Odigo employees?
Do you believe that it is *unimportant* who warned Netinyahu today?
Jasmin 0
Belief in a person or group's view on "Truth", can be perverted just as easily as religion, politics or any other ideology.
I agree Michele.
Conspiracy theories tend to be emotionally charged, illogical takes on small facts of little significance. They promote the "truth" of a position/ideology, whilst ignoring the bigger picture.
eg The Israeli’s knew about the London attacks.
To believe, with no source other than gossip, that a group other than the perpetrators had direct knowledge of the specifics of this attack, is illogical. If you apply cool-headed logic to it, it’s pretty easy to come to the conclusion that if Scotland Yard were supposedly issuing warnings, it was either too general to be useful or identified a different group as the target. eg the Israelis.
A general warning is all well and good, but they rarely give you specifics detailed enough to prevent them or to effectively protect people from them. ie where, when, what and how.
I might give it some credence if the rumour was that an intelligence group gave a general warning to the Israelis about a threat made of an attack during the G8 summit, or even the threat of an attack that day. But Scotland Yard would have to be pretty damn incompetant, to give the Israelis a direct warning of the specifics of the attacks and then fail to identify that the ensuing explosions were that threat being implemented! Scotland Yard are not that incompetant and intelligence experts repeatedly state that intel on clandestine attacks is rarely that clear.
"I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with the earth...but then I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with a car either, and that's having tried both."
03CLS 0
QuoteQuoteScooby, the best research can only turn up two workers at Odigo who were "warned." Of what, it is unclear. By whom, it is not released. And which workers, it has not been revealed.
"Of what it is unclear" , "by whom , it is not released".
Those are your words, Michelle.
Do you think the government has conducted a complete investigation into 9-11?
Do you believe we should know who warned those Odigo employees?
Do you believe that it is *unimportant* who warned Netinyahu today?
How is that Netenyahu was warn today and the same shit happened back on 9/11?
Slink2 0
Quotethis is kinda like the one about the Jews secretly being behind the 9/11 attacks??
Ummm, that angle was never even mentioned in the USA of Israel as the #1 USA foreign aid recipient seems a little strange since we do not receive anything from Israel! Did you ever consider that? Or did you just jump on the lemming band wagon?
To believe, with no source other than gossip, that a group other than the perpetrators had direct knowledge of the specifics of this attack, is illogical.
So you agree then that who ever warned the Israelis are the perpetrators?
Slink2 0
No just an explaination why the US sends billions to a USA taxpayer, I come last...but I would like to know why! Can you explain?
from your post if another thread...<
and from this one
So if you suggest that our police warned JERUSALEM and imply that the warners were the perp's.. are you saying that our police bombed London ...
WTF exactly are you Actually trying to say? Very lttle adds up at the moment, me thinks.
Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome
wgrayw 0
Israel not warned about blasts - foreign minister
07/07/2005 - 12:37:23
Israel was not warned about possible terror attacks in London before at least six blasts ripped through the city, Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom said today.
A Foreign Ministry official had said earlier that British police warned the Israeli Embassy in London of possible terror attacks minutes before the first explosion.
“There was no early information about terrorist attacks,” Shalom told Israel Army Radio. “After the first explosion an order was given that no one move until things become clear.”
Israel was holding an economic conference in a hotel over the underground stop where one of the blasts occurred. Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was supposed to attend the conference, but “after the first explosion our finance minister received a request not to go anywhere,” Shalom said.
He said he wasn’t aware of any Israeli casualties.
Shalom speculated that attackers might have taken advantage of the fact that police resources were diverted to a meeting of Western leaders.
The Israeli ambassador to London, Zvi Hefetz, said today that the embassy was in a state of emergency following the explosions in London, with no one allowed to enter or leave.
Danny Biran, an Israeli Foreign Ministry official, said all phone lines to the embassy were down.
The ministry has set up a situation room to deal with hundreds of phone calls from concerned relatives. Thousands of Israelis are living in London or visiting the city at this time, Biran said.
Amir Gilad, a Netanyahu aide, told Israel Radio that Netanyahu’s entourage was receiving updates all morning from British security officials, and “we have also asked to change our plans.”
Netanyahu had been scheduled to stay in London until Sunday, but that could change, Gilad said.
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