
Teen Spends 9 Days in Jail for Burning Flag

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I think some of the problem here is the use of slang in the US is different than in many parts of the world. I'm very much offended if you are implying that I would be more hurt/saddened by the loss of a pet than by the loss of my "little shit" (big shit now). If you think that most of us care for our pets more than our children you are very much lacking in understanding of the average "american". Maybe if someone had recognized that the teen mentioned in this thread was behaving like a little shit earlier in his life he would not be in this situation.


You know, we in this country, really have some rather 'odd' terms and slang usage. Shit, seems to be a 'generic' word used when we just can't think of a better word. Such as, reference to something new that someone got. "That's some cool shit!" To someone from outside the U.S. this can really sound bad. Especially in reference to children.:D We are so used to hearing these things that, we don't think a thing of it. A really good guy is a; 'Good shit!' I myself (believe it or not) have been referred to as such... I was flattered! I really feel bad for folks from other countries trying to learn our language and slang! That, is some hard shit to do!:D


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people breaking down in tears b/c their cat/dog died after beeing 10-15 yrs on earth with them - unbelievable discrepancy in my opinion.

Okay, we'll put you down in the category of people who don't grow loving attachements to their pets. That's a negative thing, by the way. You're really lookin' good now!


Behaviour of children is just representing how they were grown up. They are not to be blamed on it.

And your child-rearing skills need some help too. If you don't hold kids responsible for their own behavior, they'll never learn what proper behavior is.

Furthermore, you've got yet another incorrect generalization there - that bad-behaving kids are always the fault of the parents. Believe it or not, a lot of bad-behaving kids come from very good homes and parents. I doubt if this lad's parents taught him to steal other people's property and set it on fire. Life isn't perfect. Shit happens. Little Shit's can be created all on their own.

(Editted to remove offending sentence.)

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Have you ever been on an airline flight with a kid sitting behind you making noise and/or kicking the back of your seat?

Yep, I've been in planes several times where adults made weird noises... they should have been told at home NOT to do it, as it stinks ...


Honestly, I do understand you. Perhaps, I should see it a little more in the easy going way :| - don't know.

There is one thing I am convinced of: Children do not know from their day of birth what is right or wrong - it is our job as parents to teach them, right? There are kids understanding earlier, others understand later. Anyhow, they are kids which have to learn every single day. Give them the time and freedom to be kids with all positive and negative experiences. They have to make their own experiences and always need to test their own "borders".

Kids are not born with a map or an instruction manual in their head. What they need to know has to be teached by parents, family, kindergarten, school.... They cannot know all at one time.

And yes, I am absolutely convinced that parents are responsible for the behaviour of their kids. No kid is born with an ugly character. Not a single one.


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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No kid is born with an ugly character. Not a single one.

all kids are born selfish, impatient, greedy, etc.

they need to be taught by their parents to behave in an acceptable manner.
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"underage drinking, littering, evading arrest, burning personal property and theft"

Lets see, drunk, throwing garbage around, running from cops, torching someones stuff, then stealing someones stuff"

Yup, I'm with Masterrig, he's a little shit.

Now for the bleading hearts, if you were never called a shit by your parents, maybe you weren't doing what this kid was....

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Have you ever been on an airline flight with a kid sitting behind you making noise and/or kicking the back of your seat?


Yep, I've been in planes several times where adults made weird noises... they should have been told at home NOT to do it, as it stinks ...


Honestly, I do understand you. Perhaps, I should see it a little more in the easy going way :| - don't know.

There is one thing I am convinced of: Children do not know from their day of birth what is right or wrong - it is our job as parents to teach them, right? There are kids understanding earlier, others understand later. Anyhow, they are kids which have to learn every single day. Give them the time and freedom to be kids with all positive and negative experiences. They have to make their own experiences and always need to test their own "borders".

Kids are not born with a map on an instruction manual in their head. What they need to know has to be teached by parents, family, kindergarten, school.... They cannot know all at one time.

And yes, I am absolutely convinced that parents are responsible for the behaviour of their kids. No kid is born with an ugly character. Not a single one.


The issue for me is who should have the burden of teaching proper behavior to the kids. I have never had kids. I don't like being around kids--at least not until they are old enough to have some sort of intelligent conversation, say 11 or 12 or so. I don't want to be bothered with other peoples' kids.

Some people like kids and some people, like me, just don't care to be around them.

That being said, the original point you made was that referring to a kid as shit is offensive. I am really convinced that there is simply a cultural gap here. The term "little shit" really isn't a deeply insulting term, even when intended as an insult.

Also, please accept my apology for using the term "fish head". I used it jokingly as an example of an idiomatic expression that has meaning in Germany while making absolutely no sense in the US. I meant no insult. I tried to edit the post, but for some reason the "edit" option did not appear when I viewed my posting.


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I'm very much offended if you are implying that I would be more hurt/saddened by the loss of a pet than by the loss of my "little shit" (big shit now). If you think that most of us care for our pets more than our children you are very much lacking in understanding of the average "american". Maybe if someone had recognized that the teen mentioned in this thread was behaving like a little shit earlier in his life he would not be in this situation.

Oh man, stop speculating - you do not know me and I do not know you.

I simply said that in my eyes a kid - and with a kid I mean all, what it means to raise up a kid - has more value than any pet. Period. Don't call a kid "shit", that's all. What your dog leaves on the pavement, that's called shit.

And I love my cat.


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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Also, please accept my apology for using the term "fish head". I used it jokingly as an example of an idiomatic expression that has meaning in Germany while making absolutely no sense in the US. I meant no insult. I tried to edit the post, but for some reason the "edit" option did not appear when I viewed my posting.


Wow, we are quick...Just crossed each other with our posts


Forget that silly "fish head" thing, it's just rubbish, no need to discuss it any longer.

To tell the truth, the folks which really are fish heads in northern Germany are proud about it, LMAO... :D:D - so be very careful if you meet one.


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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For the many in the US that have not heard the term "fish head", it is a mildly derogatory term that refers to Germans who live along Germany's coastline. I'm guessing that the US equivalent would be calling someone from West Virginia or Kentucky a "hillbilly".


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I tried to edit the post, but for some reason the "edit" option did not appear when I viewed my posting.

There is a six hour time out on user editing of posts. After six hours, you lose the ability to edit them.
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"underage drinking, littering, evading arrest, burning personal property and theft"

Lets see, drunk, throwing garbage around, running from cops, torching someones stuff, then stealing someones stuff"

Yup, I'm with Masterrig, he's a little shit.

Now for the bleading hearts, if you were never called a shit by your parents, maybe you weren't doing what this kid was....

Actually, I think "little shit" is a relatively mild term for an 18 year old who behaves in this manner. I *might* feel differently if it was a 6 year old, I'm not sure. We're really NOT talking about a child here!

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Serves the little punk ass right.......

Amen Sir! Many people in America, including much of the youth, don't realize the sacrifices that previous generations have made in defense of the "Stars and Stripes." There ought to an amendment added to the Constitution regarding flag burning. I get so sick of hearing "its freedom of speech." Well if thats what you believe then you need to wake up and realize that your freedom isn't free! Many have paid the ultimate sacrifice just so some could make ridiculous statements like that. So anyone who thinks "its freedom of speech", I can say only one thing. Start showing the men and women who fought for the flag some GODDAMN RESPECT!!!!!!!!! >:(

P.S. He is a little shit and should be delt with accordingly. (this would include baseball bats, some rabid dogs, and some salt) :ph34r:
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He is a little shit and should be delt with accordingly. (this would include baseball bats, some rabid dogs, and some salt)

Couldn't agree more. And anyone who doesn't agree with me should be dealt with in the same way.:|

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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desecrating a venerated object, underage drinking, littering, evading arrest, burning personal property and theft

For god shake, what a bunch of righteous people you are!!! i got 5 out of 6 on that one, I don´t remember ever stealing anything, but... oh yeah, forget that 6 out of 6.

Come on, like anyone has never drunk when under 21, or burn anything, or run away when in trouble... The only thing we can blame the kid is doing it all in one night. but it is not without merit.

I am not saying that this guy has no issues, and i am sure that he needs some time grounded to think about his actions, but jail time is way too much. At worst he will learn new tricks in his short jail term to do when he gets out.

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desecrating a venerated object, underage drinking, littering, evading arrest, burning personal property and theft

For god shake, what a bunch of righteous people you are!!! i got 5 out of 6 on that one, I don´t remember ever stealing anything, but... oh yeah, forget that 6 out of 6.
Come on, like anyone has never drunk when under 21, or burn anything, or run away when in trouble... The only thing we can blame the kid is doing it all in one night. but it is not without merit.

I am not saying that this guy has no issues, and i am sure that he needs some time grounded to think about his actions, but jail time is way too much. At worst he will learn new tricks in his short jail term to do when he gets out.


Well then, you're a little shit too!:D:D:D


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Lets see, drunk, throwing garbage around, running from cops, torching someones stuff, then stealing someones stuff"

Sounds like a bad night at WFFC.


Or ......a GOOD night at Couch Freaks!;)

43 days, 22 hours, 0 minutes, 29 seconds

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Amen Sir! Many people in America, including much of the youth, don't realize the sacrifices that previous generations have made in defense of the "Stars and Stripes."

Funny, I was under the impression that sacrifices were made in defense of freedom.
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Serves the little punk ass right.......

P.S. He is a little shit and should be delt with accordingly. (this would include baseball bats, some rabid dogs, and some salt) :ph34r:

This flag's for you, gringito.

"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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