
Teen Spends 9 Days in Jail for Burning Flag

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Funny, I was under the impression that sacrifices were made in defense of freedom.

Quite Right! Sacrifices were, are, and will continue to be made in defense of freedom. However, if you honestly think that burning an American flag isn't a slap in the face to the veterans who made, are making, and will continue to make sacrifices in defense of our freedom, then I guess you're the one that's funny! [:/]

Green Grass and High Tides under Blue Skies

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However, if you honestly think that burning an American flag isn't a slap in the face to the veterans who made, are making, and will continue to make sacrifices in defense of our freedom, then I guess you're the one that's funny!


Funny, I do not remember ever saying anything like that. Please don't add to what I said to bolster your flawed argument.:S

P.S. Do you even understand the concept of freedom? Your posts suggest otherwise.:|
"From the mightiest pharaoh to the lowliest peasant,
who doesn't enjoy a good sit?" C. Montgomery Burns

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Do you even understand the concept of freedom? Your posts suggest otherwise.

funny, i think you are the one who doesn't quite understand what your freedom is or where it comes from.
"Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch
NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329

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P.S. Do you even understand the concept of freedom? Your posts suggest otherwise.

With respect, You don't know me well enough to make such a bold statement. Let's see if you can understand this concept? My grandfather was a World War 2 veteran and Purple Heart recipient. My uncle is a retired one star and Vietnam Veteran. My father ir a retired Full Bird who treated many vets returning home wounded from Vietnam. My brother just finished his four tour. And I, after the first of the coming year, will be headed for the Marines. So I think myself as well as my family are quite well aware of the concept of Freedom!!!! Let's see if your next post suggests that you understand that? :(
Green Grass and High Tides under Blue Skies

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>So I think myself as well as my family are quite well aware of the concept of Freedom!!!!

It sounds like you and your family are well aware of the concept of the military. But despite what many believe, they are not the same thing. Militaries have been used for both freedom and oppression since the beginning of time; they are certainly not synonymous with freedom.

Here in the US the military defends our country, and is one part of the system that keeps us free. The government is another. Our constitution is another. None work independently of the other.

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"Come on, like anyone has never drunk when under 21, or burn anything, or run away when in trouble... The only thing we can blame the kid is doing it all in one night. but it is not without merit."

Don't forget looting and torching..... everyone does that:ph34r:

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they are certainly not synonymous with freedom.

With Respect Sir, I wonder if the French and the Polish, just to name a few, would agree with that. Seeing how it was the Allied Forces (a collection of military forces) who were responsible for thier freedom being returned to them! :|

Green Grass and High Tides under Blue Skies

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I wonder if the French and the Polish, just to name a few, would agree with that. Seeing how it was the Allied Forces (a collection of military forces) who were responsible for thier freedom being returned to them! :|

It was also various military forces (in the Polish case, ironically, the "allied" Soviet army) that deprived them of their freedoms.

Military might is a tool. Like many tools, it can be used in various ways.
-- Tom Aiello


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P.S. Do you even understand the concept of freedom? Your posts suggest otherwise.

With respect, You don't know me well enough to make such a bold statement. Let's see if you can understand this concept? My grandfather was a World War 2 veteran and Purple Heart recipient. My uncle is a retired one star and Vietnam Veteran. My father ir a retired Full Bird who treated many vets returning home wounded from Vietnam. My brother just finished his four tour. And I, after the first of the coming year, will be headed for the Marines. So I think myself as well as my family are quite well aware of the concept of Freedom!!!! Let's see if your next post suggests that you understand that? :(

Your desire for a structured, rigid, institutional environment gives you and your family a right to define freedom for the rest of the country? :(

I don't think so.

"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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Your desire for a structured, rigid, institutional environment gives you and your family a right to define freedom for the rest of the country?

I don't think so.



I've read some of your other posts and agree with some things you've had to say. However, I don't have a desire for a structured, rigid, institutional environment. And as for my family and I, we aren't trying to define freedom for the rest of the country! But we, like many military families, know the cost of that freedom and what it takes to pass it on to future generations. :|

Green Grass and High Tides under Blue Skies

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Your desire for a structured, rigid, institutional environment gives you and your family a right to define freedom for the rest of the country?

I don't think so.



I've read some of your other posts and agree with some things you've had to say. However, I don't have a desire for a structured, rigid, institutional environment. And as for my family and I, we aren't trying to define freedom for the rest of the country! But we, like many military families, know the cost of that freedom and what it takes to pass it on to future generations. :|

With respect, when you call for the use of "baseball bats, some rabid dogs, and some salt" as object lessons ...you are pretty much setting up definitions and parameters of what freedom is ...or isn't.

"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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With respect, when you call for the use of "baseball bats, some rabid dogs, and some salt" as object lessons ...you are pretty much setting up definitions and parameters of what freedom is ...or isn't.

That wasn't ment to be taken literally. It was tongue-in-cheek. Also, I went back and read the reply you posted to that statement. If memory serves it went something like...."This flag's for you, gringito." If you had a problem with what I said, why didn't you say anything then?

Keep it Real ;)

Green Grass and High Tides under Blue Skies

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Serves the little punk ass right.......


Take a second and hop off the Lee Greenwood express....

Passing anti flag burning laws is coercing respect for a symbol that in and of itself represents freedom from coercion... See any irony?

...And before you go ad hominem, I'm a Veteran.

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With respect, when you call for the use of "baseball bats, some rabid dogs, and some salt" as object lessons ...you are pretty much setting up definitions and parameters of what freedom is ...or isn't.

That wasn't ment to be taken literally. It was tongue-in-cheek. Also, I went back and read the reply you posted to that statement. If memory serves it went something like...."This flag's for you, gringito." If you had a problem with what I said, why didn't you say anything then?

Keep it Real ;)

I bought some small, desk top flags. I burned one for you (got seven left).

It's a small way of protesting those who call themselves patriots yet, cannot see the irony of calling for acts of violence against Americans for exercising free speech.

"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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It's a small way of protesting those who call themselves patriots yet, cannot see the irony of calling for acts of violence against Americans for exercising free speech.

This is the last post I'm going to add to this thread. I think it's obvious now that I don't believe burning an American flag is freedom of speech and that you do. I said my previous post was tongue-in-cheek. If you don't get that well that's your burden to bare. Contrary to "liberal" belief, the first amendment is not unconditional. Try walking into a public place, say a movie theater, and yelling fire! See what happens to your ass in court when you cry like a fucking school-girl with a skinned knee...."but I was just exercising my freedom of speech." Because I'll tell you right now that that shit won't cut it in a court! :(

Green Grass and High Tides under Blue Skies

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Contrary to "liberal" belief, the first amendment is not unconditional.



Try walking into a public place, say a movie theater, and yelling fire! See what happens to your ass in court when you cry like a fucking school-girl with a skinned knee...."but I was just exercising my freedom of speech." Because I'll tell you right now that that shit won't cut it in a court! :(

You can't equate walking into a theater and yelling "Fire!" with burning a flag in protest of something, no matter how much it would help your argument. They're two completely different things.

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Do you even understand the concept of freedom? Your posts suggest otherwise.


funny, i think you are the one who doesn't quite understand what your freedom is or where it comes from.


Could you please point out where my posts have demonstrated to you my lack of understanding of the concept of freedom.
"From the mightiest pharaoh to the lowliest peasant,
who doesn't enjoy a good sit?" C. Montgomery Burns

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It's a small way of protesting those who call themselves patriots yet, cannot see the irony of calling for acts of violence against Americans for exercising free speech.

This is the last post I'm going to add to this thread. I think it's obvious now that I don't believe burning an American flag is freedom of speech and that you do. I said my previous post was tongue-in-cheek. If you don't get that well that's your burden to bare. Contrary to "liberal" belief, the first amendment is not unconditional. Try walking into a public place, say a movie theater, and yelling fire! See what happens to your ass in court when you cry like a fucking school-girl with a skinned knee...."but I was just exercising my freedom of speech." Because I'll tell you right now that that shit won't cut it in a court! :(

Please do try and stay on topic, gringito.

"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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If he just burned his own flag I wouldn't like it but I would live with it. I don't agree with flag burning, but will defend the right of others to do so. This fine young man on the other hand stole a flag that someone else took the time, money, and PRIDE to display. I think the person who's flag was stolen and burned should have a say in what happens to this wonderful person whom in your opinion was just exercising his rights.

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I bought some small, desk top flags. I burned one for you (got seven left).

It's a small way of protesting those who call themselves patriots yet, cannot see the irony of calling for acts of violence against Americans for exercising free speech.

Thats real mature:S

Anyway this kid broke laws. He was desecrating a venerated object, underage drinking, littering, evading arrest, burning personal property and theft.

Even if you ignore burning the flag, he is still a little shit and should get what he deserves.

BTW if you burn a little flag with my name on it....Send pics, but smother it in BBQ sauce first cause I don't give a fuck if you wanna burn your own property.

If you are really bad, you will have a BBQ and invite the VFW over....Roll tape on that, cause it will be a hoot.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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