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Anyway, the bottom line for me is that this. Nearly everything Jesus said or did had a higher purpose. Therefore, I do not believe that God would spend his time making sure that laws and histories were written down that have no application to his followers TODAY.
Yes, I understand we can learn ideals and attributes from the stories of David or Joshua or whoever, but what exactly can we learn from the law that a woman was considered unclean after menstration and childbirth?
Hence, because I do not think God would have such now trivial information in His Bible, I do not believe the Bible is the direct Word of God.
pajarito 0
QuoteHence, because I do not think God would have such now trivial information in His Bible, I do not believe the Bible is the direct Word of God.
Except for the fact that Jesus endorsed it, preached from it (he was a Jew), proclaimed it to be an authoritative source, and his prophesy was fulfilled from it. The Old Testament writers claimed to be speaking God's words and not their own over 2600 times.
See how easy that is?
If I believe that the Bible is not the direct Word of God, then why would I think that the writers are correct in saying that? I can believe they BELIEVED it, but that does not mean it is true.
You have faith that they are correct. I have faith they are not. There is no way to disprove it without a recursive reference. In the end, it all comes down to faith.
And that is the end.
pajarito 0
QuoteAnd I claim I am speaking the word of God. Therefore I am.
See how easy that is?
I’d say Prove it.
Jesus did.
Talk is cheap.
I definitely didn't feel like you were attacking any of us by those comments. It was just a bit over the top (in my world) to compare Christ to a porn star. But if you were raised in an uninhibited world where you didn't have to be considerate of others' "sensitivities" and watch what you say, it's understandable. Not excuseable, just understandable.
I did not compare Christ to a porn star.
I said that I would not be surprised if the next coming of the messiah was in the form of an ex-junkie pornstar.
Now, if you think there's something quaint and romantic about being born in a barn to a poor carpenter, thats fine.
My point was that the Jews were expecting the Holy King of Kings Terminator and got a meek carpenter who had a way with words and told some decent stories to get across some very simple, yet important, concepts.
Christians say 'ahhh but the Jews misunderstood the prophecies, look, this is quite obviously Jesus - the New Testament tells us so quite plainly!'.
Ok, The Jews, they didnt have a New Testament to work from. Xtians have the benefit of hindsight, they didnt have an Old Testament, and this is what pisses me off..
How arrogant would you have to be to assume that an entire society would just happen to miss all the bits about 'the lamb' and therefor misunderstood Jesus.
Cmon, at that point in history that society was closer to their scripture than most Christians are nowadays. They quoted them from memory and if they blew a word or stumbled they went back to the beginning. People spent their lives studying scripture. And Xtians are arrogant enough to believe that Jesus was an obvious choice as messiah to those people who studied prophecy?!?
Hardly logical, I think.
So whats to say that Christians arent misunderstanding him again this time?
God's word of the day: Haddock.
TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.
Jesus was prophecized to be of the line of David. Joseph was of the line of David. Mary was not. If Jesus's birth was virgin, how could Jesus be of the line of David?
If it was not a virgin birth, one prophecy goes down. If it was, another falls.
pajarito 0
QuoteAnother question:
Jesus was prophecized to be of the line of David. Joseph was of the line of David. Mary was not. If Jesus's birth was virgin, how could Jesus be of the line of David?
If it was not a virgin birth, one prophecy goes down. If it was, another falls.
Gotta go. I will respond later.
Re-read the last part of the verse. He said "these aught ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone." Or, as my NIV (easier for me to read
He was chastising them for putting on a show and not really fulfilling their duties. He was accusing them of tithing, as they should, but only to demonstrate to the crowd how holy & righteous they were. Jesus was in fact labeling them as hypocrites.
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