
Message to the Crwaford Memorial vandal

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I came across the following message on a Usenet newsgroup. This is for all the ShrubCo/Limbaugh/Hannity sheeple to mull over.

Begin quoted text>>>

A Message to the Crawford Memorial Vandal

Aug 17, 2005

Mr. Northern:

I am a Veteran of the Iraq war, having served with the 4th Infantry Division on the initial invasion with Force Package One.

While I was in Iraq,a very good friend of mine, Christopher Cutchall,was killed in an unarmored HMMWV outside of Baghdad.

He was a cavalry scout serving with the 3d ID.

Once he had declined the award of a medal because Soldiers assigned to him did not receive similar awards that he had recommended.

He left two sons and a wonderful wife.

On Monday night, August 16, you ran down the memorial cross erected for him by Arlington West.

One of my Soldiers in Iraq was Roger Turner.

We gave him a hard time because he always wore all of his protective equipment, including three pairs of glasses or goggles.

He did this because he wanted to make sure that he returned home to his family.

He rode a bicycle to work every day to make sure that he was able to save enough money on his Army salary to send his son to college.

At Camp Anaconda, where the squadron briefly stayed, a rocket landed inside a tent, sending a piece of debris or fragment into him and killed him.

On Monday night, August 16, you ran down the memorial cross erected for him by Arlington West.

One of my Soldiers was Henry Bacon.

He was one of the finest men I ever met.

He was in perfect shape for a man over forty, working hard at night.

He told me that he did that because he didn't have much money to buy nice things for his wife, who he loved so much, so he had to be in good shape for her.

He was like a father to many young men in his section of maintenance mechanics.

They fixed our vehicles with almost no support and fabricated parts and made repairs that kept our squadron rolling on the longest, fastest armor advance ever made under fire.

He was so very proud of his son-in-law that married the beautiful daughter so well raised by Henry.

His son-in-law was a helicopter pilot with the 1st Cavalry Division, who died last year.

Henry stopped to rescue a vehicle belonging to another unit on what was to be his last day in Iraq.

He could have kept rolling - he was headed to Kuwait after a year's tour.

But he stopped.

He could have sent others to do the work, but he was on the ground, leading by example, when he was killed.

On Monday night, August 16, you took it upon yourself to go out in the country, where a peaceful group was exercising their constitutional rights, and harming no one, and you ran down the memorial cross erected for Henry and for his son-in-law by Arlington West.

Mr. Northern - I know little about Cindy Sheehan except that she is a grieving mother, a gentle soul, and wants to bring harm to no one.

I know little about you except that you found your way to Crawford on Monday night in August with chains and a pipe attached to your truck for the sole purpose of dishonoring a memorial erected for my friends and lost Soldiers and hundreds of others that served this nation when they were called.

I find it disheartening that good men like these have died so that people like you can threaten a mother who lost a child with your actions.

I hope that you are ashamed of yourself.

Perry Jefferies, First Sergeant, USA (retired)

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>Is Rush responsible for the actions of some idiot in a pickup truck
>in Crawford, TX? If so, how?

Ever see the movie "Fisher King?"

He's not directly responsible, of course. But I think you would agree that if a very popular radio host starts calling for Bush's removal for office in any way possible, and one of his listeners hears that and makes an assassination attempt - it would be best to stop saying that. Even though the radio host does not bear responsibility for the man's actions.

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He's not directly responsible, of course. But I think you would agree that if a very popular radio host starts calling for Bush's removal for office in any way possible, and one of his listeners hears that and makes an assassination attempt - it would be best to stop saying that. Even though the radio host does not bear responsibility for the man's actions.

--Has Rush been calling for people to stop her by any means necessary? I listen to him enough to know that he's supports her right to do what she's doing. He just questions her motives based on her associates and the vast coverage by the press.

--Is some idiot running over a bunch of fake crosses really on the same level as your example of someone making an assassination attempt?

--Does Cindy Sheehan have more of a right to free speech & expression than Rush Limbaugh or his radio network?

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>Is some idiot running over a bunch of fake crosses really on the
> same level as your example of someone making an assassination
> attempt?

Now that's an interesting statement! A cross made by the family of dead soldier is fake, but a cross produced by a factory in China is real?

A cross is a symbol. It means whatever it means to the person who uses it. And a cross made by someone in honor of a fallen loved one is about the most real symbol there is.

>Does Cindy Sheehan have more of a right to free speech &
>expression than Rush Limbaugh or his radio network?

They have exactly the same right to free speech. In Fisher King, this was pretty clear. It was the DJ who later realized what he had done, and was ashamed.

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It was the DJ who later realized what he had done, and was ashamed.

Rush and several other conservative talk show hosts have commented that this guy's actions were not appropriate...

I do find it interesting though that while the media's attention is on this one mother, there are other parents of fallen servicemen right down the street from her camp who do not share her views, but they get little to no airtime.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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>there are other parents of fallen servicemen right down the street
> from her camp who do not share her views, but they get little to no
> airtime.

Camp outside Michael Moore's house and bring 200 friends. I bet you'd get the same coverage (initially, at least) as Sheehan did.

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You didn’t answer this question:

--Has Rush been calling for people to stop her by any means necessary?


Now that's an interesting statement! A cross made by the family of dead soldier is fake, but a cross produced by a factory in China is real?

A cross is a symbol. It means whatever it means to the person who uses it. And a cross made by someone in honor of a fallen loved one is about the most real symbol there is.

I meant this in the sense that nobody is really buried there. Of course the crosses are real.


They have exactly the same right to free speech. In Fisher King, this was pretty clear. It was the DJ who later realized what he had done, and was ashamed.


--Idiot running over a bunch of “real” crosses planted there by family members
--Assassination attempt of a sitting President

Now, if Rush did in fact declare that we should all stop her by any means necessary and someone did in fact try and kill her, you might have a point (or some other extreme example such as this). He might play and indirect part with his poor ethical standards on the radio. However, this is all fictitious, he did nothing of the sort, and he’s not responsible for this guy running over the crosses. He’s supported her right to peacefully protest from the beginning.

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This is for all the ShrubCo/Limbaugh/Hannity sheeple to mull over.

Ah the insults.

If you want me to read your posts you might want to put your insults at the end of your post.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I wonder why the ACLU has not filed a law suit because of all those Crosses being placed on the side of the road. You think some how someone is trying to push the christain religion, so much for seperation of church and state.

But the dude was arrested and will face charges for his lack of compassion.

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> I wonder why the ACLU has not filed a law suit because of all those
> Crosses being placed on the side of the road. You think some how
> someone is trying to push the christain religion, so much for
> seperation of church and state.

I doubt it. There are two massive crosses on hills around here, one on public land. They're not tearing either one of those down. I think the "persecuted christian" thing is a myth that some christians like to believe in, but I see no evidence of it around here.

>But the dude was arrested and will face charges for his lack of compassion.

Which is how it should be. Ironically, his action has made the spectacle all the more newsworthy, and will draw greater attention to her protest.

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> But the dude was arrested and will face charges for his lack of compassion.

Which is how it should be.

Nuts, 'lack of compassion' is not illegal no matter how much the extreme lefties and righties want it to be. No matter how crappy his message is.

But his 'actions' as a result of his lack of compassion - vandalism and reckless endangerment and reckless driving are illegal.

This way we stay of the whole thought police thing the extremists wish they could control

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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dishonoring a memorial erected for my friends and lost Soldiers

Yeah, the guy's a dolt. It's no one's fault but his own.

But what about Ms. Shehan putting names on crosses without the permission of the parents of that lost soldier, who don't agree with Ms. Shehan's use of their son's name for political purposes? Doesn't that also dishonor those names on the crosses?

(One mother is reported to have showed up and physically removed the cross with her son's name on it, because she didn't approve of Shehan et al using it for their political purposes.)

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(One mother is reported to have showed up and physically removed the cross with her son's name on it, because she didn't approve of Shehan et al using it for their political purposes.)

Don't forget, Ms Shehan's grief is so much more important than the other woman's grief because Shehan is pushing a political position rather than dealing with her grief.:S

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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*** came across the following message on a Usenet newsgroup. This is for all the ShrubCo/Limbaugh/Hannity sheeple to mull over

Got to love the stereotyping and labeling in that troll.......

Doesnt sound very original though......
Probably borrowed that phraseology from the NPR/Kerry/Moveon.org/ fascists;):o:D:P
Marc SCR 6046 SCS 3004

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>his action has made the spectacle all the more newsworthy, and will draw greater attention to her protest.

This is true, and its a shame someone was'nt able to give the wacko a bitch slap for being a jerk. But I'm sure he will get slapped with a hefty fine.

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>Nuts, 'lack of compassion' is not illegal no matter how much the extreme
>lefties and righties want it to be. No matter how crappy his message is.

He will be arrested for vandalism; lack of compassion is just an explanation of why he thought this was OK to do. I agree the amount of compassion has nothing to do with the legality of the incident.

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Doesnt sound very original though......
Probably borrowed that phraseology from the NPR/Kerry/Moveon.org/ fascists;):o:D:P

Sorry to disappoint you, but the phraseology is my own. I didn't copy anything from anywhere.

I have this really tough problem. I read a lot of material from all sides on issues. As I was educated to exercise critical thinking skills when I come to conclusions, I often come up with unusual and interesting results. I try to translate the results into original and creative ways of expressing myself.

Up until 1995 I was a registered Republican. After the Contract on America came about, I started to realize that the way the party was going was antithetical to their stated principals. As time has passed this has proved to be more true than I could possibly have imagined, much to my horror.

I believe in small government, fiscal responsibility, minimal regulation of personal activities, and personal responsibility. The Republican party as it is now stands for NONE of those things. They are in the process of ensuring that the US ends as a second rate power, much like the UK after WWII.

China is financing the US budget deficits. When they call the notes due, interest rates will go up three to five percent in one whack. That will cause the US economy to crash and burn pretty badly. We will have a tough time recovering.

When it happens, all the folks who were on the ShrubCo/Republican bandwagon will be wondering how the hell it happened.

The correct answer is abject cluelessness and a major lack or critical thinking skills on the part 51% of the US Population. Sheeple is an accurate description of this mentality.

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China is financing the US budget deficits. When they call the notes due, interest rates will go up three to five percent in one whack. That will cause the US economy to crash and burn pretty badly. We will have a tough time recovering.

When it happens, all the folks who were on the ShrubCo/Republican bandwagon will be wondering how the hell it happened.

Try Japan:

Japan: $685.7 billion
Mainland China: $243.5 billion
United Kingdom: $132.5 billion
Caribbean Banking Centers: $125.9 billion
Taiwan: $70.9 billion
OPEC: $62.6 billion

Source: http://www.house.gov/apps/list/press/ms04_taylor/foreign.html


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I do find it interesting though that while the media's attention is on this one mother, there are other parents of fallen servicemen right down the street from her camp who do not share her views, but they get little to no airtime.

that is easy....there was no real counter protest, someone made a phone call and this led to bunch of politicians thinking, and their way of dealing with it was to stage a counter protest down the street. the counter protest was all staged, none of it is real.
Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes

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I believe in small government, fiscal responsibility, minimal regulation of personal activities, and personal responsibility. The Republican party as it is now stands for NONE of those things

Hate to disillusion you.......... but there is only one party that REALLY champions those causes.......and it not the Dems;).......Think Libertarian:o


The correct answer is abject cluelessness and a major lack or critical thinking skills on the part 51% of the US Population. Sheeple is an accurate description of this mentality.


IMHO........49% were totally clueless didnt do much,if any "critical thinking" and allowed themselves to be misled by the "Skerry" bunch

Too bad the Libertarians dont have enough "juice" to get some major candidates elected.......one of these days........:)

Marc SCR 6046 SCS 3004

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The correct answer is abject cluelessness and a major lack or critical thinking skills on the part 51% of the US Population.

if you're using that number as a representation of how many people didn't vote, then i agree. if you're using it as a rep. of how many people don't agree with you, then :D.
"Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch
NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329

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The correct answer is abject cluelessness and a major lack or critical thinking skills on the part 51% of the US Population. Sheeple is an accurate description of this mentality.

Both parties are out of control in this regard. Abject cluelessness is for anyone with such a partisan look at how to fix the problem.

If you are a raging democrat, then get into the nomination process and work to bring forth a candidate that will commit to cut spending a ton and then live up to that commitment. I'll be his biggest fan. Right now you're just playing the partisan blame game like everyone else.

If both parties do this, then we have a good election instead of the farces from the last 2 years.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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