mr2mk1g 10 #26 September 1, 2005 QuoteRubbish. Illegal simply means 'cant be taxed'. It's enterprising telesales. It's fraud pure and simple. They're attempting to obtain a pecuniary advantage by deception. They lie to people in an attempt to get their money. They present false or forged bank drafts and default on the completion of legally binding contracts. They're thieves, the scum of the earth and they deserve to be in jail. Just because they do their thieving from behind a computer rather than a shotgun doesn't mean that they should be given any leeway. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Newbie 0 #27 September 1, 2005 QuoteThen, instead of everyone getting their knickers in a twist about merely being "better off financially, with decent, well-paid jobs" (David Cameron, 1 Sep 2005) or stuck with "public services that work." (Id.) Or British desire of "want Britain to be a place which lifts the spirits, where streets and public spaces arent filthy, where getting around isn't such a hassle, where the environment isn't just an afterthought." (Id.) Source - By a radical lowering of your quality of life, i.e., British experiencing loss of jobs and money and loss of public services, and living in crowded, filthy streets where a focus on the environment is secondary, tertiary or quaternary to mere daily survival, "you would be somewhat close to what" 90 percent of what the rest of the fucking world - and around 1 or 2 million in the Southern US - are facing. At that time, you'd be a little less focused on the environment. Anyone living in Africa or Asia know what I mean. You Brits have had it too good for too long. I'd like to see you take the first step towards living in squalor. Why not start now, and start with you. Sell off all of your shit (including the computer you posted on - they don't have this ready web availability in much of the world) and pack up some meager belongings and relocate somewhere. I'd recommend Bangladesh. Or, you can live in other places that will give you a better idea of the fucking that is life for a lareg portion of this planet. Look in a mirror at who has it "too good." I'll bet last week there were plenty of folks in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast of the US who bitched about fuel prices and ozone depletion over Antarctica. Name three people in New Orleans right now who is worried too much about ozone depletion as an environmental threat while they are busy slogging through a goddamned wasteland of putrid water up to 20 feet high filled with sewage, petroleum, chemicals, alligators and poisonous snakes, trash and decomposing remains of people and animals. "Oh, boo hoo. Americans have it too good." On behalf of people on the Gulf Coast on Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida, I say, "FUCK YOU!" Your statement is indicative of my problem with so many of those left-thinking, self-annointed "progressives." Your idea of progress is "equal misery throughout the world." Well, you got your wish. Americans who sent billions in aid to Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka to help with the tsunami now have an up close and personal idea of the suffering "over there" around the joyous yuletide holiday of 2004. Why don't we bring every place in America to the standards of the rest of the world. Let's encourage the resurgence of cholera and other such forms of disease. After all, we've had it "too good." However, I'd like to request "you first." Let's see you personally get to know the effects of the tseste fly or get some nice malaria. Quote"It would be fun to see, almost like staring in awe at a bull going berseck in a china shop and standing there filming the whole mess for posterity." Yeah, you'd like that, unless it was your china shop. The very fact that you would appreciate the misery of someone else like that strikes me as misanthrope at its finest. You'd descibe it as "fun to see." I find it striking that you find the thought of arbitrary distruction "fun." It's also indicative of your desire to laugh at everybody's misery but your own. No offense, you can think what you want. But I find that despicable. Take some time to smell what you're shoveling. If you really want to, I'm sure you can see a lot of it floating in a certain city that's been in the news. Until you decide that your country ought to live in the same misery as the rest of the world, maybe you and your government officials (It'd be amazing to read the vision of the Tories, since Cameron is a Conservative) oughtta quit talking about a government vision to be great and wonderful. Excuse me while I saw away at the world's smallest violin to the tune of, "My Heart Bleeds for You." Compared to the rest of the world, you've got it soft, buddy. LOL has someone got their knickers in a twist? You and i both have it equally as good as one another. Don't preach to me about needing to taste the hard life from the cosy confines of your leather backed lawyers armchair. If you want to practice what you preach, why not sell up your law firm, and come and go work in the education sector in one of the most deprived areas of your country with 5th and 10th graders, like i do over here. You talk to me about needing a dose of reality? I laugh at you and say i'm swimming it in just plenty over here thanks, but if you want to help out, i would welcome the offer. "Skydiving is a door" Happythoughts Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AlexCrowley 0 #28 September 1, 2005 So you're agreeing that they're just like HMOs? TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lawrocket 3 #29 September 1, 2005 Quotehehe, nice rant Counselor: Nice rant? Heck, I can go back to the days highlighted in Dickens novels where the price of coal was too high to heat a squalid tenement. Seems that fuel costs were important 150 years ago, too. You'd think that the goals of a society would be to make products cheap, clean and efficient. Instead, we've got one of your countrymen arguing that it should be expensive in one place because it's expensive in another, as opposed to saying, "Hmmm. Maybe we can make this product cheap here." Am I wrong for thinking that the ultimate goal for a societally crucial product should be that it cheap, clean and readily available? Or should the ultimate goal of all societies be that fuels are prohibitively expensive? Newbie here says, "rich get richer" while failing to recognize that the rich aren't bothered by fuel costs. I wonder - if a gallon of gasoline was 59 cents over the last couple of years, would more of those people who were stuck in New Orleans without a vehicle have been able to afford cars, thus being able to get themselves the hell ouuta town? Does nobody else think that affordable gasoline means affordable transportation, which translates to an ability to get the hell outta Dodge City? Yeah, nice thought. I think I'll give an alternate title to Newbie's "dream." This post should have been entitled either, "Equal Misery for all the World" or "FUCK THE POOR!" After all, it's the poor who would suffer most from his utopic vision. And actuallyy, it was the poor who DID suffer the most. My wife is hotter than your wife. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr2mk1g 10 #30 September 1, 2005 I suspect my learned friend opposite has misunderstood my sentiment. I wished merely to indicate that I concurred with his previous submission. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,070 #31 September 1, 2005 QuoteI suspect my learned friend opposite has misunderstood my sentiment. I wished merely to indicate that I concurred with his previous submission. ... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr2mk1g 10 #32 September 1, 2005 QuoteSo you're agreeing that they're just like HMOs? HMO... insurance right?... yeah probably; theiving bastards. Still... it's probably in the terms of the insurance contract somewhere... unless it's been mis-sold or the company's being a shyster I have a hard time finding them criminally liable. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skydiverek 63 #33 September 1, 2005 QuoteAnyone not living in the US know what i mean? You guys have had it too good for too long. Exactly. The question (for people from various countries) is: HOW MANY GALLONS (1 gallon = 3.8 liters) of gas can you buy for an AVERAGE after tax monthly salary. In Poland it is about 100 gallons. See the difference? To put it in perspective, you would have to pay $20 A GALLON to have the same situation in the US ($2,000 average net income divided by 100 gallons). I just used $2,000 figure as my estimate, but you get the point... You guys have it good! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr2mk1g 10 #34 September 1, 2005 QuoteThis isn't "The Penge Bungalow Murders", you know tis how I get to, nay have to, talk at work though Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,070 #35 September 1, 2005 QuoteQuoteAnyone not living in the US know what i mean? You guys have had it too good for too long. Exactly. The question (for people from various countries) is: HOW MANY GALLONS (1 gallon = 3.8 liters) of gas can you buy for an AVERAGE after tax monthly salary. In Poland it is about 100 gallons. See the difference? To put it in perspective, you would have to pay $20 A GALLON to have the same situation in the US ($2,000 average net income divided by 100 gallons). I just used $2,000 figure as my estimate, but you get the point... You guys have it good! It's a silly comparison for economies that are structured so differently. How many months salary does it take to send your child to college for a bachelor's degree in the US compared to Poland?... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skydiverek 63 #36 September 1, 2005 QuoteHow many months salary does it take to send your child to college for a bachelor's degree in the US compared to Poland? All colleges and universities here (even the ones having "Harvard" standard) are FREE Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Newbie 0 #37 September 1, 2005 QuoteQuotehehe, nice rant Counselor: Nice rant? Heck, I can go back to the days highlighted in Dickens novels where the price of coal was too high to heat a squalid tenement. Seems that fuel costs were important 150 years ago, too. You'd think that the goals of a society would be to make products cheap, clean and efficient. Instead, we've got one of your countrymen arguing that it should be expensive in one place because it's expensive in another, as opposed to saying, "Hmmm. Maybe we can make this product cheap here." Am I wrong for thinking that the ultimate goal for a societally crucial product should be that it cheap, clean and readily available? Or should the ultimate goal of all societies be that fuels are prohibitively expensive? Newbie here says, "rich get richer" while failing to recognize that the rich aren't bothered by fuel costs. I wonder - if a gallon of gasoline was 59 cents over the last couple of years, would more of those people who were stuck in New Orleans without a vehicle have been able to afford cars, thus being able to get themselves the hell ouuta town? Does nobody else think that affordable gasoline means affordable transportation, which translates to an ability to get the hell outta Dodge City? Yeah, nice thought. I think I'll give an alternate title to Newbie's "dream." This post should have been entitled either, "Equal Misery for all the World" or "FUCK THE POOR!" After all, it's the poor who would suffer most from his utopic vision. And actuallyy, it was the poor who DID suffer the most. Sorry, how does the price of a gallon of gas make a $5/10/15/20,000 car affordable again? How does federal cutbacks on the New Orleans levee - when it has been proven it will be breached without the required funding - equate to me fucking over the poor? If you want to talk about fucking over the poor, i suggest you take a look in your own backyard, that's who is in control of your wagon, not little old me. "Skydiving is a door" Happythoughts Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites mr2mk1g 10 #38 September 1, 2005 c'mon guys, calm down. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites StevePhelps 0 #39 September 1, 2005 QuoteGreat idea. Then we could just reduce the gas tax and cut off all foreign aid and UN support to make up the difference. I would also support removal of all US Troops from Europe. You guys have had the benefit of the US Military for too long. Anybody in the US know what I mean? WORD! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skinnyshrek 0 #40 September 1, 2005 Being from the uk now living in the states i agree. That way the USA doesn't have to export any stuff over to you guys anymore because it will be so expensive. the Usa is a better place to live and you whiney Brits don't like that. We have it good, what about you guys having it good with your dental plans do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites lawrocket 3 #41 September 1, 2005 QuoteLOL has someone got their knickers in a twist? I tend to do that, which is why I don't wear underwear. QuoteYou and i both have it equally as good as one another. Bullshit. I've got it better than you. A couple of years ago, I was living in a one bedroom apartment with my wife and struggling to pay off $110k in student loans plus another 20k in credit cards. You had it better than me then. Fortunately for me, I made the sacrifices and now I've got a business and just bought my first house with my wife, having moved into it two months ago today. I keep four people employed and live a life that allows me to not have to put my one year old son in day care for 8-10 hours a day. Don't say your life is as good as mine. It isn't even close to as good as mine. I worked my fucking ass off to get my good life, and I work my ass off to keep it that way. See, instead of bitching and sniveling about how good others have it, I chose a different mindset - don't work at bringing them down, since it doesn't help me. Instead, I decided to make myself better. So I own a business, have a house, a great kid and a hot wife. You could have it as good as I do, as well. Well, not the wife part. I'm married to the greatest lady in the world. You'll never have it as good as I do, but you can get close. QuoteDon't preach to me about needing to taste the hard life from the cosy confines of your leather backed lawyers armchair. Why not? I paid for this leather backed armchair with my own hard-earned money. Again, do you hold it against me that I desire comfort? Should my office be furnished with cardboard boxes? Should my chair be wooden stool? After all, the rest of the world is on dirt floors, right? Well, I guess I just want something better. Rather than work to bring down all others who have nice shit, I figured I'd go out and get that nice shit myself. By the way - I grew up dirt poor. I paid for my own college. I paid for my own law school by taking out loans. Everything I've got I have fucking earned. I had nothing handed to me. "Ooh, boo hoo. I'm sorry for having ambition. I'm sorry for entering a career that allowed me to make money. I'm so sorry for employing four people and paying $23k per month in overhead. I'll never be ambitious again." QuoteIf you want to practice what you preach, why not sell up your law firm, and come and go work in the education sector in one of the most deprived areas of your country with 5th and 10th graders, like i do over here. You've got it wrong. I DO practice what I preach. And what I preach is to quit bitching about others who have it better and try to be like them. I'm not gonna sell my law firm (at least not anytime soon. Of course, if I can get a couple million for it tomorrow, I may reconsider. I'm not going into the education sector, either. I made my choice and I'll stick with it. However, that 50 hours of pro bono work I did last year should count for something. Ever reunite a father with the son he hasn't seen in 7 years? I have. I preach that you improve your lot in life by destroying others. If I'min the gutter, bringing other people down there with me still puts me in the gutter. In its essence, that's what you argue. I think it leads to overcrowding of gutters. QuoteYou talk to me about needing a dose of reality? Yep. In reality, bringing others down to a gutter doesn't bring the gutter dweller out of the gutter, which should be the ultimate goal. QuoteI laugh at you You aren't alone. I'm a dopey looking SOB with psychosocial issues and a high-pitched voice. There's plenty to laugh at. Quoteand say i'm swimming it in just plenty over here thanks Swimming? Interesting choice of words. And since you've got so much reality to deal with, focus on your own instead of fantasizing about bringing the rest of the world down. Quotebut if you want to help out, i would welcome the offer. I'd like to help, but I've got to make some more money. I've had my eyes on a leather sofa to match my armchair, and I need the money to buy it. My wife is hotter than your wife. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites lawrocket 3 #42 September 1, 2005 QuoteI suspect my learned friend opposite has misunderstood my sentiment. I wished merely to indicate that I concurred with his previous submission. I know you did. But, yours was just the last post in the thread, so I replied to it. yeah, it was a rant. Adn dammit, it was nice to vent. My wife is hotter than your wife. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skinnyshrek 0 #43 September 1, 2005 Does daddy need a hug..hehe Seriously, being from england people over there do not have the ambition like in the states. If you are willing to work hard in the states you can achieve anything. Over in the Uk you can work your ass off and get no-where thats why they have the attitude towards the states. Jealousy i guess! Hence the title. If their miserable so the rest of the world should be. do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites dbattman 0 #44 September 1, 2005 Go Rocket! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites AlexCrowley 0 #45 September 1, 2005 Yeah thats pretty common. In the UK it's so passe to try and achieve anything, success is frowned upon as being so uncouth. In the US you get to the level you work to. TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skinnyshrek 0 #46 September 1, 2005 when i lived there 10 years ago i worked for the civil service and worked the door at night. Even back then your always broke. Hey it may of changed now so don't quote me on this. do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites lawrocket 3 #47 September 1, 2005 QuoteSorry, how does the price of a gallon of gas make a $5/10/15/20,000 car affordable again? I've got money now. I can afford to pay 5 bucks per gallon of gasoline without too much trouble. It turns out that my $20k car (something else to laugh at - a 2002 Mercury Sable) burns less of it per gallon that the $5k car from 1990 - those old jalopies at the used car lots that are all the poor can afford. Let's say I'm making $6.00 per hour working at a job that requires a 15 miles drive, each way. My 1984 Chrysler, which is not running too well, gets 14 miles per gallon. It wasn't an issue a couple years ago using ten gallons of gas per week when the cost of fuel was $1.25 per gallon. I could afford $12.50 per week. But now that it's $3.00 per gallon, that's increased my cost from about $28 per month to around $70.00 per month. For me, that's 2 days per month I use for gasoline. I now cannot afford to keep the car, nor buy a more efficient one. So I take the bus (which takes roughly 30-40 minutes each way). Hey, I can afford the fuel price increase. Those poor folks can't. Let's work on making efficient vehicles and fuel cheaper instead of pricing everyone out of the market,leving them to rely on public transportation (which, ironically, was insufficient to get them out of NO - hell, it'll take at least a week to get them all out by buses now!) QuoteHow does federal cutbacks on the New Orleans levee - when it has been proven it will be breached without the required funding - equate to me fucking over the poor? I never said those cutbacks equated to you doing that. Raising fuel prices would. As an aside, the rich and poor alike face consequences from levee breaches (no minimum wage earners own downtown skyscrapers). The rich and poor alike lost everything. I DO have a problem with the poor dying in far greater proportion than the rich. In fact, I have a problem with the poor dying PERIOD because they couldn't get out of town - because they lacked the assets to fend for themselves. Who knows? Maybe they were priced out of the fuel market. My wife is hotter than your wife. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Channman 2 #48 September 1, 2005 >Sorry, how does the price of a gallon of gas make a $5/10/15/20,000 car affordable again? Its called, hard work, self reliance, and the concept of saving. Most 20,000 cars are to small for my family, thats why I perfer the SUV. More room to strech out, but alot safer when a Yugo hits me from behind. As far as gas prices, yea there going up and putting the pinch on some families, but we Americans work hard not to be like everyone else in the world or at lest i'll say I do. People of the world make choices, some good some bad, America is not the worlds enemy although reading your thread does cause me to wonder. We do as a people reach out to the worlds hungry, help nations in times of national crisis and have spilled our blood to set nations free. Being a rich nation has allowed many Americans the opportunity to do more than less. But why would you want to see others suffer instead of reaching out with a helping hand. I believe your statements have told us alot about your character, that your not a very kind person. By the way, how do you respond to your wife in a time of trouble, hopefully it's not with the back of your hand. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skinnyshrek 0 #49 September 1, 2005 I think the wife gives him a back When anyone asks me why did you leave england and come to the states i answer because you can have better life over here. Granted at the moment the gas prices suck but all i will have to do is go and get another account that should take care of the increase. See hard work prevails. You can't do that in england. Work hard and you get taxed more do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites AlexCrowley 0 #50 September 1, 2005 Quote Its called, hard work, self reliance, and the concept of saving. Most 20,000 cars are to small for my family, thats why I perfer the SUV. More room to strech out, but alot safer when a Yugo hits me from behind. Your only problem is that an SUV is significantly more unsafe and you are more likely to have a fatal accident in a side impact, a far more common occurrence. Sure, enjoy your legroom but please, the 'safer in an SUV' fable is bullshit. And yes, I drive a pickup because of where I live - but I've never been under any illusions about it being like a big armored car. TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next Page 2 of 7 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. 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Newbie 0 #37 September 1, 2005 QuoteQuotehehe, nice rant Counselor: Nice rant? Heck, I can go back to the days highlighted in Dickens novels where the price of coal was too high to heat a squalid tenement. Seems that fuel costs were important 150 years ago, too. You'd think that the goals of a society would be to make products cheap, clean and efficient. Instead, we've got one of your countrymen arguing that it should be expensive in one place because it's expensive in another, as opposed to saying, "Hmmm. Maybe we can make this product cheap here." Am I wrong for thinking that the ultimate goal for a societally crucial product should be that it cheap, clean and readily available? Or should the ultimate goal of all societies be that fuels are prohibitively expensive? Newbie here says, "rich get richer" while failing to recognize that the rich aren't bothered by fuel costs. I wonder - if a gallon of gasoline was 59 cents over the last couple of years, would more of those people who were stuck in New Orleans without a vehicle have been able to afford cars, thus being able to get themselves the hell ouuta town? Does nobody else think that affordable gasoline means affordable transportation, which translates to an ability to get the hell outta Dodge City? Yeah, nice thought. I think I'll give an alternate title to Newbie's "dream." This post should have been entitled either, "Equal Misery for all the World" or "FUCK THE POOR!" After all, it's the poor who would suffer most from his utopic vision. And actuallyy, it was the poor who DID suffer the most. Sorry, how does the price of a gallon of gas make a $5/10/15/20,000 car affordable again? How does federal cutbacks on the New Orleans levee - when it has been proven it will be breached without the required funding - equate to me fucking over the poor? If you want to talk about fucking over the poor, i suggest you take a look in your own backyard, that's who is in control of your wagon, not little old me. "Skydiving is a door" Happythoughts Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr2mk1g 10 #38 September 1, 2005 c'mon guys, calm down. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StevePhelps 0 #39 September 1, 2005 QuoteGreat idea. Then we could just reduce the gas tax and cut off all foreign aid and UN support to make up the difference. I would also support removal of all US Troops from Europe. You guys have had the benefit of the US Military for too long. Anybody in the US know what I mean? WORD! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skinnyshrek 0 #40 September 1, 2005 Being from the uk now living in the states i agree. That way the USA doesn't have to export any stuff over to you guys anymore because it will be so expensive. the Usa is a better place to live and you whiney Brits don't like that. We have it good, what about you guys having it good with your dental plans do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lawrocket 3 #41 September 1, 2005 QuoteLOL has someone got their knickers in a twist? I tend to do that, which is why I don't wear underwear. QuoteYou and i both have it equally as good as one another. Bullshit. I've got it better than you. A couple of years ago, I was living in a one bedroom apartment with my wife and struggling to pay off $110k in student loans plus another 20k in credit cards. You had it better than me then. Fortunately for me, I made the sacrifices and now I've got a business and just bought my first house with my wife, having moved into it two months ago today. I keep four people employed and live a life that allows me to not have to put my one year old son in day care for 8-10 hours a day. Don't say your life is as good as mine. It isn't even close to as good as mine. I worked my fucking ass off to get my good life, and I work my ass off to keep it that way. See, instead of bitching and sniveling about how good others have it, I chose a different mindset - don't work at bringing them down, since it doesn't help me. Instead, I decided to make myself better. So I own a business, have a house, a great kid and a hot wife. You could have it as good as I do, as well. Well, not the wife part. I'm married to the greatest lady in the world. You'll never have it as good as I do, but you can get close. QuoteDon't preach to me about needing to taste the hard life from the cosy confines of your leather backed lawyers armchair. Why not? I paid for this leather backed armchair with my own hard-earned money. Again, do you hold it against me that I desire comfort? Should my office be furnished with cardboard boxes? Should my chair be wooden stool? After all, the rest of the world is on dirt floors, right? Well, I guess I just want something better. Rather than work to bring down all others who have nice shit, I figured I'd go out and get that nice shit myself. By the way - I grew up dirt poor. I paid for my own college. I paid for my own law school by taking out loans. Everything I've got I have fucking earned. I had nothing handed to me. "Ooh, boo hoo. I'm sorry for having ambition. I'm sorry for entering a career that allowed me to make money. I'm so sorry for employing four people and paying $23k per month in overhead. I'll never be ambitious again." QuoteIf you want to practice what you preach, why not sell up your law firm, and come and go work in the education sector in one of the most deprived areas of your country with 5th and 10th graders, like i do over here. You've got it wrong. I DO practice what I preach. And what I preach is to quit bitching about others who have it better and try to be like them. I'm not gonna sell my law firm (at least not anytime soon. Of course, if I can get a couple million for it tomorrow, I may reconsider. I'm not going into the education sector, either. I made my choice and I'll stick with it. However, that 50 hours of pro bono work I did last year should count for something. Ever reunite a father with the son he hasn't seen in 7 years? I have. I preach that you improve your lot in life by destroying others. If I'min the gutter, bringing other people down there with me still puts me in the gutter. In its essence, that's what you argue. I think it leads to overcrowding of gutters. QuoteYou talk to me about needing a dose of reality? Yep. In reality, bringing others down to a gutter doesn't bring the gutter dweller out of the gutter, which should be the ultimate goal. QuoteI laugh at you You aren't alone. I'm a dopey looking SOB with psychosocial issues and a high-pitched voice. There's plenty to laugh at. Quoteand say i'm swimming it in just plenty over here thanks Swimming? Interesting choice of words. And since you've got so much reality to deal with, focus on your own instead of fantasizing about bringing the rest of the world down. Quotebut if you want to help out, i would welcome the offer. I'd like to help, but I've got to make some more money. I've had my eyes on a leather sofa to match my armchair, and I need the money to buy it. My wife is hotter than your wife. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lawrocket 3 #42 September 1, 2005 QuoteI suspect my learned friend opposite has misunderstood my sentiment. I wished merely to indicate that I concurred with his previous submission. I know you did. But, yours was just the last post in the thread, so I replied to it. yeah, it was a rant. Adn dammit, it was nice to vent. My wife is hotter than your wife. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skinnyshrek 0 #43 September 1, 2005 Does daddy need a hug..hehe Seriously, being from england people over there do not have the ambition like in the states. If you are willing to work hard in the states you can achieve anything. Over in the Uk you can work your ass off and get no-where thats why they have the attitude towards the states. Jealousy i guess! Hence the title. If their miserable so the rest of the world should be. do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AlexCrowley 0 #45 September 1, 2005 Yeah thats pretty common. In the UK it's so passe to try and achieve anything, success is frowned upon as being so uncouth. In the US you get to the level you work to. TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skinnyshrek 0 #46 September 1, 2005 when i lived there 10 years ago i worked for the civil service and worked the door at night. Even back then your always broke. Hey it may of changed now so don't quote me on this. do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lawrocket 3 #47 September 1, 2005 QuoteSorry, how does the price of a gallon of gas make a $5/10/15/20,000 car affordable again? I've got money now. I can afford to pay 5 bucks per gallon of gasoline without too much trouble. It turns out that my $20k car (something else to laugh at - a 2002 Mercury Sable) burns less of it per gallon that the $5k car from 1990 - those old jalopies at the used car lots that are all the poor can afford. Let's say I'm making $6.00 per hour working at a job that requires a 15 miles drive, each way. My 1984 Chrysler, which is not running too well, gets 14 miles per gallon. It wasn't an issue a couple years ago using ten gallons of gas per week when the cost of fuel was $1.25 per gallon. I could afford $12.50 per week. But now that it's $3.00 per gallon, that's increased my cost from about $28 per month to around $70.00 per month. For me, that's 2 days per month I use for gasoline. I now cannot afford to keep the car, nor buy a more efficient one. So I take the bus (which takes roughly 30-40 minutes each way). Hey, I can afford the fuel price increase. Those poor folks can't. Let's work on making efficient vehicles and fuel cheaper instead of pricing everyone out of the market,leving them to rely on public transportation (which, ironically, was insufficient to get them out of NO - hell, it'll take at least a week to get them all out by buses now!) QuoteHow does federal cutbacks on the New Orleans levee - when it has been proven it will be breached without the required funding - equate to me fucking over the poor? I never said those cutbacks equated to you doing that. Raising fuel prices would. As an aside, the rich and poor alike face consequences from levee breaches (no minimum wage earners own downtown skyscrapers). The rich and poor alike lost everything. I DO have a problem with the poor dying in far greater proportion than the rich. In fact, I have a problem with the poor dying PERIOD because they couldn't get out of town - because they lacked the assets to fend for themselves. Who knows? Maybe they were priced out of the fuel market. My wife is hotter than your wife. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Channman 2 #48 September 1, 2005 >Sorry, how does the price of a gallon of gas make a $5/10/15/20,000 car affordable again? Its called, hard work, self reliance, and the concept of saving. Most 20,000 cars are to small for my family, thats why I perfer the SUV. More room to strech out, but alot safer when a Yugo hits me from behind. As far as gas prices, yea there going up and putting the pinch on some families, but we Americans work hard not to be like everyone else in the world or at lest i'll say I do. People of the world make choices, some good some bad, America is not the worlds enemy although reading your thread does cause me to wonder. We do as a people reach out to the worlds hungry, help nations in times of national crisis and have spilled our blood to set nations free. Being a rich nation has allowed many Americans the opportunity to do more than less. But why would you want to see others suffer instead of reaching out with a helping hand. I believe your statements have told us alot about your character, that your not a very kind person. By the way, how do you respond to your wife in a time of trouble, hopefully it's not with the back of your hand. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skinnyshrek 0 #49 September 1, 2005 I think the wife gives him a back When anyone asks me why did you leave england and come to the states i answer because you can have better life over here. Granted at the moment the gas prices suck but all i will have to do is go and get another account that should take care of the increase. See hard work prevails. You can't do that in england. Work hard and you get taxed more do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AlexCrowley 0 #50 September 1, 2005 Quote Its called, hard work, self reliance, and the concept of saving. Most 20,000 cars are to small for my family, thats why I perfer the SUV. More room to strech out, but alot safer when a Yugo hits me from behind. Your only problem is that an SUV is significantly more unsafe and you are more likely to have a fatal accident in a side impact, a far more common occurrence. Sure, enjoy your legroom but please, the 'safer in an SUV' fable is bullshit. And yes, I drive a pickup because of where I live - but I've never been under any illusions about it being like a big armored car. TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites