
I wish the price of gas in the US would DOUBLE overnight

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But as long as those making over 6 figures are ok, who cares!

Amazingly, it's people like gravitymaster and me, who are doing pretty damned well, that DO care about what this increase does to the poor. Meanwhile, it doesn't seem to bother you much.


The poor can't even afford a car in the first place.

The poor could afford cars here. The issue is whether or not they still can or will be able to. The poor here in the US cannot afford "nice cars." Typically, the poor drive around in cars from the 1970's and 1980's, or even early 90's. These older cars do not get good mileage, not just because of the technology for the engines but because the cars are old and the poor cannot afford to maintain them. Thus, the poor, who drive vehicles that get lousy mileage, anyway, get socked with higher fuel bills that they can't afford anyway because they are poor!

Why is it that I am the one mentioning this? Or gravitymaster? For some reason it's people like us that point out that we can eat these high fuel costs far better than the poor. Why is it only the wealthy ones like us that seem to give a shit about them?


What i can't stand is those people whining about the extra cost of gas because it will increase the cost of their trip to the dz/beach whatever!

People whine about the price of gas who need the car for work, as well. Unfortunately, much of America is not set up like Europe, which admittedly has a superior public transportation program. Los Angeles is a prime example of the failure of public transport. The problem is that in many places like that there is an eclectic mix of people and work locations. Los Angeles has no central hub from which the spokes can go.

You also fail to account for farmers, truckers and other people for whom fuel costs dramatically affect what they can do. They need to increase the price, which means that the prices for bread and milk - "staple foods that many people rely on to live or to maintain a balanced diet" - increase, thus making the poor even less able to afford fuel or other necessities of life. It's all interrelated.


for those who are driving hummers and SUV's - those who have never cared about the true cost of owning a 9miles to the gallon car has for the rest of us - i have little to no sympathy to be honest.

Nor should you. For those driving Hummers I would presume that they can afford the increase in price for fuel, as with those with SUV's. But those driving delivery trucks and others whose business requires a vehicle fleet - some of which don't get very good mileage - will feel these effects, and they have MY sympathy.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I really do think its quite amusing how none of the Americans replying on here appear to be getting the point of Newbie's thread at all.

He seems to be simply amused at the HUGE fuss you guys are all making about a price increase of your fuel, when it is still a huge amount cheaper than over here. If the price of fuel in the UK was $4 or $5 a gallon we would all most likely be out rejoycing in the streets!!

Forgive me Newbie if this isn't the point you were trying to make :)

Your prize is in the mail.

Actually, we're pretty clear on the point. The point is that we, as Americans, should quit bitching because others have it worse. Our problem is that there are many of us out there who don't believe that bringing ourselves down to the levels of other people's miseries is an admirable thing.

I mentioned in my first post a quote from one of Britain's leading politicians where he mentioned the griping of the Brits that theirs is not the greatest place on earth or the best it could be.

As Americans, we are pretty Nationalistic. Part of what we do is that we want to be bigger, faster, stronger, badder, cheaper, cleaner and better than every place else. Just because some shithole on the other side of the world if suffering doesn't make us glad that we are. Edited to add: We've also got a very long history of helping places out that have it pretty damned bad. No, we didn't tell Brits in the late 1930's and early 1940's, "Shit, you should see what's going on in Poland. THAT's some suffering. You don't need our supply ships."

Just because another country in the world is suffering from a cholera outbreak doesn't mean that Brits don't have the right to complain about the taste of chlorine in their water. "Hey, the rest of the world would be happy with the taste of chlorine knowing that their water was treated." Tell me you guys wouldn't complain and snivel about disinfected water that doesn't taste good.

Just because the rest of the world has it much worse doesn't make it a good thing to move in their direction, does it?


If the price of fuel in the UK was $4 or $5 a gallon we would all most likely be out rejoycing in the streets!!

What a great quote about the true nature of this! You agreed with it!

You guys HATE the high fuel prices, don't you? If the price of fuel plummeted you'd be dancing in the streets! If you guys paid as much as we are paying right now you'd be loving it. Why would you love it? Because it would be a good thing - a great thing! Paying a lot for fuel is a bad thing, otherwise you would not celebrate it's demise.

This leads us back to the conclusion where all reasonable inferences lead - "We fucking hate the price of fuel, and we think Americans should hate the price of fuel as much as we do."

We Americans think differently, though. We are on the other side, which says, "We shouldn't pay out of our asses for fuel. We think it sucks that the Brits pay so much, too, and we hope that they can work it out among themselves to find a way to make it more affordable for everybody."

When I was in England you guys were paying 3 pound 99 for a Whopper from Burger King, which is, what, 7 bucks out here? Fuck if I'm gonna pay that much for a burger. I'll pay $1.79 for a Whopper, but not 1 pound 79 for one.

You all would love to pay the prices we pay for things. We Americans know this. Instead of trying to bring us down to a lower standard of living, why not bitch to your government that you don't have it as ood as we do. Then you can be up here with us, and we'll welcome you to the club!:)

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I really do think its quite amusing how none of the Americans replying on here appear to be getting the point of Newbie's thread at all.

He seems to be simply amused at the HUGE fuss you guys are all making about a price increase of your fuel, when it is still a huge amount cheaper than over here. If the price of fuel in the UK was $4 or $5 a gallon we would all most likely be out rejoycing in the streets!!

Forgive me Newbie if this isn't the point you were trying to make :)

Your prize is in the mail.

Actually, we're pretty clear on the point. The point is that we, as Americans, should quit bitching because others have it worse. Our problem is that there are many of us out there who don't believe that bringing ourselves down to the levels of other people's miseries is an admirable thing.

I mentioned in my first post a quote from one of Britain's leading politicians where he mentioned the griping of the Brits that theirs is not the greatest place on earth or the best it could be.

As Americans, we are pretty Nationalistic. Part of what we do is that we want to be bigger, faster, stronger, badder, cheaper, cleaner and better than every place else. Just because some shithole on the other side of the world if suffering doesn't make us glad that we are.

Just because another country in the world is suffering from a cholera outbreak doesn't mean that Brits don't have the right to complain about the taste of chlorine in their water. "Hey, the rest of the world would be happy with the taste of chlorine knowing that their water was treated." Tell me you guys wouldn't complain and snivel about disinfected water that doesn't taste good.

Just because the rest of the world has it much worse doesn't make it a good thing to move in their direction, does it?


If the price of fuel in the UK was $4 or $5 a gallon we would all most likely be out rejoycing in the streets!!

What a great quote about the true nature of this! You agreed with it!

You guys HATE the high fuel prices, don't you? If the price of fuel plummeted you'd be dancing in the streets! If you guys paid as much as we are paying right now you'd be loving it. Why would you love it? Because it would be a good thing - a great thing! Paying a lot for fuel is a bad thing, otherwise you would not celebrate it's demise.

This leads us back to the conclusion where all reasonable inferences lead - "We fucking hate the price of fuel, and we think Americans should hate the price of fuel as much as we do."

We Americans think differently, though. We are on the other side, which says, "We shouldn't pay out of our asses for fuel. We think it sucks that the Brits pay so much, too, and we hope that they can work it out among themselves to find a way to make it more affordable for everybody."

When I was in England you guys were paying 3 pound 99 for a Whopper from Burger King, which is, what, 7 bucks out here? Fuck if I'm gonna pay that much for a burger. I'll pay $1.79 for a Whopper, but not 1 pound 79 for one.

You all would love to pay the prices we pay for things. We Americans know this. Instead of trying to bring us down to a lower standard of living, why not bitch to your government that you don't have it as ood as we do. Then you can be up here with us, and we'll welcome you to the club!:)

I will happily pay less for my fuel when

a) oil becomes reproducable
b) we find a way to stop it destroying our environment

Until then i realise why prices will keep going up. Yes it costs a lot to put fuel in my car, so you know what, i drive less now unless absolutely necessary.

Oh and if we employed as many illegals in Burger King as the US did, paid the employees what they got there, and had the ability to squeeze suppliers until they bled like the corporates do over there, we would probably be able to provide you with a Whopper for what you consider to be a reasonable price.

"Skydiving is a door"

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plus another 20k in credit cards

That's your own fault. Noone made you rack up $20 grand in credit card debt.

I guessing you spent all that money you didn't have to "have it better".[:/]


I didn't spend $20k, that was lawrocket.

"Skydiving is a door"

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>How many KW do you think it would take to power a small car on a
>straight electric, something like an EV1?

Hard to say. The EV1 had a max output of 116kW (153hp.) However, per standard motor ratings, its motor would probably have been called a 40kW motor. You can overload the hell out of electric motors and they will take it for a long time. The Prius has a 50kW electric motor, but they've been getting better at 'true' power ratings so I don't know if it's old or new terminology.

>I've always been curious about the possibility of swapping out some
>of the battery packs for an electric generator.

That's basically the Prius. It's a series/parallel hybrid so it can drive some distance on electric power alone. The big advantage of its system is both the electric motor and the engine are geared directly to the wheels, so there's very little loss. If you put a generator in, and went motor->generator->batteries->electric motor-> wheels you'd have a lot more loss.

>but once you're up to speed how much continuous power do you
>think would be required.

Depends hugely on how fast you drive and what the environment is. Driving 55mph on a level highway? You could live with about 8hp. Driving up the Grapevine at 85mph? You'd need 60hp.

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plus another 20k in credit cards

That's your own fault. Noone made you rack up $20 grand in credit card debt.

I guessing you spent all that money you didn't have to "have it better".[:/]


I didn't spend $20k, that was lawrocket.

That was me that put all that money on credit cards. That's why I put in my post that a couple of years ago I probably had it far worse than Newbie did. I knew I got myself into that trouble. In fact, I dug myself out of it and now have ZERO credit card debt. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

It wouldn't have made me feel better to know that there are lots of others out there with $60k in credit cards. Heck, if I ran it up like that again, I'm not gonna say to my wife, "Honey, why are you sniveling? There are others who are far more irresponsible." That shit doesn't fly.

What I do have now is a very up close and personal knowledge of how to fuck up. I saw it coming but did nothing to stop it, and it was up to me to make good. I'm so glad I didn't just declare bankruptcy.

Now I do have it better.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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plus another 20k in credit cards

That's your own fault. Noone made you rack up $20 grand in credit card debt.

I guessing you spent all that money you didn't have to "have it better".[:/]

You make a lot of reaching presumptions, don't you?

A couple can easily charge up a lot of debt if they are conserving their cash for items like rent, while using the visa for groceries, insurance, and other essentials that allow it.

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plus another 20k in credit cards

That's your own fault. Noone made you rack up $20 grand in credit card debt.

I guessing you spent all that money you didn't have to "have it better".[:/]


I didn't spend $20k, that was lawrocket.

That was me that put all that money on credit cards. That's why I put in my post that a couple of years ago I probably had it far worse than Newbie did. I knew I got myself into that trouble. In fact, I dug myself out of it and now have ZERO credit card debt. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

It wouldn't have made me feel better to know that there are lots of others out there with $60k in credit cards. Heck, if I ran it up like that again, I'm not gonna say to my wife, "Honey, why are you sniveling? There are others who are far more irresponsible." That shit doesn't fly.

What I do have now is a very up close and personal knowledge of how to fuck up. I saw it coming but did nothing to stop it, and it was up to me to make good. I'm so glad I didn't just declare bankruptcy.

Now I do have it better.

Do you use anything other than financial security and wealth to measure how good you have things? Just curious.

"Skydiving is a door"

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Do you use anything other than financial security and wealth to measure how good you have things?

Absolutely. Take a look at this post from abotu 3 weeks ago. http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=1773183#1773183

Note that I spent about two sentences discussing my business and finances. Note that above all, I've discussed how great life is because of my son and my wife. Here's a quote - "And all I want to do on my time off is be a great father and husband." I believe I also mentioned in an earlier reply to you that I've got the greatest wife ever, which means you can never have it "as good as me." Neither can anybody else.

The measure of my success is my wife and my son. I have the quality of life that will allow me to take off from work in one hour and got get my son so I can start our weekend of fun and excitement.

My quality of life is no longer measured in jumps, humps and beer. I haven't jumped in over two years because there are so many other things that I'd rather do. Perhaps it's because I don't want my son growing up the way I did - a latchkey kid in public housing with severe ADHD and a drunk father.

I don't think there's anyone who reads my posts regularly that doubts that my son is the most important thing in my life.

Quality of life is measured by contentment. Oh, yeah, I've got that! In another 5 years I will have paid off all my student/business debt. Can you believe that things are actually looking to improve? In another year I'm gonna take him to his first Raider game. Maybe I'll even let him stab someone!;)

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Do you use anything other than financial security and wealth to measure how good you have things?

Absolutely. Take a look at this post from abotu 3 weeks ago. http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=1773183#1773183

Note that I spent about two sentences discussing my business and finances. Note that above all, I've discussed how great life is because of my son and my wife. Here's a quote - "And all I want to do on my time off is be a great father and husband." I believe I also mentioned in an earlier reply to you that I've got the greatest wife ever, which means you can never have it "as good as me." Neither can anybody else.

The measure of my success is my wife and my son. I have the quality of life that will allow me to take off from work in one hour and got get my son so I can start our weekend of fun and excitement.

My quality of life is no longer measured in jumps, humps and beer. I haven't jumped in over two years because there are so many other things that I'd rather do. Perhaps it's because I don't want my son growing up the way I did - a latchkey kid in public housing with severe ADHD and a drunk father.

I don't think there's anyone who reads my posts regularly that doubts that my son is the most important thing in my life.

Quality of life is measured by contentment. Oh, yeah, I've got that! In another 5 years I will have paid off all my student/business debt. Can you believe that things are actually looking to improve? In another year I'm gonna take him to his first Raider game. Maybe I'll even let him stab someone!;)

Yes, but you still have to wake up every morning and see a lawyer in the mirror.:(

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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What do you think is going to happen to "those poor people" when the transport trucks - you know, the ones that bring the bread and milk to the stores? - can't run because the companies can't afford to buy fuel for them?

buy local produce and you won't have to pay too much for transportation of the goods!

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Doesn't work that way - the midwest is America's "Bread Basket". Stores do buy local produce, yes.. but the bulk of the food comes from mid-America.

Cripple the transport truck system and you starve the country.

How about increasing the price of gas but allowing a rebate for companies? That way the price of your goods doesn't have to increase.

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...........[EDITED] Just because some shithole on the other side of the world if suffering doesn't make us glad that we are...............

Shithole? Where is that? Or are you referring to the rest of the world that isn't USA? If so then why refer to it like that?

That aside, part of the reason we have high fuel prices over here is to help the environment. Personally I'd like to see less cars on the roads (or less journeys taken) to help combat this. Have you breathed/tasted the air in London recently?[:/]

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>How about increasing the price of gas but allowing a rebate for companies?

Then you'd be accused of pandering to the greedy executives. You'd have to have a rebate for poor people too. And soccer moms - can't screw the soccer moms or the other side will say "Joe Senator hates motherhood. Vote for Jim Senator - he _supports_ families in crisis." And of course the political action groups, where the real power lies.

Pretty soon you're buying everyone's gas. Spend the money instead on R+D into synthetic fuels and cheaper biodiesel - then the problem gets solved and you can stop paying for it.

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What do you think is going to happen to "those poor people" when the transport trucks - you know, the ones that bring the bread and milk to the stores? - can't run because the companies can't afford to buy fuel for them?

buy local produce and you won't have to pay too much for transportation of the goods!

Oh, great idea. Now, what grows locally in northern Illinois in January? Icicles, snowmen, piles of roadsalt...

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Doesn't work that way - the midwest is America's "Bread Basket". Stores do buy local produce, yes.. but the bulk of the food comes from mid-America.

Cripple the transport truck system and you starve the country.

How about increasing the price of gas but allowing a rebate for companies? That way the price of your goods doesn't have to increase.

It's a big country. What you are suggesting is ridiculous. Ever wonder why we export so much food?

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Frowned upon by whom? The less successful?

The more polite.

Boasting is a pretty negative word; not a lot of people I know think it's a good thing.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Ever been in a room full of self-made multi-millionaires?

Probably not a room full. Maybe within that context it's OK. I'd probably hang with the ones who were busy doing rather than bragging. Of course, I think I'm pretty successful, just not a multi-millionaire.

But then calling someone at work "asshole" isn't as good for me as doing it playfully at the DZ either.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Frowned upon by whom? The less successful?

The more polite.

Boasting is a pretty negative word; not a lot of people I know think it's a good thing.

Wendy W.

Ever been in a room full of self-made multi-millionaires? ;)

Yes, at our Board of Trustees meetings. Several billionaires too. Very low key guys for the most part.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Yeah thats pretty common. In the UK it's so passe to try and achieve anything, success is frowned upon as being so uncouth.

I disagree with you. Success isn't frowned upon but boasting about how successful you are is frowned upon.

I'm glad your experiences have been different, Im originally from an area that, at the time, was being overloaded with A & R guys from record companies signing people left and right. In my experience saying 'I got a record deal' == Boasting.

UKians are apathetic and quite happy with the status quo, which is why I left.

TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.

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