
That evil regime

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To sum up -

Two coalition soldiers (out of uniform) opened fire on civilians. They were arrested. We then attacked the jail they were being held in to free them.

How evil of that regime to illegally hold honest coalition troops! Clearly, additional violence is called for.

Official: British troops freed in jailbreak

Monday, September 19, 2005; Posted: 10:56 p.m. EDT (02:56 GMT)

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- A British armored vehicle escorted by a tank crashed into a detention center Monday in Basra and rescued two undercover troops held by police, an Iraqi Interior Ministry official told CNN.

British Defense Ministry Secretary John Reid confirmed two British military personnel were "released," but he gave no details on how they were freed.

In a statement released in London, Reid did not say why the two had been taken into custody. But the Iraqi official, who spoke to CNN on condition of anonymity, said their arrests stemmed from an incident earlier in the day.

The official said two unknown gunmen in full Arabic dress began firing on civilians in central Basra, wounding several, including a traffic police officer. There were no fatalities, the official said.

The two gunmen fled the scene but were captured and taken in for questioning, admitting they were British marines carrying out a "special security task," the official said.

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opened fire on civilians.


The two gunmen fled the scene but were captured and taken in for questioning, admitting they were British marines carrying out a "special security task," the official said.

This has got to be a joke.

A special security task involving firing at civilians. I guess it is unknown if someone of "imporant :enemy: stature" was around the area at the time, but still...

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We then attacked the jail they were being held in to free them.

When did you become British? Was it on "Talk like a Pirate Day"? Argggghhh... Matey. :D

I would say that the Brits are part of the coalition. Which the government has SO OFTEN pointed out.

Pirate day. That was Monday. :P
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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A British armored vehicle escorted by a tank crashed into a detention center Monday in Basra

Maybe Bechtel had a pre-war contract to the rebuild the detention center but some dumbass overlooked it so they had to take its' ass down B|

"where danger is appears also that which saves ..." Friedrich Holderlin, 'Patmos'

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Be nice to know the facts before jumping to conclusions.

What? And take all the fun out of bashing Bush's war?

The incident began when the two undercover soldiers, dressed in Arab garments, fired on an Iraqi police patrol. Violence broke out and at least two Iraqis are reported to have been killed. (They must have had some good reason, but "why" is not stated yet.)

John Reid, the Defence Secretary, has said he is alarmed that Iraqi police, supposedly British allies, handed over two undercover soldiers they had captured to local militias.

The British Army said today it was forced to send in troops to free the two in Basra in southern Iraq after discovering what Iraqi police had done.

Dr Reid said: "For whatever reason, throughout the day it became obvious that the police were not doing what we would expect them to do, what was required under the law for them to do, which is to hand over the soldiers to us, and what apparently they were told by their own ministry of the interior to do.

"That is worrying. We don't know why it happened. I don't know whether they were coerced, threatened or whatever by a mob, by militants, I don't know whether there was collusion."

Brig John Lorimer, the British commanding officer in Basra, said he ordered the operation after receiving information the two men had been handed over to "militia elements". He added: "From an early stage I had good reason to believe the lives of the two soldiers were at risk.
London Telegraph News

BBC News

Maybe the British soldiers shot the Iraqii policemen, because they were doing something terribly wrong, and the Brits were trying to save lives. One should not presume evil on the part of the Brits, since the motives are not yet known.

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>Maybe the British soldiers shot the Iraqii policemen, because they
> were doing something terribly wrong, and the Brits were trying to
>save lives.

Ah! And perhaps the insurgents who killed four US soldiers yesterday were doing it to save lives as well. That's a nice thought.

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Clearly we will never get to the real facts but.....
It seems that we have been training insurgents to become police men :S ..news?...

Insurgents have infiltrated Iraq's security services, National Security Adviser Muwafaq al-Rubaie has admitted.

-well, what a surprise:S - it wouldn't taken the Brain of Britain to know that was going to happen:S...... Pah, you reap wot sow:)


Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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The insurgents weren't in the police station. They were in a house in Basra where the two SAS troopers had been taken and filmed. The police had released the two troopers to insurgents who had taken them away from the detention centre. These insurgents are the same one's who had recently been attacking British troops out there.

When the Commander was informed that the SAS troopers had been handed over and taken away from the centre sent in 6 negotiators to speak with the police about where their soldiers were. They were then held hostage. The commander then ordered a Warriors armoured vehicle to break into the compound and the police then released the 6 negotiators and point out where the captured SAS troopers were.

They were then rescued from the house in Basra where they were being held. There's a lot more to this story than is being told.

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Whether or not the SAS did anything wrong in the first place to warrant arrest is immiterial to what went on. Iraqi law requires coalition soliders to be handed over to coalition authorities if they are arrested.

The police regulations require this also. The Iraqi police were clearly under a legal duty to hand the SAS troopers over to the Brits and refused to do so.

The Iraqi Govt. got involved and sent a direct order to the Iraqi police to release the troopers into British custody. They also ignored direct orders from the Iraqi government.

The police then released the SAS troopers into the hands of insurgents who had been attacking British Troops and refused to tell the British where they were.

Only when they had a 30mm Rarden cannon pointed at them did they fess up to what they had done.

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Be nice to know the facts before jumping to conclusions.

What? And take all the fun out of bashing Bush's war?

The incident began when the two undercover soldiers, dressed in Arab garments, fired on an Iraqi police patrol. Violence broke out and at least two Iraqis are reported to have been killed. (They must have had some good reason, but "why" is not stated yet.)


You left out the part about the SAS driving a car packed full of explosives and attempting to dodge the police checkpoint.
Who is setting off all those car bombs in Iraq?


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You left out the part about the SAS driving a car packed full of explosives and attempting to dodge the police checkpoint. Who is setting off all those car bombs in Iraq?

What is your source for that? Have you been reading those conspiracy websites with Rhino?

Paul Wood said demonstrators believed Iranian TV reports that the two men were detained after they opened fire on Shia pilgrims on Monday. He said they were probably on a covert mission to get the intelligence needed to stop further attacks on British troops. Their weapons, explosives and communications gear are standard kit for British special forces. - BBC News
So the crowd may have just reacted to something they saw on TV, and Iranian TV isn't exactly known for reporting truthfully.

I would think you would give these professional soldiers a little more benefit of the doubt than this. Ahhh, but nothing is too evil to disbelieve about America and her allies!

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[I would think you would give these professional soldiers a little more benefit of the doubt than this.

"Profesional soldiers" dress in uniform.

These are clearly illegal combatants and do not deserve any of the protections of the Geneva Convention.
Certainly they can't be considered as "coalition troops" and there fore the police were not required to turn them over to the coalition.

Goes both ways.


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Whether or not the SAS did anything wrong in the first place to warrant arrest is immiterial to what went on. Iraqi law requires coalition soliders to be handed over to coalition authorities if they are arrested.

"Soldiers" wear uniforms.
These two are obvious "enemy combatants" or common street thugs.
The police were not required to extend to them any privelage granted Coalition Troops nor are these "combatants" protected under the Geneva Convention.


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