
The Pope to exclude gay priests

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>That isn't possible in the case of an actively homosexual
>person teaching religion in a catholic school.

No one is talking about an actively homosexual priest teaching religion in a catholic school. That's just as bad as an actively heterosexual priest teaching religion in a catholic schools. Both have broken their vows.

What we are talking about here is a _celibate_ priest (of any orientation) teaching religion in a catholic school. And to me that is no worse than a priest who is a former alcoholic, or who used to curse, or who used to not believe in god.

The catholic church places a very high value on forgiveness of sin. Seems odd that violating a commandment of the religion is more easily forgiven than the sin of sodomy.

ok bill you lost me in the second paragraph... what priest are we talking about?

I got it.

You keep saying ACTIVE homosexual. If a man is a priest then he is not ACTIVE is he? He is celibate.

Would you want an ACTIVE heterosexual priest? No, the key is INACTIVITY in sex.

But then you say that you don't want an active homsexual teaching about morality.

Funny, the Father at my church used to tell us all about how married people should be...even though he was not married and never was.

As your group Courage said, it is not BEING homosexual in mind that is the problem...it is ACTING upon it.

we're on the same page here...

Yes, but the church is not.
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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we're on the same page here...


Yes, but the church is not.


From the first page:

The Roman Catholic Church is preparing to bar homosexuals from becoming priests even if they are celibate in what could prove to be a defining act of Benedict XVI's papacy.

They are barring INACTIVE gay priests.
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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we're on the same page here...


Yes, but the church is not.


From the first page:

The Roman Catholic Church is preparing to bar homosexuals from becoming priests even if they are celibate in what could prove to be a defining act of Benedict XVI's papacy.

They are barring INACTIVE gay priests.

I'd say that source is HIGHLY inaccurate. That goes against ALL of Catholic teaching, esp. what is in the catechism, which P. Benedict, then Ratzinger helped write! I wouldn't put too much weight in that piece of journalism.

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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>DO NOT EVER make an ASSUMPTION about me like that . . .

I didn't make an assumption. You said you would reject any gay teacher. To review, you said:

'I do not know any of these people so I can not relate to you stating "that they would be good at teaching religion", they might be good for you'

I said:

'And I suspect you would not want to.' (have them teaching religion.)

I am not saying you reject any gay person period; apparently you just reject them in the area of teaching.

>People like you are the reason this word is so messed up . . .

Well, true. Kim Jong-Il, Bin Laden, George Bush and I have been plotting to mess up the world for quite some time. But it's such slow going!

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Do a google search. In fact, i will do it for you:


It is not a rule yet, but that many articles indicates something is brewing.

And besides man, that is what this WHOLE thread was about.

It was NEVER aboutsexually ACTIVE gay priests. Such a thing is a contradiction in terms (the sexually active and priest part, not the gay part)
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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>DO NOT EVER make an ASSUMPTION about me like that . . .

I didn't make an assumption. You said you would reject any gay teacher. To review, you said:

'I do not know any of these people so I can not relate to you stating "that they would be good at teaching religion", they might be good for you'

I said:

'And I suspect you would not want to.' (have them teaching religion.)

I am not saying you reject any gay person period; apparently you just reject them in the area of teaching.

>People like you are the reason this word is so messed up . . .

Well, true. Kim Jong-Il, Bin Laden, George Bush and I have been plotting to mess up the world for quite some time. But it's such slow going!

not a gay teacher a gay priest. get the facts right please. You keep changing your post too, there ya go again, dont want to look like you made a mistake so i will change what i posted... Let it be...Move on

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i don't know how else to explain this other than what I've said already, sorry I'm not doing a better job.


Thats why Jesus warned us about false prophets.
"From the mightiest pharaoh to the lowliest peasant,
who doesn't enjoy a good sit?" C. Montgomery Burns

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>If you want the gays teaching your kids well have at it.

Yep. We got the blacks, the asians, and the women teaching our kids now, and society hasn't fallen apart yet. There will come a day when the same is true of gays as well. Indeed, we will be better for it.

>not a gay teacher a gay priest.

You keep saying "gays teaching your kids." Make up your mind!

>facedown, ass up ,that is the way the gays like to fuck.

Gay priests don't fuck any more (or less) than heterosexual priests fuck. Look up the definition of 'celibate.'

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facedown, ass up ,that is the way the gays like to fuck.

c'mon... do we really need to get vulgar here?

No, we don't need to get vulgar.

And I just did an image search on gay sex and that was definitely not the most common position anyway.


Of course, I'm still trying to figure out what the hell his comment had to do with this thread. :S

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facedown, ass up ,that is the way the gays like to fuck.

c'mon... do we really need to get vulgar here?

No, we don't need to get vulgar.

And I just did an image search on gay sex and that was definitely not the most common position anyway.


Of course, I'm still trying to figure out what the hell his comment had to do with this thread. :S

not a DAMNED THING!!! >:(>:( Me thinks he's just trying to start shit.

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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facedown, ass up ,that is the way the gays like to fuck.

c'mon... do we really need to get vulgar here?

i also know PLENTY of straight people who do it like that too.

Ignorance is so funny. [:/]

That's exactly what I thought, but I didn't want to continue down that path...

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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I find prejudice fascinating. Is it that people lack the ability to reflect on themselves and honestly evaluate their thoughts on various issues or is it simply a knee jerk ignorance that is absorbed via osmosis?

Are some people raised in a tunnel visioned, self-ignorant environment where they really can't see that their position isnt based on any facts but is an irrational fear based response to a situation that they are unable to understand and therefor threatens their traditional view of the world and reality.

One could arguably say that the races have equality - except for a small minority of hardliners racism itself is rarely tolerated. You could also make the same argument about women and their place in society.

These seem to be about 50 years apart. Womens right to equality, racial equality, now gay equality?

In a couple of decades will some of us look back at the turn of the 21st century and squirm a little as we recall how closed minded we were, or will we still be playing word games and throwing out inaccurate stereotypes as justification for our own prejudice?

Within the church will we see a move away from using scripture to justify it, in the same way that we no longer use it to justify slavery and racism, or how we now play semantics with the womans role when we match it against the biblical law? Or will the church continue to make itself more and more irrelevent to the majority by stubbornly refusing to adapt (as it has many times before), and instead continue to grow into it's role as the last holdout of the fearful and stubborn? This is why I believe fundamentalism and religious conservatism have recently gained momentum - it's so primieval in its approach that it gives comfort to the frightened primitive part of the mind that recognizes the speed at which society is moving and is desperately grasping at something to make the chaos relevent.

TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.

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>Within the church will we see a move away from using scripture to
> justify it, in the same way that we no longer use it to justify slavery
> and racism . . .

Yes. In 50 years, after Vatican III clears up the issue, a future version of Pajarito will patiently post links to long documents that explain exactly why it's OK for gays to be priests, and how the biblical prohibitions against it are "ancient law" and not really meant to be followed. It will be obvious to anyone who considers themselves christian.

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sorry guys... ain't gonna happen... at least not in the roman catholic church... but you can keep wishin it to be so all you want... the only thing V III will do is reaffirm what has come before and to further elucidate and explain in more age-appropriate language...

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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>sorry guys... ain't gonna happen... at least not in the roman catholic church...

Oh, I'm sure there were people saying the same thing about vernacular Mass back in the 1950's. The church has changed significantly in the past. It will change again, or die.

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