
why we fight ,documentary

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worth a download if you have not seen this doco

Plot Summary for Why We Fight (2005) from IMDB:

He may have been the ultimate icon of 1950s conformity and postwar complacency, but Dwight D. Eisenhower was an iconoclast, visionary, and the Cassandra of the New World Order. Upon departing his presidency, Eisenhower issued a stern, cogent warning about the burgeoning "military industrial complex," foretelling with ominous clarity the state of the world in 2004 with its incestuous entanglement of political, corporate, and Defense Department interests.


Press Kit



Left Wing Pinko Commie Faggot Review:

First thing - EVERY single American SHOULD and MUST see this movie.

This how we are perceived in other parts of the world. It was aired unedited on the BBC in the UK. You WILL NEVER see this aired on American TV. Got that? The most Free Nation on Earth will allow to see the most disgusting pornography and violent images you can imagine, but if you want to know the TRUTH about our Foreign Policy and the War Machine that runs it? Forget about it!

If you want to see men in power like John McCain, Dan Rather, Richard Perle, etc tell the truth about what they think about Iraq, the Military Industrial Complex you MUST see this movie.

It changed my life. I can now see how this country is run, by and for whom, from a far more realistic, objective place - and that's why every crooked, misguided, corrupt troglodyte will tell you not to see WHY WE FIGHT by Eugene Jarecki. You're an American, see it and make up your own mind!

I love America and want to do something to improve the way our hard earned taxpayer money is spent. And how we as Americans are viewed around the world.

Things must change - a serious and critical examination the Military Industry using this movie as a primer is a start. You can see it for free here: http://www.indybay.org/news/2005/03/1729118.php


The New Patriots Review:

There is absolutely nothing original about this movie. It should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with Robert Redford's politics that this piece of anti-American bilge is being trumpeted as a breakthrough of documentary film making, when it is nothing of the kind. The tired old cliché of "American as villain" nonsense, (propagated by policy "experts" with high school educations) has all been done before. The Robert Capra films of the same name were pro-American propaganda and were well done. This is anti-American propaganda and is not well done. It is not only boring, it is downright tiresome. If your definition of "documentary" is a film that spins the truth, takes statements and clips out of context and is intellectually and factually dishonest; if your thinking is limited to bumper sticker length slogans; or were able to vote for John Kerry without holding your nose, you will love this. If you think that Michael Moore brand dishonesty "this is a factual documentary, except in the hundreds of instances where it is false, then it is a comedy" or CBS famous new standard of journalistic discourse "fake but accurate" is worthy of your money, then by all means contribute to this new "journalism". Otherwise, forget it.


Somewhere in the middle review:

The best film on the subject we've seen. Comprehensive, sweeping, factual; it covers many points of view but it is always the facts that rivet us and help us understand. "Why We Fight" clearly explains the reasons, starting with World War II right up to Iraq. The film features many luminaries, including the two US pilots who launched the first bomb strike on Baghdad, Senator John McCain, retired CIA experts, pentagon experts and ordinary citizens. The cinematography is first rate. The archival footage is rare and choice. The clips from Dwight D. Eisenhower are relevant and compelling. Highly recommended. Make sure you see this movie either in theaters or on DVD when it becomes available. It may still be playing on HBO. Worth going out of your way for this documentary.
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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Just finished watching it. I like how they stuck with the theme of Eisenhower's closing address and presented FACTS and all points of view -- from neokon Richard Perle to Joseph Cirinicione of the Carnegie Endowment for Peace.

What Eisenhower said was so true. And unfortunately, we've not been alert and knowledgeable.


In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the militaryindustrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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