
i'm NOT christian... and proud of it!!!

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Kinda like the link in Pajarito's sig line - "Are you a good person?". It kinda annoys me that he judges me (using God as a proxy) and insinuates I am a bad person. That makes me prone to be harsher than usual regarding his faith.

Pajarito isn't judging whether you, personally, are good or not. Only God can do that, and the link in Paj's sig line merely takes you to a site that allows you to judge yourself, in a sense, by taking a test based on God's standard of the moral law. That's how Jesus helped at least one man we know of discover whether or not he was "good."

Having said that though, all men and women are "bad" in the sense that we are disconnected from God by our sin. Man was made to be connected to God; our sin has broken the relationship; and we can't be restored to Him except through Christ. That's the gospel in a nutshell.

[I realize that you weren't addressing me, but I wanted to jump into the conversation. I hope choosing this spot was OK.]

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Only in your mind. That's why it's called "faith".

You're using the word "faith" here as tho' faith has no grounds... as tho' it's merely based on feelings.

Faith= the assurance of the heart in the adequacy of the evidence

LOL. Another way of saying it has no grounds.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Nice word game. But if you break it down all you are saying is that you truly really believe in the evidence being adequate despite no real hard evidence. So really it is all in your head. No matter how hard you believe in something it doesn't make it true.

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Nice word game. But if you break it down all you are saying is that you truly really believe in the evidence being adequate despite no real hard evidence. So really it is all in your head. No matter how hard you believe in something it doesn't make it true.

Weasel-word games are all you will ever get. Faith and proof are mutually exclusive and that's that. Contorted explanations as to why the contradictions in the Bible are not contradictions are par for the course.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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If God really was the author don't you think he'd have made a better job of writing it? Honestly, from the so-called devinely inspired scriptures the only thing I can get is that this God is an incompetant retard when it comes to PR. His biggest publication is an insult to trees.

Commandment # 3: You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.

Hey, blasphemy is a victimless crime. If I'm proved wrong when I die, I'll walk straight up to god and punch the sadistic fucker in the mouth.:PB|

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Hey, blasphemy is a victimless crime. If I'm proved wrong when I die, I'll walk straight up to god and punch the sadistic fucker in the mouth.:PB|

God is the victim of your blasphemy. It's your life. The Bible says you will spend eternity in hell unless you have a change of heart.

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God is the victim of your blasphemy.

what happens to him?

It doesn't bring him glory. He is the source of your life and everything you have or will ever have. A fallen branch can't live apart from the tree. One should be more grateful.

Let me clarify something. I don't mean God is a victim in that he can be hurt by our actions or that he somehow "needs" you to obey. Neither is true. God is love. We exist because we are an expression of that love. We exist for his enjoyment. We were also made to enjoy him in that we were created in his image. Rejecting God with your blasphemy is to not fulfill the purpose which God intended for you.

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It doesn't bring him glory.

If I said nothing, it wouldn't bring god glory.
If I said fuck, it wouldn't bring god glory.
If I said god damnit, it wouldn't bring god glory.

So again, how does blasphemy hurt god?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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It doesn't bring him glory.

If I said nothing, it wouldn't bring god glory.
If I said fuck, it wouldn't bring god glory.
If I said god damnit, it wouldn't bring god glory.

So again, how does blasphemy hurt god?

You can't hurt God. Read my previous post.

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You can't hurt God. Read my previous post.

Well then god isn't the victim of blasphemy:S


Let me clarify something. I don't mean God is a victim in that he can be hurt by our actions or that he somehow "needs" you to obey. Neither is true. God is love. We exist because we are an expression of that love. We exist for his enjoyment. We were also made to enjoy him in that we were created in his image. Rejecting God with your blasphemy is to not fulfill the purpose which God intended for you.

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to say that the bible proves itself, is THE fatal flaw in all "reasoning" in support of the the bible. it proves itself false!

How so?

By the way... You ARE the "anti-paj." :D

Becuase it's a circular argument Paj. A logical fallacy also known as "begging the question". In short, the propopsition is assumed to be true in one (or more) of the premises. It's a rather well documented (not to say well used!) one.

I am always right when I write posts.
I write this post on DZ.com.
Therefore, I am right.

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