
Protesters at Soldiers funeral-

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I think most fights are pretty stupid. I'm speaking to the one thing you're not speaking to....that it's wrong to hit someone because of something they say. I'm not saying he should've gone to jail. I'm not saying that what the other guy said was okay. Just that HITTING another person is wrong, regardless of what the other person said.


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Can you read??? He said, I punched him in the face and we got in a fight

Yes. Now can YOU read what you JUST posted after the "punch in the face" line?

A fight occurred from the initial blow. A fight is an act of two people. How many fights do you know of that do not start with one person striking first?

I simply took issue with the statement: 'What you describe is not a fight" when he CLEARLY said a fight was the result of the punch.

But thanks for questioning my comprehension skills. Ironic.

Correction accepted. I now clearly see that is not your comprehension abilities that should have been questioned.
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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Jail is harsh?!?!?!

Ummm..yes. That's kind of the point of it.

As for the rest of your post....if you're trying to insinuate that anyone who ever got in a fight in school will become an armed robbing, rapist, kidnapper...you're stretching things a bit.


If you can't control your testosterone, society has passed laws to help you.

And if people can't control their ignorant mouths, nature has provided a fist for them.

There are certain things you DO NOT DO in polite society. You don't go to funerals and scream into bullhorns. And you don't say that someone deserved to die in front of their good friend the day after their demise. Back in the day, I guess I'd challenge them to a duel. But we don't have that option these days.

Sometimes honor is worth defending.

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It led to a fight because he HIT the guy. Otherwise it wouldn't have led to a fight....

It led to a fight because the asshole said some stupid shit that aggravated my grief. I didnt' randomly walk up to a stranger and hit them. :S

Whatever...I don't care much what anyone thinks. I'm just letting you know that if people want to be that unthinking, that rude, and that hurtful to someone, that they just might get more than words thrown back at them.

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I also believe people that are dumbasses and go screaming in bullhorns at funerals deserve to get a punch in the mouth.

in this school, we don't hit

we belittle, we call the cops for a disturbance and they take the bullhorns, we laugh at them, we ignore them, we let the air out of their tires (without damage), we pee on their shoes, we fart in their general direction,... we even sue them for the emotional distress caused to the family and make sure that they are known for picking on widows, etc

but we don't hit

((no matter how much we'd like to and no matter how much they deserve it, and no matter how badly justified the call to action for their horrible acts are))

But someone who does hit, mught just be really ticked off, then they go to court - as it should be.

What's nuts is - Just because someone strikes out at this behavior doesn't necessarily mean they are making some big political statement against free speech, it might just mean they are ticked off or feel a need to protect the sensibilities of their friends, co-workers, families. Not everything is freakin' about political positions.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Jail is harsh?!?!?!

Ummm..yes. That's kind of the point of it.

As for the rest of your post....if you're trying to insinuate that anyone who ever got in a fight in school will become an armed robbing, rapist, kidnapper...you're stretching things a bit.


If you can't control your testosterone, society has passed laws to help you.

And if people can't control their ignorant mouths, nature has provided a fist for them.

There are certain things you DO NOT DO in polite society. You don't go to funerals and scream into bullhorns. And you don't say that someone deserved to die in front of their good friend the day after their demise. Back in the day, I guess I'd challenge them to a duel. But we don't have that option these days.

Sometimes honor is worth defending.

With those words and that attitude, you make an excellent argument for your being arrested and punished for your actions at the time.
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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With those words and that attitude, you make an excellent argument for your being arrested and punished for your actions at the time.

When did I say I wouldn't or shouldn't be? I said they have ramifications for their actions, and I'll have ramifications for mine.

I come from an old school background I guess. If you have a grievance with someone, you take it up with them. You don't go running to the government to help. That's where the society of law suits came from. I think there would be a whole hell of a lot more civility in the world if people got a smack in the head for being dumbasses every once in awhile.

If I'm on the subway and some jerk is blasting a radio...I don't sit nervously and try to ignore it. I ask them to turn it down. If I'm in a restaurant and some jerk is screaming into their cell phone, I don't get the waiter, I walk over and ask them to quiet down. If I'm at a bar and some guy hits his girlfriend, I don't ignore it, I tell the guy if he hits her again he'll have to deal with me.

That's the way I am and I make no appologies for it.

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Sometimes honor is worth defending.

What the hell is honorable about striking someone who says something with which you don't agree?

Whoa...hold on there. When did I ever say anything about that. You want to disagree with me, go ahead all damn day. I have no problem with that. You want to insult the honor of my deceased friend to my face, that's a different story. That's not a disagreement, that's a verbal assault.

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>You want to insult the honor of my deceased friend to my face, that's
>a different story. That's not a disagreement, that's a verbal assault.

Right. And for someone else it might be a black joke that's the 'verbal assault.' For someone else it might be wearing a "I love the USA" (or "I hate the USA.") T shirt. In all cases, the onus is on you not to assault them. Not assaulting them is the honorable thing to do.

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I never said hitting them was honorable. I said I was defending their honor. I make no appologies or excuses. I don't sugar coat it either. I'm just telling you how it is and who I am and what I'll do. I don't try to hide it. If people don't like it, too bad.

Bottom line and then I'm done with this is just some friendly advice...if you act like an ass to other people, you might get hit. That's a fact of life. Everyone's tolerance is different. Mine is insulting dead friends while I'm grieving.

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Sometimes honor is worth defending.

What the hell is honorable about striking someone who says something with which you don't agree?

Whoa...hold on there. When did I ever say anything about that. You want to disagree with me, go ahead all damn day. I have no problem with that. You want to insult the honor of my deceased friend to my face, that's a different story. That's not a disagreement, that's a verbal assault.

That's someone saying something. Words. Fucking words.

If you react emotionally to someone's words, that's *your* problem, no matter how rude or provocative those words are. And your attempt at justifying responding to words with physical harm with the label, "assault," is weak, at best.

Allowing your emotional reaction to words to drive you to physical violence deprives you of the very honor which you boast about defending. It's got nothing to do with justice or what someone deserves; it's just a petty excuse for your lack of self-control.

Sad, it is.

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Sometimes honor is worth defending.

What the hell is honorable about striking someone who says something with which you don't agree?

What the hell is honorable about hitting "little dipshits trying to have a good time"?



It was a mosh pit -- most folks push or throw, rather than hit (saves on medical bills). I just tend to do so more effectively. B|

On a side note, I went to a death metal concert in Hollywierd on Sunday night... now *that* was a pit!!!

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With those words and that attitude, you make an excellent argument for your being arrested and punished for your actions at the time.

When did I say I wouldn't or shouldn't be? I said they have ramifications for their actions, and I'll have ramifications for mine.

I come from an old school background I guess. If you have a grievance with someone, you take it up with them. You don't go running to the government to help. That's where the society of law suits came from. I think there would be a whole hell of a lot more civility in the world if people got a smack in the head for being dumbasses every once in awhile.

If I'm on the subway and some jerk is blasting a radio...I don't sit nervously and try to ignore it. I ask them to turn it down. If I'm in a restaurant and some jerk is screaming into their cell phone, I don't get the waiter, I walk over and ask them to quiet down. If I'm at a bar and some guy hits his girlfriend, I don't ignore it, I tell the guy if he hits her again he'll have to deal with me.

That's the way I am and I make no appologies for it.

I agree with all that ...right up until you decide to strike someone. At that point, an apology might be of some benefit in a sentencing hearing.
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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I come from an old school background I guess. If you have a grievance with someone, you take it up with them. You don't go running to the government to help. That's where the society of law suits came from. I think there would be a whole hell of a lot more civility in the world if people got a smack in the head for being dumbasses every once in awhile.

The ole 'Might is Right' doctrine of the feudal era, eh? Worked great for the peasants.

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Someone else's tasteless boorish behavior should not be used as an excuse for our own.

Professor.....would you feel just as pacifistic if this funeral was a certain Army Ranger ?

At the university I just retired from, a student group was going to burn a flag on the mall. I was there with my superintendant......I told him if they try it I will stop it. He said if you do I will have to fire you. My response was......"thats fine".
The kids pulled out a 3x5 flag and a Bic lighter. I walked into the group and told the kid with the flag if he lit it I would kick his ass taking it away from him.
Luckily for both of us he gave me the flag. Some things just need done....no matter your perception of right or wrong.
By the way, the war they were protesting was Desert Storm and I flew that very same flag this past Veterans Day.


Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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Some things just need done....no matter your perception of right or wrong.

WTF??? By whose measure?

By mine.....I wasnt speaking for anyone but myself.
You live your life by your standards.....I already have lived mine by my standards and am very happy with the outcome.


Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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In all cases, the onus is on you not to assault them. Not assaulting them is the honorable thing to do.

Agreed, so well I'll just put them in the Front lines at Wartime and let them get wasted so when they get home in a body bag I'll just look sad and shake my Head and go " ole that ole Fag ". right... Or should I just help escort these stupid F*&KS out of the Country to somewhere where it really is bad Starving people are all around and Death awaits these type of folk...and just maybe ..just maybe they might see a little light and have an eye opener!

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Like I said, I don't think they should be prosecuted or stopped (first amendment), just that their timing and location showed a total lack of class and respect for a soldier and his family.

They should be allowed to protest within the rights granted to them by the constitution. However, it's my opinion that I wish they would do so in a more respectful manner.

It is my opinion that peer pressure should be applied by the biker gangs and hopefully some of the veterans groups to stop these people. If it takes a few good ass-kickings by the bikers or veterans to stop these assholes, I am all for it.

If the bikers or veterans end up in court they can use the defense "justifiable ass-kicking". Put reasonable and intelligent people on the jury and they'll walk. Sometimes it is justifiable to break the law. Recent activities by the current administration have shown this to be true. We might as well follow their lead. After all, if it is OK for them, it should be OK for us, right?

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