
Public opinion on war

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Actually from what I have been reading Russia Has some vert large Oil Reserves that are not being tapped due to the lack of Infrastructor maintnance over the years.
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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Nobody in the video got it right -- Venezuela.

According to the "All About Oil" parrots around here, Venezuela would be the most logical choice of countries to invade.

Polly may be right! Look at it this way: Venezuela just picked a fight with Mexico. Mexico replied. The U.S. may intervene to "save" Mexico... and there you go, you got yourself a war (or an invasion or an ousting or.....)

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Why dosen't the US take over Mexico then we won't have to worry about protecting a huge boarder, and there will be less illeagle immigrants

Is the cost of caring for sick birds that high? ;)
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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Why dosen't the US take over Mexico then we won't have to worry about protecting a huge boarder, and there will be less illeagle immigrants

That's a wonderful idea!!! I wouldn't have to stand in line to get across on the weekends when I head out to the DZ...

Broke for President! :D

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Why dosen't the US take over Mexico then we won't have to worry about protecting a huge boarder, and there will be less illeagle immigrants

That's a wonderful idea!!! I wouldn't have to stand in line to get across on the weekends when I head out to the DZ...

Broke for President! :D

Actually I am considering getting my name on the ballot in 2016 then I will be old enough. I will run under the Libritarian ticket. I won't win, but if I make it interesting enough I can make a butt load of money doing speaking engagements.
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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Yes real BS. They forget to mention in the years that US intervened in many of those countries, our euro trash friends were basically busy raping and murdering their colonies in Africa and Asia and creating second class citizens which they could later opress in their own country ala France.:S. Long live the queen!!!.

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Yes real BS. They forget to mention in the years that US intervened in many of those countries, our euro trash friends were basically busy raping and murdering their colonies in Africa and Asia and creating second class citizens which they could later opress in their own country ala France.:S. Long live the queen!!!.

So if I read what you're saying correctly, the concept that you suggest for defending evil activities by the USA is - everybody else is just as bad. Great argument B|

So that would make the defense for speeding - everybody else does it. Try that the next time a cop stops you. :)
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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As always you read wrong. I find very hypocrite that the people that did that mockery of history, which in the end gives GWB all fault of all the conflicts in the century, and these very people seem to be from the Europe, that they would leave out the part about brutality,slavery and total oppression inflicted in less fortunate people, as a way of life for your let's say your "civil" empire.:S

The main difference for US is you can see it in Germany, where we have been for over 60 years, Japan, Philippines, Panama Canal. There are a lot of positive outcomes, and stories stemming from our "invasions".

What do you guys have pride of or lets say, any positive outcomes from yours?:S

Think not.:|

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As always you read wrong. I find very hypocrite that the people that did that mockery of history, which in the end gives GWB all fault of all the conflicts in the century, and these very people seem to be from the Europe, that they would leave out the part about brutality,slavery and total oppression inflicted in less fortunate people, as a way of life for your let's say your "civil" empire.:S

The main difference for US is you can see it in Germany, where we have been for over 60 years, Japan, Philippines, Panama Canal. There are a lot of positive outcomes, and stories stemming from our "invasions".

What do you guys have pride of or lets say, any positive outcomes from yours?:S

Think not.:|

So now the argument is that we've done good things so everybody should forgive the bad things.

Tell the cop the next time he stops you that you were obeying the speed limit a couple of miles back.
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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>which in the end gives GWB all fault of all the conflicts in the century . . .

Dude. No one says that. You're making up stuff to get mad at.

>and these very people seem to be from the Europe, that they would
> leave out the part about brutality,slavery and total oppression
> inflicted in less fortunate people, as a way of life for your let's say
> your "civil" empire.

The US and Europe both have things in their past that neither should be proud of. Slavery, enforced segregation, the civil war, and the salem witch trials come to mind.

>There are a lot of positive outcomes, and stories stemming from
>our "invasions".

And lots of negative outcomes. Consider what happened in North Korea, Vietnam, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. (And no, no amount of spin can make Hiroshima into a good thing for the people there.)

>What do you guys have pride of or lets say, any positive outcomes
>from yours?

That comes across as pretty arrogant. Sort of like saying to a southerner "what do you have to be proud of? You LOST."

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No - his argument is that the cop was caught speeding once a couple hundred years ago so he's not allowed to pass comment on the guy he just caught speeding.

Try that the next time a cop stops you.


I would expect that you would have something factual to say instead of a vague surreal metaphor. Do we need to give you a crash course as to what dates the “great britain” left its last colonies in Africa, and what where they doing to try to stop it from happening?.

I must assume you have no idea that the people in those colonies were treated badly, either of ignorance of what really happened under UK’s rule, or simply trying to avoid a touchy subject. I suspect you are “calendar challenged” when you ignore Kenya, Palestine, India, Pakistan, Egypt, or try to imply their independence from the UK was “200 years ago”.

Yes, indeed is all GWB’s fault how can I be presumptuous and compare the US with a government that is centered in useless monarchy.

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Dude. No one says that. You're making up stuff to get mad at.

:o Jesus tittie fucking Christ did Billvon just say dude???:D

Is that a “beer” dude.
I think that’s the first time I have seen you say.......write dude dude.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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It is an ineffective argument for ANYONE anywhere to say, "you cannot say we are doing bad things because you yourself have done bad things." No matter who is criticizing what, the critic will have something atroctious that was done on his side of the fence.

If we insist that only those who have never done wrong make critical comments, there would be no comments, no questioning...just following along like good little sheep.

Every nation has some horror in its past. Pointing it out is a pretty weak and diversionary argument for criticism of a current topic.

And this whole, GWB is to blame for EVERYTHING....very few people here (not I said FEW and not no one) have said that. Save for your insistence on it.
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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