Grunt0626 0 #1 January 27, 2017 Wanting your input here. Iam a 49 year old guy, 6` tall, 220 Lbs. "FNG". As I look around for a used beginer rig Iam having trouble find an appropiate rig. The main thing Ive been looking for is a size appropiate main. Ive been looking for a "Pilot" or a "Pulse" in the 210sqft range. Would you think this is an appropiate sized main for me? Like I said Im pushing 50 years old and Im not concerned with doing crazy stuff until I have sufficient experience. For now Ill be happy with something comfortable to fly and something that is forgiving as I know I will screw up being a new guy. Thanks for your input. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
irishrigger 32 #2 January 27, 2017 Welcome FNG How many jumps do you have? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grunt0626 0 #3 January 27, 2017 Mr. Irish, None, NADA. Im doing my AFF this spring as soon as it warms up. But with the cost of rental equipment, I thought purchasing my own rig would allow me to jump alot more often. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tred 0 #4 January 27, 2017 buying gear now is a bad idea, go do AFF, start asking questions then. get your first rig around 25 jumps Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grunt0626 0 #5 January 27, 2017 Tred, Thats what Im planning, covering rental cost through my Class A is no big deal, I was thinking of beyond that. Just looking around for whats out there and if Im even looking at the right equipment. Really looking for your input here on that. Thanks Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfriverjoe 1,523 #6 January 27, 2017 What is the "220#" weight? Stepping out of the shower? Fully dressed (including shoes and pocket junk)? If it's stepping out of the shower, then you are likely to go somewhere around 250# fully geared up. Wingloading is based on that weight. While bigger folks can get by with a higher wingload than smaller, you would still be somewhere around 1.2:1 on a 210. That's a bit high. I would suggest thinking about a 230 instead. But, as noted above, you are getting a bit ahead of yourself on this."There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grunt0626 0 #7 January 27, 2017 Your right, The 220# is out of the shower. Good call on the 230. Thats why Im asking, I value your input. Thanks Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bob_Church 7 #8 January 27, 2017 Does your dropzone have a dealer? Sometimes that's a good way to go since you're dealing with someone who will be there after each jump and won't want to hear about your bad landings due to the wrong canopy choice. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
irishrigger 32 #9 January 27, 2017 Hi Grunt, after you finished your AFF i would def recommend at a minimum a canopy between 230-240 range. i am a big fan of the Spectre canopy from PD. i would then think about a 210 possibly when you have 75-100 jumps as that would be suitable with your wing loading and experience level. also i would recommend buying second hand gear first as you probably will want to downsize at that stage, not that you have to of course. no offense, but i am also in the same age group and not getting any younger or quicker. i am thinking of up sizing my canopy! the only other other advise i would highly recommend, if you decide to buy second hand gear, get it checked out by a rigger that you can trust. ask your instructors to recommend someone. but i agree with the others, finish with your AFF first and see how things are going. have fun doing the AFF Irish Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meanee 1 #10 January 27, 2017 So, would me stressing about my 260 Navigator main be a bit stupid? I am 233 out of the shower. And I keep thinking that at 29 jumps, 260 may be a bit too small... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bob_Church 7 #11 January 27, 2017 Grunt, another factor is that once you get some jumps in you might realize that you're a fellow mutant who actually enjoys being in the sky and isn't in such a rush to get to the ground that they'll risk busting their ass for it with smaller and smaller canopies. I weigh 165 and jump a 210 Hornet. The Hornet flies flat anyway and combined with the low wing loading I can cruise around for a long time and cover some serious distance. I enjoy it. A lot. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grunt0626 0 #12 January 27, 2017 BOB, That is a great point. I'm not to interested in planting corn in the divot I leave when I land. You being a "D" that enjoys the slower approach sounds like me. The big problem I'm coming across is finding bigger mains that are gently used. Everything out there is for "little" guys. I mean damn I'm not fat or anything, just a bigger guy. Thanks for everything Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bob_Church 7 #13 January 27, 2017 Give Ralph a call. He's always been good to me. (503) 630-5867 I hope this doesn't come across as advertising. I have nothing to do with his business except being a very happy customer. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryBaumchen 1,385 #14 January 28, 2017 Hi Bob, QuoteGive Ralph a call. I've known Ralph since early 1964. He is the consummate salesman. A few months ago I went out to Ralph's with a friend to help him pick out a used harness/container. Visiting Ralph's place and seeing ALL of the gear that he has is an unique experience for gear heads. You need a pilot chute for 1971 Rumor container, give him a minute or two and he'll probably offer you a choice of two or three of them. Jerry Baumchen Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tikl68 6 #15 January 28, 2017 Hey grunt There is stuff out there. You just have to keep searching and be patient. Its like trying to find that really rare classic car part for your 68 AMC Javelin. Keep looking and talking to people. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rmarshall234 14 #16 January 28, 2017 Not making any recommendations but right here in our own Classifieds section under Complete Systems is this ad: Used Gear for Sale. Complete Systems Sabre 2 210's-260's $3500. Looks like Skydive Chicago is selling off a bunch of used Student Rigs. Says he has almost 20 of them. Might be worth checking into and getting feedback from others here who are more up-to-date with current sports rigs. One stop shopping from a reputable source.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grunt0626 0 #17 January 28, 2017 Thank you so much. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
riggerrob 643 #18 January 28, 2017 Hi grunt, Good questions. Like you, I stand 6 feet tall and weigh 220 pounds. Back when I was young and beautiful and weighed 190 pounds, I did hundreds of jumps on 135 square foot canopies. Unfortunately an accident and knee surgery grounded me for a year and I gained 30 pounds. Now 135 canopies fly to fast to be comfortable on final approach. Since I no longer do 350 jumps per year, I am looking to up-size to a 170 or 190 square foot canopy. Now I find myself competing with jumpers half my age for gently-used 170 or 190 square foot canopies. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
barefut 0 #19 January 29, 2017 I'm 6' 1" 220lbs, bout 240 with my gear on. 42 Years old. Jump # 110 in 1 year. I know where you're at. My student canopies were 285, then 3 jumps on a 265. I bought and jumped my 1st canopy on jump # 32. It's a pulse 230. I love it and still jump it. Hybrid skin LPV so it's easier to pack than some. I also found finding a container easier knowing that a 230 could pack small. It opened a lot more options for "big guy" main tray/harness combinations. Going from a 265 to a 230 was huge for me. The landing speed was a real eye opener. Only fucked up a couple flairs in the beginning (sore ankles/knees for a couple days). Stood em' all up otherwise. I love long canopy rides and soft landings!!!! It's really exciting to shop for gear and as a big guy it's not easy. However I gotta agree on finishing AFF and getting some jumps in before you buy (20-30). Gear will always be out there!! "Call Ralph" is a good option. Lots of gear.. See the back of parachutist mag for his ad. He's a real hoot to hang out with!!Whale oil beef hooked Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BIGUN 1,342 #20 January 31, 2017 You're not jumping your main... you're jumping your reserve. Search for that first, then worry about your main.Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joellercoaster 6 #21 February 1, 2017 BIGUN You're not jumping your main... you're jumping your reserve. Search for that first, then worry about your main. This is superb advice for anyone, and is not immediately obvious to a lot of people.-- "I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan "You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites