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Call me a prude, but I think most of your list falls into that category.

Let me get this straight... You think husbands and wives holding hands is offensive?

A wife using the phrase "my husband" in a sentence is crass?

Men and women getting married is tasteless?

Movies with straight characters are all three?

Or are those things only troublesome when we substitute "gay people" for "straights"?

If you're really that prudish, I think you've got a great big battle ahead of you and it has nothing to do with gay people.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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Call me a prude, but I think most of your list falls into that category. Like I keep saying, I couldn't care less what people choose to do in private, but I personally think such public displays are in poor taste for any stripe.

I had a middle-aged queer classmate last year who *deliberately* did his best to try to make the rest of us (all straight males) uncomfortable by going on and on about his live-in lover and the rest of his wonderful gay lifestyle.

Once he realized he couldn't shock us (this is Seattle after all), he eventually stopped acting out and started just being himself. We liked him a lot more after that.

Were we intolerant of him because we didn't give him satisfaction by being scandalized by his gay antics?


Could it be you're a little older than your "middle-aged" queer classmate? :S In mind?

Your entire posts sounds like beeing from "middle-age" of last century.....[:/]


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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I don't think a single person has commented on my earlier (post 143 on page 6) link to the Disney gay days that has been going on for several years now.

Anyone that thinks the gay agenda isn't "in our face" care to comment?

Maybe you don't think that this is representative of the gay agenda, and I guess their behavior isn't an agenda, but it is representative of what gays want to be able to do in a family oriented amusement park, so why shouldn't I assume their agenda includes the demand that this behavior be accepted anywhere? I think Gay rights groups should explicitly declare this as a demand or denounce the organizers of the event.

You might say that the group doesn't represent you, in which case I think you should make that clear.

My earlier post:

My comments have been twisted so badly that I have been accused of wanting "ethnic cleansing of gays (post 243 on page 10). That is really bullshit.

Why do gay advocates need to have a gay pride float in the Disney Christmas parade? I think this is another example of "in your face".
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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I don't think a single person has commented on my earlier (post 143 on page 6) link to the Disney gay days that has been going on for several years now.

I didn't reply because I was distracted with other things. But Gay Day at Disney sounds like it might be a lot of fun. I've never gone, but I assume it's when a whole bunch of happy people go see Mickey Mouse and ride the roller coasters.

Is this a bad thing? Did I miss something?

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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I didn't reply because I was distracted with other things. But Gay Day at Disney sounds like it might be a lot of fun. I've never gone, but I assume it's when a whole bunch of happy people go see Mickey Mouse and ride the roller coasters.

Is this a bad thing? Did I miss something?

Yes, you did miss something, the link to the sight showing some examples of nice holiday snapshots of happy people going to see Mickey.

If the link is a fabrication, then please help set the record straight. I am willing to believe it might all be a lie.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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>Anyone that thinks the gay agenda isn't "in our face" care to comment?

And Disney gives discounts to seniors. Is there a Senior Agenda? Why aren't you protesting over how seniors are trying to get in your face, pushing their extremist octogenarian agendas? Is it OK with you that overly amorous 80 year olds might fool around in front of your children?

>but it is representative of what gays want to be able to do in a family oriented amusement park . . .

Yeah. I hear even mexicans are demanding to be admitted to family oriented amusement parks now! Why aren't you denouncing the extremist mexican agenda?

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Yes, you did miss something, the link to the sight showing some examples of nice holiday snapshots of happy people going to see Mickey.

You're right. I didn't follow your link.

You posted a link to a site that's AGAINST "Gay Days". That ANTI-HOMOSEXUAL site has a big gallery of men being highly sexualized apparently in a sexy bar. There's also a lot of breathless, obviously exaggerated horror fantasies.

The photos and stories are reminiscent of the Weekly World News.

What does this have to do with Disney and children?

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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>Anyone that thinks the gay agenda isn't "in our face" care to comment?

And Disney gives discounts to seniors. Is there a Senior Agenda? Why aren't you protesting over how seniors are trying to get in your face, pushing their extremist octogenarian agendas? Is it OK with you that overly amorous 80 year olds might fool around in front of your children?

>but it is representative of what gays want to be able to do in a family oriented amusement park . . .

Yeah. I hear even mexicans are demanding to be admitted to family oriented amusement parks now! Why aren't you denouncing the extremist mexican agenda?

Bill, I think you get extra points for that phrase. :P

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>Anyone that thinks the gay agenda isn't "in our face" care to comment?

And Disney gives discounts to seniors. Is there a Senior Agenda? Why aren't you protesting over how seniors are trying to get in your face, pushing their extremist octogenarian agendas? Is it OK with you that overly amorous 80 year olds might fool around in front of your children?

>but it is representative of what gays want to be able to do in a family oriented amusement park . . .

Yeah. I hear even mexicans are demanding to be admitted to family oriented amusement parks now! Why aren't you denouncing the extremist mexican agenda?

Gee whiz, I've been scolded for my arguments being full of fallacies!

That doesn't even compare. Is this the best you can do?

Weak and embarrasing, in my opinion. :D
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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You posted a link to a site that's AGAINST "Gay Days". That ANTI-HOMOSEXUAL site has a big gallery of men being highly sexualized apparently in a sexy bar. There's also a lot of breathless, obviously exaggerated horror fantasies.

I clearly admitted that the site is anti gay days. It is not so clearly anti-homosexual as it is clearly anti gay days, and the assumption by gays to be able to behave in the manner depicted.


What does this have to do with Disney and children?

Do you think the behavior shown is appropriate?

Again, I can accept that the anti gay days group might be misrepresenting what happens during the event. If so, then help set the record straight.

Very few have even been willing to touch on the subject of what happens there. Silence can speak volumes, or something like that.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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>Anyone that thinks the gay agenda isn't "in our face" care to comment?

And Disney gives discounts to seniors. Is there a Senior Agenda? Why aren't you protesting over how seniors are trying to get in your face, pushing their extremist octogenarian agendas? Is it OK with you that overly amorous 80 year olds might fool around in front of your children?

>but it is representative of what gays want to be able to do in a family oriented amusement park . . .

Yeah. I hear even mexicans are demanding to be admitted to family oriented amusement parks now! Why aren't you denouncing the extremist mexican agenda?

Gee whiz, I've been scolded for my arguments being full of fallacies!

That doesn't even compare. Is this the best you can do?

Weak and embarrasing, in my opinion. :D

His argument isn't what is weak and embarrassing.

Analogies are supposed to be simple enough so that the parallel is clear. This would be an object lesson in constructing analogies. Learn it, live it.

(The Senior Agenda analogy was the better of the two. I love "extremist octogenarian agendas.")

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Again, I can accept that the anti gay days group might be misrepresenting what happens during the event. If so, then help set the record straight.

I have no direct experience, but examine the photos.

* Most show happy, costumed, presumably gay people at a theme park doing nothing wrong
* A few show gay men in outrageous, revealing costumes with no clue where they are. It looks like a strip club to me.
* Some show the shirtless back of some guy with "GAY DAYS" written on his skin. That looks staged to me.
* One shot of a boy with his hand on his lover's ass. That's a little tacky I admit, but hardly worth the fuss.

***Very few have even been willing to touch on the subject of what happens there. Silence can speak volumes, or something like that.

This is a bit over dramatic. I haven't been there and I don't know anyone who has. I have a strong suspicion that "Gay Days" hardly exists outside of the paranoid minds of a bunch of Militant Homophobes.

I suspect what we've got here is 10,000 gay people enjoying the park and 20,000 homophobes scurrying around with cameras looking for ANYTHING they can take a picture of to make a loud noise about.

You can just bet they'd have publicized the WORST they could find. If the worst is someone resting his hand on his lover's jean pocket, that shows just how little is actually going on here.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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What does this have to do with Disney and children?

Do you think the behavior shown is appropriate?

OK. I checked the pictures. Every single picture that looks as if it was actually taken anywhere near Disneworld is completely innocent. They just show queer-looking people in funny T-shirts. The pictures of half-naked guys kissing and blowing each other are all taken at some sort of party. Are you saying that the Police should move in on these parties wherever they are and enforce a behaviour suitable for families, or can we agree that if the gays decide to hold a party for themselves then they can stick their peckers wherever the hell they want?
HF #682, Team Dirty Sanchez #227
“I simply hate, detest, loathe, despise, and abhor redundancy.”
- Not quite Oscar Wilde...

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The pics might look like they are taken at a party, but how to know? The hands weren't just on the outside of pants, the were also inside. Don't you think there should be a little more restrictive dress code?

Again, the anti-site might be a total fabrication. I would think that gay rights groups would be used to countering the assertions of this group, so it should be easy for you to show such info.

Did you see the video from the site? They claim it was a stage show at the park. If Madonna wanted to have a stage show doing similar things to the male dancers she performs with, I would also consider it completely inappropriate.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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So is this recruiting for the Militant Heterosexual Agenda?

Clearly not! :D

There is a huge difference. I don't think people have the expectation for a family friendly environment at Mardi Gras as they do at Disney.

That is the important point here. Is it the intention of the gay days group to force the general public to accept their over the top exhibitionist behavior? It appears so. If not, please help to set it straight, because that seems to be the message.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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The pics might look like they are taken at a party, but how to know?

I would think that gay rights groups would have clearly done their job to refute the portrayal by the anti gay days group

I don't speak for the gay rights groups but that seems like a never-ending proposition.

Besides, how would you (or I) know if they WERE spending every last dollar they had refuting the lies on this and other sites? Their press releases would never make it to mainstream media. We'd never know.

And regarding your comment that "it should be easy for you to show such info," who do you think I am?


Did you see the video from the site? They claim it was a stage show at the park. If Madonna wanted to have a stage show doing similar things to the male dancers she performs with, I would also consider it completely inappropriate.

Oh yeah. I found the video. It shows two dancers on stage in a dark auditorium doing a very sexualized dance. It also shows two men kissing in a huge crowd of dancing men.

It looks like a nightclub to me. It might be on Disney grounds for all I know but it doesn't look like somewhere that kids are likely to wander in to.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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(The Senior Agenda analogy was the better of the two. I love "extremist octogenarian agendas.")


If you are referring to Billvon's senior analogy, I didn't think it was all that great because it seems to me that the "in our faces" train of thought mostly comes from people who don't want to be in the position of answering their kids' questions when asked something like:

"Mommy, why are those two men kissing each other?".

"Well, little one, those two men are kissing each other because..uh, uh, uh......"

Seniors are easier to explain.

"Mommy, why did that gray-haired, bent-over old man just fall to the ground, clutching his chest and start screaming, "Ooooooooooooooh, I think this is the BIG one!!!!"?

"Well, little one, that is God's way of taking care of the Social Security shortfall!"

Personally, I don't like being around kids so I don't care about the difficulties parents face when having to explain to their kids that the world is one big freak show.

I see the "family agenda" as being every bit as obnoxious as the "gay agenda" or any other number of agendas I don't care much about. For each of those groups, it's a case of them wanting some sort of change from the status quo to make things suit them.

The "family agenda" seems to me to be the most intrusive.

Why should I have to pay for a v-chip when I buy a television?

Why should I have to pay school taxes when I don't have any kids and don't ever want to have any?

Want me to watch my foul language around your kids? Don't be surprised if I slip and say "fuck" and I don't feel saturated with guilt over it.

Given the choice, I'd rather hear some gay guy talking about how much he loves sucking cock than hear someone go on and on about their kids. Not that I think hearing about gay cocksucking is the height of amusement or anything like that--it's more a case of being really, really tired of people talking about their kids as if anyone else gives a flying fuck.

I don't think gays are asking for anything special--even when wanting the right to marry. I don't think the big backlash against gay marriage is about morality, though. It's about money. The money that will be spent by employers who will find themselves providing insurance coverage to a new class of spouses. Ok gay marriage and take away coverage for spouses, if that's what will float everyone's boat.


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"Well, little one, that is God's way of taking care of the Social Security shortfall!"

hehehe >:(


Personally, I don't like being around kids so I don't care about the difficulties parents face when having to explain to their kids that the world is one big freak show.

Kids should have a chance to be kids before the get assimilated into the biomass.

Why should I have to pay for a v-chip when I buy a television?

Why should I have to pay school taxes when I don't have any kids and don't ever want to have any?


Hear, hear, hear.
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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(The Senior Agenda analogy was the better of the two. I love "extremist octogenarian agendas.")


If you are referring to Billvon's senior analogy, I didn't think it was all that great because it seems to me that the "in our faces" train of thought mostly comes from people who don't want to be in the position of answering their kids' questions when asked something like:

"Mommy, why are those two men kissing each other?".

"Well, little one, those two men are kissing each other because..uh, uh, uh......"

"Because they love each other, and that's what people who love each other do."

"But mommy, they're both boys."

"That's okay, honey. Sometimes that's just the way it works out, some boys love boys, and some girls love girls."


We got into the more complicated stuff later on. I started educating her early about sex, and what that mostly consisted of was answering whatever questions she asked.

Sex is sex. There is nothing more inherently embarrassing for a parent in explaining gay sex than there is heterosexual sex.

If you can't talk to your kids about these things, you will pay the price.


Seniors are easier to explain.

Not really. Children actually understand sex. They don't understand death at all.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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