
Is George Bush an idiot?

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He is an idiot and a totaliterian. A very dangerous combination. This guy would like nothing better than to place listening devices and cameras in every home.
Right now he is talking of Osama. Why wasn't he talking about Osama and not Saddam after 911. Osama is making him look like an even bigger idiot as he did the best thing he ever could had done for Bin Laden - attack the man that did not attack the US.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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He is an idiot and a totaliterian. A very dangerous combination. This guy would like nothing better than to place listening devices and cameras in every home.
Right now he is talking of Osama. Why wasn't he talking about Osama and not Saddam after 911. Osama is making him look like an even bigger idiot as he did the best thing he ever could had done for Bin Laden - attack the man that did not attack the US.

Are you wearing one of those tin foil hats right now?

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This guy would like nothing better than to place listening devices and cameras in every home.

that's a joke, right? :S

Nope. I honestly believe that Bush and his kind are very dangerous. I do not consider him my president and would not go to war nor would I take a bullet for him. I flat out dispise him and his cronies.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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Does anyone else find it strange that Bush is being complimented lately for being "realistic"?

I am not sure this is a compliment.

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I do not consider him my president and would not go to war nor would I take a bullet for him. I flat out dispise him and his cronies.

Hell neither would Bush or any of his cronies take a bullet for anyone and almost to a man this administration avoided doing so when they were young enough to step up and do so.
Now, 30 years later those same cowards denigrate those like Sen John McCain who did put their asses on the line and DID serve. DISGUSTING ( to put it in the parlance of Vinnie)

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Bachelor's degree, Yale University, 1968; MBA, Harvard University, 1975

Founder/CEO of oil and gas company, 1975-1987; managing general partner, Texas Rangers baseball team, 1989-1998

I think very few people on here have the right to call him an 'idiot'.... [:/]

Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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Founder/CEO of oil and gas company, 1975-1987; managing general partner, Texas Rangers baseball team, 1989-1998

Oh yeah.. and tell me.. who was it who bailed him out of that when his management of them ran them into the ground.


Arbusto, an oil exploration company, lost money, but it got considerable investments (nearly $5 million) because even losing oil investments were useful as tax shelters.
Spectrum 7 Energy Corp. bought out Arbusto in 1984 and hired Mr. Bush to run the company's oil interests in Midland, Texas. The oil business collapsed as oil prices plummeted by 1986, and Spectrum 7 Energy was near failure.
Harken Energy acquired Mr. Bush's Spectrum 7 Energy shares, and he got Harken shares, a directorship, and a consulting arrangement in return. Harken, under Bush, brought in Saudi real estate tycoon Sheikh Abdullah Bakhsh as a board member and a major investor. Over the next few years, Harken would turn out to have links to: Saudi money, CIA-connected Filipinos, the Harvard Endowment, the emir of Bahrain, and the shadowy Bank of Credit and Commerce International.
A 1991 internal SEC document suggested George W. Bush violated federal securities law at least 4 times in the late 1980s and early 1990s in selling Harken stock while serving as a director of Harken. This is essentially the same kind of activity that Martha Stewart is going to prison over. Except at the time of the investigation, Mr. Bush's father was president and the case was quietly dropped.

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Bachelor's degree, Yale University, 1968; MBA, Harvard University, 1975

Founder/CEO of oil and gas company, 1975-1987; managing general partner, Texas Rangers baseball team, 1989-1998

I think very few people on here have the right to call him an 'idiot'.... [:/]

2.35 GPA and an SAT of 1206, which is under the AVERAGE yale student. Sounds like someones daddy pulled a few strings. His Havard MBA, well, just look at his business deals as they speak of his ability to conduct a succesful business. As far as his business went it flopped, partly due to the oil crisis and partly due to his inability to handle business properly. His business was bought out by Harkin, buddies of his daddy. He was later accused of insider trading. After he sold his shares the company, Harkin posted a major loss. I would love to read the SEC report on this. His stint with the Rangers was mostly in part due to a group of his daddy's friends, again. He made money, but it is widely known that he was not the brains behind the scenes.
I flat out do not like Bush. He is anti-working man. Anti-union. He does not care for the poor, sick and dying.
He is a person to scorn. Not idolize and follow blindly.

In all fairness, I do not like Clinton, PoppaBush, Reagan, Ford nor Nixon. The last decent and honest man to hold office was Carter.

"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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Bachelor's degree, Yale University, 1968; MBA, Harvard University, 1975

Founder/CEO of oil and gas company, 1975-1987; managing general partner, Texas Rangers baseball team, 1989-1998

I think very few people on here have the right to call him an 'idiot'.... [:/]

2.35 GPA and an SAT of 1206, which is under the AVERAGE yale student. Sounds like someones daddy pulled a few strings. His Havard MBA, well, just look at his business deals as they speak of his ability to conduct a succesful business. As far as his business went it flopped, partly due to the oil crisis and partly due to his inability to handle business properly. His business was bought out by Harkin, buddies of his daddy. He was later accused of insider trading. After he sold his shares the company, Harkin posted a major loss. I would love to read the SEC report on this. His stint with the Rangers was mostly in part due to a group of his daddy's friends, again. He made money, but it is widely known that he was not the brains behind the scenes.
I flat out do not like Bush. He is anti-working man. Anti-union. He does not care for the poor, sick and dying.
He is a person to scorn. Not idolize and follow blindly.

In all fairness, I do not like Clinton, PoppaBush, Reagan, Ford nor Nixon. The last decent and honest man to hold office was Carter.

He was admitted to Yale under a so-called "Legacy" program, that is, an affirmative action program for kids of alumni who are major donors. You are right, his SAT scores would not otherwise have qualified him.

I don't think he's an idiot, but he's certainly not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

His strategy for making a small fortune is to start out with a big one. Incidentally, the family fortune comes from his Granpa Prescott's dealings with the Nazis.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Oh come one. His last name and family influence got him all those things. My friend went to Brown with a Kennedy and the university basically let this kid get away with anything. He wasn't attending classes on a regular basis. Well the dean of Brown paid him a visit and encouraged him to start attending classes.

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Yes, I agree that he is not an "idiot". He should, however, be relegated to the butterknife bin.
If not for being born into wealth, GWB would, most likely, be working on an assembly line and complaining about the government.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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