
Why I love my concealed carry permit

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Sorry, Sinker guy--I'm thinkin' Li'l Ms. Red prefers a Glock man--especially a man with 2 Glocks!

Wrong. Red has many guns to play with and has two Glocks of her own. Diversity is more interesting. ;)

woo-hoo! you want diversity, I've got diversity. Big, little, shiny, black, whatever you likey... ;)

edit... just re-read that... good lord, I sound like I'm selling dildos! :o:$

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Sorry, Sinker guy--I'm thinkin' Li'l Ms. Red prefers a Glock man--especially a man with 2 Glocks!

Wrong. Red has many guns to play with and has two Glocks of her own. Diversity is more interesting. ;)

woo-hoo! you want diversity, I've got diversity. Big, little, shiny, black, whatever you likey... ;)

Where else but Speakers Corner!!!!

I LOVE you guys!!!


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woo-hoo! you want diversity, I've got diversity. Big, little, shiny, black, whatever you likey...

Got a purple dolphin with never dead batteries??? :o


Not so fast--she rejected me and my Glocks and was not even a little bit kind or subtle about it. Start shinin' up that kel-tec!

Don't be sad, Walt. I still love ya. My brother is a gunsmith. I don't need Micro's toys, either. ;)

"One out of every four American's are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you."

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Dear Flygurl,

I am so glad your situation ended with that punk retreating with his tail between his legs, rather than with you being a statistic.

Clearly most of the thug fuckmonkeys on the street understand only one thing and will only live and let live when the alternative is their own demise.

Regretably here in Canada we will never allow citizens to have a fighting chance in the abovementioned scenario, and refuse to send real shitbirds (like the clown that was bothering you) into some real prison time.

Our politicians would rather bend over backwards blaming society for thugs like that "if only we had built a basketball court in his neighborhood..........crap" than God forbid allow a woman to protect herself.

You Americans have created a society where people are allowed to take responsibility for their own well being, and that is commendable. I feel that the right to protect oneself (effectively) is critical and I wish that the Canadian government would respect that.

Please be sure to always defend such rights in your country lest your government also leaves you defenceless against thug-shitbirds like that, as ours in Canada has.

Remember, if you had been unarmed and limitted to calling 911 instead you might not be alive to have posted this thread.

Glad you are in good health,


ps. Merry Christmas to you and your family
My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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woo-hoo! you want diversity, I've got diversity. Big, little, shiny, black, whatever you likey...

Got a purple dolphin with never dead batteries??? :o


Not so fast--she rejected me and my Glocks and was not even a little bit kind or subtle about it. Start shinin' up that kel-tec!

Don't be sad, Walt. I still love ya. My brother is a gunsmith. I don't need Micro's toys, either. ;)

YOU, oh beautiful and gun-laden one, are a heartbreaker!:D


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Where else but Speakers Corner!!!!

I LOVE you guys!!!


Damn this thread has been fun, but lets not forget that it could have turned out MUCH DIFFERENTLY if our red-headed flygurl weren't strapped.

edit... looks like richards beat me to this msg...

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Don't be sad, Walt. I still love ya. My brother is a gunsmith. I don't need Micro's toys, either.

well, w/ a name like micro, the only woman that wants my toy is my wife... and that's b/c she's stuck w/ me... :D

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Where else but Speakers Corner!!!!

I LOVE you guys!!!


Damn this thread has been fun, but lets not forget that it could have turned out MUCH DIFFERENTLY if our red-headed flygurl weren't strapped.

edit... looks like richards beat me to this msg...

Good point. I like to think that all of us with CHLs will always remember that and will always be grateful when the good guys win.

Flygurl, all joking aside, I'm sorry to hear you had that experience, grateful that it came out the way it did, and want to congratulate you for doing us CHL holders proud.


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Our politicians would rather bend over backwards blaming society for thugs like that "if only we had built a basketball court in his neighborhood..........crap" than God forbid allow a woman to protect herself.

There are plenty of politicians in the US that do the same thing. Remember, guns are illegal in many of our biggest cess pool cities. They keep whittling away at our rights.

An armed society is a polite society. If everyone was carrying, there'd be a lot less crime.

"One out of every four American's are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you."

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Our politicians would rather bend over backwards blaming society for thugs like that "if only we had built a basketball court in his neighborhood..........crap" than God forbid allow a woman to protect herself.

There are plenty of politicians in the US that do the same thing. Remember, guns are illegal in many of our biggest cess pool cities. They keep whittling away at our rights.

An armed society is a polite society. If everyone was carrying, there'd be a lot less crime.

amen sistah. i hate travelling to LA, Chicago, NYC, etc. on business, knowing that my sidearm(s) are not welcome, althoguh my business (>:() is.

however, w/ 38+ states having concealed carry permits now, the momentum is clearly on our side... we gotta keep pushing!

we need a national concealed carry permit law.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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we need a national concealed carry permit law.


Until then, I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6.

"One out of every four American's are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you."

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we need a national concealed carry permit law.


Until then, I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6.

true story... two years ago, i travelled w/ a Kahr .40 stainless, wonderful little gun. Checked it in my bag all the time, followed TSA rules, yadda yadda. Even went in and out of LaGuardia a few times WITHOUT problem. NYPD just looked the other way. No shit. However, I had to fly out of the Westchester Co. airport in White Plains once, an hour or so north of the city. Evidentally they are even more tight than NYC.

I won't tell you what happened next... let's just say there were rather strict legal repercussions... thankfully I had a very understanding boss AND pre-paid legal through my company.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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I just know that tomorrow, someone is going to have something stupid to say, but tonight common sense rules this thread.:)
Gotta love it.


I'd like to think that "those people," you know, the gun-fearing-wussies here among us, have already been reading this thread and have been muzzled by the hard realities spoken of in this thread.

Naw, that's just wishful thinking... i'm sure some GFW will find some stupid rationale for saying that guns are still bad and evil. Fuckers.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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I just know that tomorrow, someone is going to have something stupid to say, but tonight common sense rules this thread.

Fooey on tomorrow. I'm glad to be here tonight.

More :D

"One out of every four American's are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you."

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I don't remember ever being that scared.

When I pulled my gun on a guy one night I didnt get scared until about 5 minutes after it happened. Then all the what if's start going through your mind. Glad everything turned out good for you and kick ass job.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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It wasn't like that for me.

I remember thinking, they aren't really following me? Are they?

I was scared when I realized they were. I was freaked out when it was over. Mostly 'cause I wasn't sure they weren't coming back.

"One out of every four American's are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you."

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