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micro 0
QuoteQuotei think you two are misunderstanding me. i've learned to not take much out of his pie hole seriously. HOWEVER, there are some things that I feel need a response. Behind his BS comments about guns, I think he's serious. I'm not bent out of shape about it.
On the one hand, you wish the village would lose its idiot as you said in another thread, and on the other, you keep his garbage coming with your constant responses to it. Most of his posts are an eyesore not only to you but to others...and your attention to it just doesn't help. That's all.
My "constant responses" to him? C'mon now.
When he says something that I think crosses a line, I'm going to address it. If it "feeds the troll" a little, so be it. I've said what I have to say about this.
I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...
micro 0
QuoteSink/Walt - You do realize that those pictures you posted here will come back to haunt you. I already visualize them stored on both Kallend's and Billvon's desktops for future use. And these guys are fairly reasonable on this particular topic compared to some others.
I don't live my life with regret any longer. I have a great deal of respect for Billvon. It would be below him, IMO, to do anything w/ those pics. I see kallend entirely different, however. But I don't fear him nor anything he could/would do w/ those pictures. Besides, I know where he lives.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...
SkyDekker 1,465
QuoteI think because, even though he's trolling, he's the only one gutsy enough to put up any kind of anti-gun comment on this thread.
you must have skipped a post.
rushmc 23
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln
QuoteI think because, even though he's trolling, he's the only one gutsy enough to put up any kind of anti-gun comment on this thread. I'd have thought the real troll response was to call her 'racist' and she doesn't understand how it was her fault for making those poor kids follow her. Because if you walk through certain parts of town with a certain attitude, you must be asking for it.
You're great at these veiled innuendos, and I have a begrudging admiration for how you word them. Obviously a reference to my posts about Harlem yesterday. But as usual, you're so far off target with your assumption and complete missing of the point that I won't sweat you more than I already have.
To the original poster, good for you. I'm not a gun enthusiast by any means, have never had a need for a gun, and you won't see me partaking in any of the pro-gun posting frenzies on here. But I believe that since so many morons out there are inclined to violence and already own guns, so should the rest of the more intelligent and well-meaning population -- particularly, for situations like yours. Stay well.
Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.
Quotewhat if they had smaked her over the head before she had chance to turn in to Sylvester Stallone and took her gun and used it on her? i'm sure carrying a gun would have been a great idea then
Had they smacked her over the head, she's already disabled, so they don't need her gun to do her more harm.
It was clear they had different intent as well.
juanesky 0
What I see here clearly, is that you call most people that own guns, morons and inclined to violence, a not so clever and subtle "veiled innuendo".
Keep meaning well!!!

QuoteYou definitely make no sense in your last paragraph. Neither does your comment in regards to the "veiled innuendos" in your first one.
What I see here clearly, is that you call most people that own guns, morons and inclined to violence, a not so clever and subtle "veiled innuendo".
Keep meaning well!!!
I agree with the no sense of the first paragraph, but I think you are twisting that second paragraph....alot.
He said: "alot of morons are prone to violence and have guns"
not, "alot of people who have guns are morons and prone to violence"
Those statements are quite different.
micro 0
QuoteQuoteYou definitely make no sense in your last paragraph. Neither does your comment in regards to the "veiled innuendos" in your first one.
What I see here clearly, is that you call most people that own guns, morons and inclined to violence, a not so clever and subtle "veiled innuendo".
Keep meaning well!!!
I agree with the no sense of the first paragraph, but I think you are twisting that second paragraph....alot.
He said: "alot of morons are prone to violence and have guns"
not, "alot of people who have guns are morons and prone to violence"
Those statements are quite different.
boy that foil hat sure comes in handy for clearing up communications, don't it!
I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...
QuoteYou definitely make no sense in your last paragraph. Neither does your comment in regards to the "veiled innuendos" in your first one.
What I see here clearly, is that you call most people that own guns, morons and inclined to violence, a not so clever and subtle "veiled innuendo".
What you said is not at all what I meant, and Mr. Rehmwa knows what I mean about the innuendo. Read my post again. Maybe it will take a few times, but I trust that you'll get it.
Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.
QuoteI pulled out the Glock and had one chambered and pointed at his head before he knew what happened
Great Job! You are the only one who can be counted on for your own defense.
As an aside, carrying an unchambered weapon is tactically unsound and very dangerous. It worked out for you in this instance, but many people have died because they forgot or were unable to chamber a round when they should have been squeezing the trigger. Just a thought.
-There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
boy that foil hat sure comes in handy for clearing up communications, don't it!
It sure is. And I get reception from foreign radio stations too. Crazy Miguel's hat store is having a 2 for 1 sale this weekend only in Mexico City. Act now and he will club a baby seal!
micro 0
QuoteQuoteI pulled out the Glock and had one chambered and pointed at his head before he knew what happened
Great Job! You are the only one who can be counted on for your own defense.
As an aside, carrying an unchambered weapon is tactically unsound and very dangerous. It worked out for you in this instance, but many people have died because they forgot or were unable to chamber a round when they should have been squeezing the trigger. Just a thought.
which is why I carry a kimber 1911... i don't care for the no-external-safety feature on the glocks, i'm not fond of carrying a chambered round in one. on my kimber however, it's cocked and locked and in the process of drawing the weapon, safety can be taken off in the same motion.
I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

you're so gung-ho its unreal, the stereotype people in England have of you is SO true. It's no wonder you're country is so fucked up
drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police
something about my medication and my brain

TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.
micro 0
Quotemy wife wont let me have a gun.
something about my medication and my brain
I didn't know you were married. She's right you know, you shouldn't be let anywhere near firearms. That much is clear just from your avatar.
I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

Yes, she posted on the other thread about unpants.
I would be a good glock owner. I'd pet it and love it and feed it every day. I've managed to keep my dog alive. why not a firearm?
TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.
micro 0
Quotethats clownist.
Yes, she posted on the other thread about unpants.
I would be a good glock owner. I'd pet it and love it and feed it every day. I've managed to keep my dog alive. why not a firearm?
what's your wife's name? I have a few things I'd like to share w/ her.
I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...
Quotethats clownist.
Yes, she posted on the other thread about unpants.
I would be a good glock owner. I'd pet it and love it and feed it every day. I've managed to keep my dog alive. why not a firearm?
a glock would be such a cool pet, after all... guns don't kill people
drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police
Quoteanti-gun comment on this thread. I'd have thought the real troll response was ... Because if you walk through certain parts of town with a certain attitude, you must be asking for it.
The only person I've seen make that argument lately is markharju and he seems to be a very pro-gun person.
edited to streamline the quoted bit.
First Class Citizen Twice Over
jeiber 0
Quotei'm actually sat here laughing at you yanks
you're so gung-ho its unreal, the stereotype people in England have of you is SO true. It's no wonder you're country is so fucked up
At least we have oral hygiene over here!

It wasnt til I moved to the US that I discovered that in some areas its common to have 3 teeth in your head.
What the UK doesnt have is orthodontists and all children in braces so they have perfectly straight teeth.
Dentistry is free in the UK (or at least, you dont need insurance to pay for it all).
I realize you were kidding, but as an immigrant from the UK thats the one UK stereotype that seems totally illogical. (the rest of them are fine though :) )
TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.
QuoteQuotei'm actually sat here laughing at you yanks
you're so gung-ho its unreal, the stereotype people in England have of you is SO true. It's no wonder you're country is so fucked up
At least we have fake teeth given to us by plastic surgeons because our egos demand it over here!![]()
now what's that shit saying you have on here?.... oh yeah
"there, fixed it for you"
drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police
I think because, even though he's trolling, he's the only one gutsy enough to put up any kind of anti-gun comment on this thread. I'd have thought the real troll response was to call her 'racist' and she doesn't understand how it was her fault for making those poor kids follow her. Because if you walk through certain parts of town with a certain attitude, you must be asking for it.
Kara is precious and she's one of us (skydiver). This post made it personal instead of just a generic political position. The other side is very quiet in this post. And they should be. How do you tell a real friend that you believe she should have been attacked based on their egghead "I wish the world is something it's not" politics.....?
Kara - Good for you for protecting yourself in a legal way that hurt nobody, including yourself. Good for you for being brave enough to do it right and not over/under react. Quite a woman there, and not just from this one post.
Sink/Walt - You do realize that those pictures you posted here will come back to haunt you
Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants
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