
Why I love my concealed carry permit

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thats a stereotype thats always baffled me.

It wasnt til I moved to the US that I discovered that in some areas its common to have 3 teeth in your head.

What the UK doesnt have is orthodontists and all children in braces so they have perfectly straight teeth.

Dentistry is free in the UK (or at least, you dont need insurance to pay for it all).

I realize you were kidding, but as an immigrant from the UK thats the one UK stereotype that seems totally illogical. (the rest of them are fine though :) )

stupid limey.
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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nah, its just different cultural rules. Most USians have more money (relatively speaking) so they can afford orthodontistry. However, the unspeakable horrors of 3 teeth county occurs everywhere, but no one notices because if they have money they have cable tv and too many pretensions to the middle classes.

It's pretty funny.

TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.

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i'm actually sat here laughing at you yanks

you're so gung-ho its unreal, the stereotype people in England have of you is SO true. It's no wonder you're country is so fucked up

At least we have fake teeth given to us by plastic surgeons because our egos demand it over here! :D


now what's that shit saying you have on here?.... oh yeah

"there, fixed it for you"

they're still better to look at than yours!

edit to delete underline

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Let me clear some things up, culturally speaking...

* Im British and have good teeth (or so I think) not pure brilliant white but then thats not natural anyway
* I have an uncircumcised penis as do all my male peers, except if needed for medical reasons
* I do drink tea and like it
* I dont walk round with an umbrella and hat
* I dont have a moustache
* I dont have a stiff upper lip
* I am a bit of a prude about my body. (im not a pikey that takes his t-shirt off at every oppurtunity)
* I dont own a gun and dont want one
* Im not obese
* I fucking hate London. Its a stinking busy shithole full off pompus twats and scumbags who think people love them because they are cheeky, chirpy chappies [:/]
* I dont have chips with every meal
* When I play contact ball games I dont wear armour and helmets
* I do play cricket :$
* Im not a football hooligan. In fact I hate football

Hope that insight shatters a few illusions

*gets off soapbox* :P;):D

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i'm actually sat here laughing at you yanks :D

you're so gung-ho its unreal, the stereotype people in England have of you is SO true. It's no wonder you're country is so fucked up

I hate to be the one to break this to you, but you are not giving your country a lot to be proud of lately.


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Let me clear some things up, culturally speaking...

* Im British and have good teeth (or so I think) not pure brilliant white but then thats not natural anyway
* I have an uncircumcised penis as do all my male peers, except if needed for medical reasons
* I do drink tea and like it
* I dont walk round with an umbrella and hat
* I dont have a moustache
* I dont have a stiff upper lip
* I am a bit of a prude about my body. (im not a pikey that takes his t-shirt off at every oppurtunity)
* I dont own a gun and dont want one
* Im not obese
* I fucking hate London. Its a stinking busy shithole full off pompus twats and scumbags who think people love them because they are cheeky, chirpy chappies [:/]
* I dont have chips with every meal
* When I play contact ball games I dont wear armour and helmets
* I do play cricket :$
* Im not a football hooligan. In fact I hate football

Hope that insight shatters a few illusions

*gets off soapbox* :P;):D

No, not really.

1) If UK had "free" dental plans for its citizens, then most citizens that show really bad teeth (as it is customary, just see a few pic of your beloved fucktard of prince) are just plain ass lazy.

2) You must assume that there is no jewish population based in on of your points, and that could be attributed to the following:

a) In their centuries of systematic colony abusing policy, they hunted them down, just as they fucked them over in Palestine-Israel ordeal after WWII, or just as they did to many people around the world, including the Irish.

b) In the best held British tradition, they continue to give any UK citizens a treatment of second class if they either are not white, protestant, and have no british last name. Please check history of India, Pakistan, Africa, Egpyt. I think the only exception to the British Rule is Hong Kong.

3) It is very well known your hooligans, and their affiliation to football.

4) Apparently, you have never seen a baseball or a basketball game ever in your life, as these are played without armour.

5) Never mind.......
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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4) Apparently, you have never seen a baseball or a basketball game ever in your life, as these are played without armour.

They are not CONTACT sports though or at least not intentionally :)
Erm, racism etc. Are you fucking joking. The positive discrimination in this country is amazing. Ahhhhh, poor minority. Have extra everything. It cant be easy being *insert minority here*

All the other comments I cant argue with :P

But I was just pointing out. You cant tar every person with the same brush. Just as not every Brit has bad teeth, not all Americans are 'Gun wielding idiots'

Ahh. Damn I should be an international diplomat B|:P

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i'm actually sat here laughing at you yanks :D

you're so gung-ho its unreal, the stereotype people in England have of you is SO true. It's no wonder you're country is so fucked up

I hate to be the one to break this to you, but you are not giving your country a lot to be proud of lately.


- My country is better!
- NOOOO! My country is better!
- NO, NO, NO, NO! I swear, my country will kick the shit out of your country!
- Our system is better! NOOOO!
- Our system is better because...
...- And I swear, my dad will kick the shit out of your dad!"...

Oh, sorry - I thought I this was "My dad is better that your dad "forum". My mistake.

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4) Apparently, you have never seen a baseball or a basketball game ever in your life, as these are played without armour.

really? so when i watch MLB on sunday nights, the batters with arm pads and shin pads on don't actually have those pads on and i'm seeng things?
drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police

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