
Why I love my concealed carry permit

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i'm on the anti gun side, but even i can appreciate a cool gun, those are cool guns

OMG, Ian, a complement? Are you trying to give me a heart attack for chrissake?

yes ;) i figured i'd try a new angle of attack
drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police

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....in my book that is bravado. By the way, so is posting pictures of one self pointing guns...if you want some one to admire your gun, isn't there a better way of taking the picture?

I, along with Micro, posted pictures of myself with guns.

Call it whatever you want. I don't care.

The bottom line is that a young woman from our community was in a situation where it looked like kidnapping, assault, rape, and possibly even murder were very real threats to her.

Do you truly understand the gravity of that? I don't, because I have never been in that situation, but I, along with Micro, quickly recognized that she was very shaken up by the experience and we did not hesitate for a moment to be there for her.

View us as gun-toting, crazed yahoos if you want, but I submit that posting those pictures served a higher purpose. We were at the same time trying to show her that we cared about what she went through, tell her how grateful we were that she survived it intact, and, by acting like fools, trying to calm her down a bit. I think it might have worked, if just a little.

She just might have been able to sleep a little last night because Micro, I, and some other very caring people were there for her last night.

Nothing you could ever say or do will make me feel bad about that and I think I can safely speak for Micro in saying that he is 100% with me on this.

Last night a very shaken young woman who had just been through one of the most terrifying experiences of her life found she had friends that she did not know she had.

That is not bravado, my friend. That is grace.

And to that, I plead "guilty as charged".


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I wouldn't, but I would still try and look at the chain of events to see what can be learned from it.

I agree that reviewing the events and finding where the situation might have been averted is important. It is always better to avoid being in a compromised situation than to have to deal with the problems, but the comment about her bravado was incorrect - in my opinion. I think she showed great strength and courage.

But, I do see your point... and it is always better to learn from situations like that.

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Thanks to all those who supported me and who argued my bravado. I suppose it's fair to say that I did display a false sense of confidence. I don't know anyone who can be utterly fearless in the face of a threat such as that.

And dearest Ian, You were almost considerate, my friend. That's even more frightening than last night's event. ;)

"One out of every four American's are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you."

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Thanks to all those who supported me and who argued my bravado. I suppose it's fair to say that I did display a false sense of confidence. I don't know anyone who can be utterly fearless in the face of a threat such as that.

And dearest Ian, You were almost considerate, my friend. That's even more frightening than last night's event. ;)

drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police

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Nothing you could ever say or do will make me feel bad about that and I think I can safely speak for Micro in saying that he is 100% with me on this.

you can indeed speak for me on this walt. hope I can jump, shoot and drink :D w/ you some day.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Her argument is that when she has a gun pointed at her head she is still going to kill him first....in my book that is bravado.

First off, you've obviously never been in the situation....but there's usually more gun-waving than the "bad guy with the gun against the back of the good guy's head" stereotype.

Secondly, google "OODA loop". Action will almost ALWAYS be faster than reaction.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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4) Apparently, you have never seen a baseball or a basketball game ever in your life, as these are played without armour.

They are not CONTACT sports though or at least not intentionally :)
Erm, racism etc. Are you fucking joking. The positive discrimination in this country is amazing. Ahhhhh, poor minority. Have extra everything. It cant be easy being *insert minority here*

All the other comments I cant argue with :P

But I was just pointing out. You cant tar every person with the same brush. Just as not every Brit has bad teeth, not all Americans are 'Gun wielding idiots'

Ahh. Damn I should be an international diplomat B|:P

Yes, I can imagine a basketball game without any contact. "would you give me the basketball pretty please?" is a common frase used in the sport...

And yes you should reconsider your diplomatic options.B|
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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