
Why I love my concealed carry permit

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My whole take on the gun debate. Not just as a physician, but as a person.

Guns are tools, just as a car is, or a parachute. People use tools to achieve different goals: Safety in a dark parking lot (security met by flygurl), Dinner on the table (basic needs met by hunting), medals in competitions (pride and personal satisfaction met by target competetors), learning and understanding the designs (knowledge learned by gunsmiths), finicial security (investments into nice collections). Firearms can be very useful as tools.

They can also cause destructive damage, but that isn't so much the fault of the firearm, rather the person holding it. And if that person was willing to harm with a gun, then he/she would have been willing to harm with some other method as well. The gun might make it more convient and "easy," but crossing the line and using it to murder is a step that has to be made by the person.

I know too many docs that are anti-gun too. But then I also know too many docs that are anti-skydiving, anti-alcohol, anti-blah blah blah....
And some of them can get preachy with their patients. I don't think that we should get on soap boxes in the clinic, but that's just how I want to practice. I just tell my patients what would be safest and most healthy for them... how they chose to live their life is their choice.

And just as I don't want my Dr. telling me how I need to live, I don't want the government controlling my hobbies either.

and "Mushy" hug?! How do you make a hug "mushy"?:P


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Its true...

"Guns dont kill people, rappers do..."

Your absolutely right though. Guns dont kill people. Nor do bombs or grenades or chemical agents. Its the bastards at the end of them. Now if only there was some sort of culling we could do to remove these pesky people controlling them :|

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Thanks for your support, guys. I don't remember ever being that scared.


OTOH, your circumstance would have supported firing as well, but that probably would have left you worse off having to deal with the stress of killing someone, even a low life.

If he hadn't backed up when he did I think I would have double tapped him in the head.

I'm just glad they walked away. I really do hope they think about it the next time they go to hassle someone else. Maybe looking down the barrel of a redheaded woman's Glock changed his view.

Ha Ha. I just realized how well my sig lines goes with this thread. :S

If you had "double tapped" him in the head, how long would you have spent in prison??? If it is "none" something is wrong.


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very well said, indeed!

as for the mushy hug? I dunno, I just thought I'd throw an icky adjective in there. :)
you're an OB/GYN, right? I seem to recall reading that somewhere... anyway, I just got a funny visual of you using a speculum to defend yourself in a dark parking lot b/c you couldn't find your gun. The perp, seeing the stainless-steel vaginal torture device, turns and runs in sheer abjet horror. Mission accomplished.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Its true...

"Guns dont kill people, rappers do..."

Your absolutely right though. Guns dont kill people. Nor do bombs or grenades or chemical agents. Its the bastards at the end of them. Now if only there was some sort of culling we could do to remove these pesky people controlling them :|

It might be the virus talking, but your reply came off a touch pompous, so here's some back attcha.

The difference between my comment and yours might be that I have actually thought out my opinion, not just regurgitated some rhetoric.

Some people are "bad", it doesn't matter if guns or knives, or stones are legal. If someone wants you dead, and they know a thing or two.... it doesn't matter what laws are against it.
You can legislate every action and try to control the ones who follow the laws, but if you think about it, are they really the ones that you have to worry about?!

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Your right 100%. However I believe that it is easier for some shit to shoot you than it is to take you on by any other means. Mentally and phsyically. Guns are a great leveller, even the weediest drugged up piece of shit could still point and shoot and they dont even have to be paticularly close to do you some mishief.

Whilst you label guns as tools. You still have to respect them as weapons. They are designed to kill or injure. That is the bottom line.

Cars dont kill people, the drivers do. Doesnt make them any less dangerous in the wrong hands.

For the record im neither for or against an armed public. But the more firarms there are, the easier it is for someone who really shouldnt have one to get hold of one.

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If you had "double tapped" him in the head, how long would you have spent in prison??? If it is "none" something is wrong.

And why?

I would feel horrible if I ever had to shoot someone. But the way that it has been explained to me to counter that guilt, is that HE made the decision to risk his life by trying to endanger mine. I would just be adding consequence to his action.
(it still wouldn't ease the self doubt, but it is a true counter)

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Sure, I'd feel bad to, but if someone is going to attack me and I feel my life is in danger, I would try to stop them. That might involve killing them. The only way to use a fire arm in that situation is to shoot to kill.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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If you had "double tapped" him in the head, how long would you have spent in prison??? If it is "none" something is wrong.

And why?

I am just wondering how it would hold up in court. "so he walked up to you in your vehicle and said 'want to have some fun', and you killed him".


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If you had "double tapped" him in the head, how long would you have spent in prison??? If it is "none" something is wrong.

And why?

I am just wondering how it would hold up in court. "so he walked up to you in your vehicle and said 'want to have some fun', and you killed him".


thanks for oversimplifying, but there's alot more to it than that... a group of men approached her in a seedy part of town, she felt in imminent fear of her safety/life and took appropriate steps to neutralize the threat. It totally would stand in court.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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If she had killed him, a lawyer would also simplify. I only ask because in Canada you can only use "reasonable force" to defend yourself. A big difference between the two countries. Anyway that is it from me.

This all reminds me of the scared-white-people cartoon in Bowling for Columbine...same State I see.


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If she had killed him, a lawyer would also simplify. I only ask because in Canada you can only use "reasonable force" to defend yourself. A big difference between the two countries. Anyway that is it from me.

This all reminds me of the scared-white-people cartoon in Bowling for Columbine...same State I see.


i know quite a few people who would consider one scared girl using a gun against how many other guys? reasonable force.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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It warms my heart to see a fierce independent woman take responsibility for her own safety like you did. You may have saved your own life -- or at the very least, prevented yourself from being raped by the dregs of humankind.

I congratulate you on your preparedness, intelligent handling of the situation, and your resolve to not be a victim.

Thankfully you have not been sucked into believing that a woman with a gun is in more danger than a woman without one -- the absurd party line of the anti-gun crowd.

Glad you are okay. Very glad.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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This is exactly the sort of situation that, imo, disproves the notion some have that you should only show your weapon when using it to shoot. Your brandishing ended the situation, and will give this asshole considerable pause the next time he thinks about assaulting some other woman.

It also disproves the asinine notion that a woman in such a situation should just "call the police" "since that's their job."

People argue that civilians will just get themselves hurt if they take it upon themselves to protect themselves. It's utterly absurd to believe that every person should just cede responsibility for that to people who cannot possibly be there in time to help us.

edit: Here's a question for Flygurl, since I was urged to "preach on"...
Flygurl, do you suppose that the scumbags who were threatening you (and let's make no mistake, they were threatening you) would have just held off and waited while you called 911 and then waited for a cop to show up?

Of course not. So any woman (or any person) who tries to coach any other woman (or any other person) that all they need is a cellular phone, and that having a gun puts one in worse danger, ought to STFU and join the real world.


"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I agree that reviewing the events and finding where the situation might have been averted is important.

Thanks, I was finding it really odd that in a group of skydivers, I was the only one who thought like that. Accident and incident critical thinking should be ingrained in every skydiver....


is always better to avoid being in a compromised situation than to have to deal with the problems

Which was my point right from the beginning.

So, if a skydiver is put into danger with a parachute malfunction, rather than praise them for how well they executed their emergency procedures and saved themself, you would instead lecture them on how they would be better off giving up skydiving so that they wouldn't find themself in that situation in the first place?

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But the more firarms there are, the easier it is for someone who really shouldnt have one to get hold of one.

It has to be that way so that the people who need them are able to get them. People like you, me, and anyone else who might sometime be victimized by a criminal. That means pretty much everybody.

How could you make it easy for normal people to get guns but make it hard for "someone who really shouldn't have one"? We have instant background checks. We have laws that say if you're mentally incompetent or a drug abuser you can't have one. Beyond that, if you made it difficult for the "wrong people" to get guns, you'd also be making it unfairly and problematically difficult for good people to get them for defense.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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>So, if a skydiver is put into danger with a parachute malfunction, rather
>than praise them for how well they executed their emergency procedures
> and saved themself, you would instead lecture them on how they would
>be better off giving up skydiving so that they wouldn't find themself in
>that situation in the first place?

If they packed like shit because they knew they had a reserve, and they didn't change their behavior after their reserve ride - yeah, I'd tell them they better think very carefully about continuing in the sport.

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and "Mushy" hug?! How do you make a hug "mushy"?:P

Come by and bring either a gallon of pudding or a couple buckets of mashed potatoes. It's hard to describe, but pretty obvious when demonstrated.

Oh, and a towel.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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There are so many problems with your post, I don't know where to begin.


I was in a shady part of town

Real smart.


this evening and got a little bit lost looking for an address

Even smarter. A shitty hood at night.


I stopped at a bar to ask for directions.

This is no doubt where the pillars of society will be eager to help a young woman. Maybe a gas station would have been a smarter choice?


I pulled out the Glock and had one chambered and pointed at his head before he knew what happened.

If you were a guy, I would never hang out with you. Drawing a gun on someone can get you killed. You are very lucky that it worked out to your benefit. I have witnessed a person get killed doing exactly what you did outside of a bar in L.A.

Drawing a gun is something you do as a last resort, not because someone sexually harasses you in a crowded parking lot.

You put yourself in a very risky situation and I hope you learned your lesson.


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