
Why I love my concealed carry permit

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So, if a skydiver is put into danger with a parachute malfunction, rather than praise them for how well they executed their emergency procedures and saved themself, you would instead lecture them on how they would be better off giving up skydiving so that they wouldn't find themself in that situation in the first place?

Nope, I would congratulate them on successful execution of their emergency procedures.

Then I would hope some one would be smart enough to go over the course of events to try and minimize the chances of it happenening again.

(and I never anywhere mentioned that I thought she should not be allowed to own a gun, but then making up arguments to support your positions isn't anything new for you is it?)

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I strongly feel that I handled this situation exactly right and would do it over again if necessary. I will not stay at home on my sofa because you think it's stupid for me to be in the "wrong" neighborhood irregardless of reason and I won't roll over with my legs in the air when some thug threatens me

Spoken by a confident woman. Good for you.

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congrats girl, sounds like you did it all right!

glad you made it out unscathed, in more ways than one.

concealed carry permits rule.

perfect example of how GUNS can REDUCE CRIME!

Maybe not.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Could be, but it brings up a question.

Read flygurl's posts. You get someone who seems to be a rational gun owner.

WTF Happened???

can anyone explain it here???


Speed Racer

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Could be, but it brings up a question.

Read flygurl's posts. You get someone who seems to be a rational gun owner.

WTF Happened???

can anyone explain it here???


Who knows? People have snapped before, even perfectly rational people. Everybody has a breaking point, but it's how they handle themselves when they reach that breaking point. Flygurl and the Austin suicide pilot didn't handle theirs well.

Flygurl hated her stepmom with a passion, from what the news reports said. I don't know why, so I'll leave it at that.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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That's kinda low professor. One situation was not related to the other.

The relationship is clear to all who are not in love with their handguns.

Not saying its the same situation...but I don't think Lizzie Borden had a gun, but the outcome was quite similar in spite of a gun.

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That's kinda low professor. One situation was not related to the other.

The relationship is clear to all who are not in love with their handguns.

Not saying its the same situation...but I don't think Lizzie Borden had a gun, but the outcome was quite similar in spite of a gun.

Of course, Lizzie never penned, "Why I love my concealed hatchet permit."

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That's kinda low professor. One situation was not related to the other.

The relationship is clear to all who are not in love with their handguns.

Not saying its the same situation...but I don't think Lizzie Borden had a gun, but the outcome was quite similar in spite of a gun.

Of course, Lizzie never penned, "Why I love my concealed hatchet permit."

Nor did other hatchet lovers tell her that she was preventing crime by carrying a hatchet.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Lizzie Borden, however, was evidently NOT the killer. In spite of what the jumprope rhyme says.

Yet I hear no dispute that her father deserved 40 whacks.

More than a few certainly do.... the percentage of "loving" fathers who have some pretty fucked up ideas of what "family values" mean and show a tad too much of their "love" to their little girls certainly deserve a few whacks in some strategic places.>:(

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That's kinda low professor. One situation was not related to the other.

The relationship is clear to all who are not in love with their handguns.

Low, indeed.

LOW is shooting your parents.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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That's kinda low professor. One situation was not related to the other.

The relationship is clear to all who are not in love with their handguns.

Low, indeed.

LOW is shooting your parents.

Ture, but that does not mean that your comment was not low/in poor taste. I would expect more out of someone so seemingly well educated.

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That's kinda low professor. One situation was not related to the other.

The relationship is clear to all who are not in love with their handguns.

Low, indeed.

LOW is shooting your parents.

Ture, but that does not mean that your comment was not low/in poor taste. I would expect more out of someone so seemingly well educated.

Just because the incident flies in the face of your and Mike Neal's worldviews doesn't mean I have to keep quiet about it.

Here we have an individual who "loves" her concealed carry permit, who is then praised IN THIS VERY THREAD for reducing crime: "perfect example of how GUNS can REDUCE CRIME!" and who then shoots her parents dead.

Fair subject for comment.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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That's kinda low professor. One situation was not related to the other.

The relationship is clear to all who are not in love with their handguns.

Low, indeed.

LOW is shooting your parents.

Ture, but that does not mean that your comment was not low/in poor taste. I would expect more out of someone so seemingly well educated.

Just because the incident flies in the face of your and Mike Neal's worldviews doesn't mean I have to keep quiet about it.

Here we have an individual who "loves" her concealed carry permit, who is then praised IN THIS VERY THREAD for reducing crime: "perfect example of how GUNS can REDUCE CRIME!" and who then shoots her parents dead.

Fair subject for comment.

Doesn't make the nature of the comment any less slimy.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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That's kinda low professor. One situation was not related to the other.

The relationship is clear to all who are not in love with their handguns.

Low, indeed.

LOW is shooting your parents.

Ture, but that does not mean that your comment was not low/in poor taste. I would expect more out of someone so seemingly well educated.

Just because the incident flies in the face of your and Mike Neal's worldviews doesn't mean I have to keep quiet about it.

Here we have an individual who "loves" her concealed carry permit, who is then praised IN THIS VERY THREAD for reducing crime: "perfect example of how GUNS can REDUCE CRIME!" and who then shoots her parents dead.

Fair subject for comment.

Doesn't make the nature of the comment any less slimy.

It's only "slimy" for those whose positions it embarrasses.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Doesn't make the nature of the comment any less slimy.

It's only "slimy" for those whose positions it embarrasses.

No, it's just plain slimy - not that I expect YOU to be able to grasp that.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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The two things do not equal to one another at all. Yes she obviously had a permit to carry and it saved her at the time of this thread.

That is the intended purpose of a carry permit, to keep people safe.

The other incident, years later no matter how heinous... is not related.
ANYONE can get a gun if they were planning something like that. Just because she had a permit did not make it any easier for her or anyone else to get a gun. You yourself know that you can buy plenty of illegal guns if you have the money. Chicago probably has a few million of them and you can get them pretty easliy.

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That's kinda low professor. One situation was not related to the other.

The relationship is clear to all who are not in love with their handguns.

Low, indeed.

LOW is shooting your parents.

Ture, but that does not mean that your comment was not low/in poor taste. I would expect more out of someone so seemingly well educated.

Just because the incident flies in the face of your and Mike Neal's worldviews doesn't mean I have to keep quiet about it.

Here we have an individual who "loves" her concealed carry permit, who is then praised IN THIS VERY THREAD for reducing crime: "perfect example of how GUNS can REDUCE CRIME!" and who then shoots her parents dead.

Fair subject for comment.

Doesn't make the nature of the comment any less slimy.

The nature of gun incidents is never pleasant, because guns are made for purpose of killing or causing serious harm. So when an incident happens and someone uses it as a point to argue against guns, deal with it...the result of making use of a gun is never a nice thing. It's easy to cry "slimy" or "poor taste" when it's an incident that makes gun owners look bad. But it still doesn't make for much of a counterpoint.

What I see as "poor taste" is a thread like this one where the tone was "WOOHOO I GOT A GUN, ISN'T THAT GREAT!!" I've seen scores of threads on these forums since I've signed up as a member, and though I personally don't have an objection to the right to own a gun, I find it revolting when people celebrate a new gun purchase or having pulled one on someone or whatever...

Personally, if I were a gun owner, I wouldn't advertise it. I would be solemn about it and dread the occasion of having to make use of it, even at target practice. Poor taste, IMHO, is having a gun and boasting about it for the world to see...because killing others isn't a nice thing to have to do, in any circumstance (even in self-defense, when it may very well be the "right" thing to do).

Not to mention the fact that owning a gun in the case of Tara's parents wouldn't have helped them one bit in their circumstance... [:/]

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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The nature of gun incidents is never pleasant, because guns are made for purpose of killing or causing serious harm.

Damn, all mine, and all my family's guns must be broken then, because none of us have killed or caused serious harm to anyone with them.


So when an incident happens and someone uses it as a point to argue against guns, deal with it...the result of making use of a gun is never a nice thing.

So when an incident happens and someone uses it as a point to argue for guns, deal with it...the result of helpless victims being killed is never a nice thing.


It's easy to cry "slimy" or "poor taste" when it's an incident that makes gun owners look bad. But it still doesn't make for much of a counterpoint.

It's easy to cry "gun owners just want to kill" as well, evidently. Doesn't make much of a counterpoint, either.


What I see as "poor taste" is a thread like this one where the tone was "WOOHOO I GOT A GUN, ISN'T THAT GREAT!!" I've seen scores of threads on these forums since I've signed up as a member, and though I personally don't have an objection to the right to own a gun, I find it revolting when people celebrate a new gun purchase or having pulled one on someone or whatever...

I know - how DARE she have the gall to protect herself instead of just peaceably letting herself be robbed/raped/killed like a good defenseless victim.


Personally, if I were a gun owner, I wouldn't advertise it. I would be solemn about it and dread the occasion of having to make use of it, even at target practice.

Have you always had this shame issue with tools, or just this specific one?


Poor taste, IMHO, is having a gun and boasting about it for the world to see...



because killing others isn't a nice thing to have to do, in any circumstance (even in self-defense, when it may very well be the "right" thing to do).

Ah, and we're back to the 'all gun owners just want to kill someone' meme - how unsurprising.


Not to mention the fact that owning a gun in the case of Tara's parents wouldn't have helped them one bit in their circumstance... [:/]

And you know this, how?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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