
Why I love my concealed carry permit

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"Airplanes don't fly into buildings, people do.'

Ready to give up your Mooney for the greater good Prof?

When more than 9,000 people each year are killed by deliberately flying airplanes into buildings, you will have a point.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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"Airplanes don't fly into buildings, people do.'

Ready to give up your Mooney for the greater good Prof?

When more than 9,000 people each year are killed by deliberately flying airplanes into buildings, you will have a point.

Until your plane prevents half a million or more crimes a year, you have no point.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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"Airplanes don't fly into buildings, people do.'

Ready to give up your Mooney for the greater good Prof?

When more than 9,000 people each year are killed by deliberately flying airplanes into buildings, you will have a point.

Until your plane prevents half a million or more crimes a year, you have no point.

Counting things that don't happen is remarkably difficult. Look at the trouble Lott had with his credibility being reduced to zero.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Counting things that don't happen is remarkably difficult. Look at the trouble Lott had with his credibility being reduced to zero.

Too bad that DOJ hasn't issued a report about crimes prevented by planes like they have for guns, hmm?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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When more than 9,000 people each year are killed by deliberately flying airplanes into buildings, you will have a point.

If that was the point, we'd have banned cars and alcohol.

Unlike car attacks, where barriers can be installed, it's very difficult to stop a small aircraft from attacking more than a handful of buildings. Unless we ban them entirely.

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congrats girl, sounds like you did it all right!

glad you made it out unscathed, in more ways than one.

concealed carry permits rule.

perfect example of how GUNS can REDUCE CRIME!

Maybe not.

Mr. Kallend, I'd prefer if you would make a comment on this young lady's post instead of one person's commentary. It's pretty apparent that her brandishing a weapon when justified created a positive outcome here.

Are you really so stuck on "anti-gun" that you refuse to admit that at least in this case a legally carried tool of self defense was used to create a peaceful outcome to an otherwise possibly tragic result for a fellow jumper?

I thought you supported the sport. Shame on you.

Sorry Libprof, you lose on this one. When will you admit that a gun is nothing but an object, no more responsible for a crime than a car is in the hands of the driver?

Oh wait. I know the answer. Never. Because your idealism gets in the way of facts.

Case closed.

By the way, the rest of us are laughing at you.;)
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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When more than 9,000 people each year are killed by deliberately flying airplanes into buildings, you will have a point.

If that was the point, we'd have banned cars and alcohol.

Unlike car attacks, where barriers can be installed, it's very difficult to stop a small aircraft from attacking more than a handful of buildings. Unless we ban them entirely.

We did try banning alcohol one time... It was called Prohibition. Didn't do a damn bit of good, did it?
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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congrats girl, sounds like you did it all right!

glad you made it out unscathed, in more ways than one.

concealed carry permits rule.

perfect example of how GUNS can REDUCE CRIME!

Maybe not.

Mr. Kallend, I'd prefer if you would make a comment on this young lady's post instead of one person's commentary. It's pretty apparent that her brandishing a weapon when justified created a positive outcome here.

Are you really so stuck on "anti-gun" that you refuse to admit that at least in this case a legally carried tool of self defense was used to create a peaceful outcome to an otherwise possibly tragic result for a fellow jumper?

I thought you supported the sport. Shame on you.

Sorry Libprof, you lose on this one. When will you admit that a gun is nothing but an object, no more responsible for a crime than a car is in the hands of the driver?

Oh wait. I know the answer. Never. Because your idealism gets in the way of facts.

Case closed.

By the way, the rest of us are laughing at you.;)

Maybe not!

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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does someone want to tell chuckakers why Kallend said "maybe not"?

Doesn't matter why. I'd like a reply to the substance of the lady's post instead of his usual anti-everything-right dribble.

Maybe you should check out the facts about this "lady" before getting all indignant on her behalf.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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She fucked up. She murdered her parents. She committed a serious crime and now she should spend a long long long time locked away. If she is ever released free again, she should not be allowed to own firearms.

But ... I guess if she was not carrying a CCW that day that inspired this thread, maybe she would be dead instead. Seemed like a good thing to have at the time. But she abused her powers.

Maybe we should be registering our butter knives. You know those can be deadly weapons in the hands of an unstable person. How about toothpicks? We must get toothpicks off the street and get people flossing more. No wait dental floss can be used as a weapon too. B|

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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She fucked up. She murdered her parents. She committed a serious crime and now she should spend a long long long time locked away. If she is ever released free again, she should not be allowed to own firearms.

But ... I guess if she was not carrying a CCW that day that inspired this thread, maybe she would be dead instead. Seemed like a good thing to have at the time. But she abused her powers.

Maybe we should be registering our butter knives. You know those can be deadly weapons in the hands of an unstable person. How about toothpicks? We must get toothpicks off the street and get people flossing more. No wait dental floss can be used as a weapon too. B|

Lame response. Your poster girl for crime stopping by CCW turns out to be homicidal and "she fucked up" is the best you can do?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Your poster girl for crime stopping by CCW turns out to be homicidal

What you want me to become a LIEberal now and call for all guns to be banned? ROFLMAO ....

Newsflash I grew up as a brainwashed LIEberal. But then some hard working people who live in the real world and who do not believe in government controlled socialism and communism snapped me out of my spell. However I promise you if I ever become homicidal you can call me anything you want on internet forums and I will not think anything of it. I still believe in personal responsibility and I believe that people should do the time for their crimes.

I actually knew Kara before all this. We both jumped at the same DZ when I lived in CO ... she did things then that made me want to keep some distance between us. When I heard the news that she murdered her parents I shook my head but I was not surprised.

She never was my poster girl. I am calling you on this and raising you a dose of reality. Come join us in the real world professor. Now that humans know how to create objects like firearms and ammunition, they will never go away. No matter how much you call for government control of our lives. Firearms are not going anywhere. When push comes to shove people will make their own firearms and make their own ammunition, just like what they are doing in Afghanistan and Pakistan right now.

PS: I will give you folks in the US some credit. At least you send your murderers to prison.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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does someone want to tell chuckakers why Kallend said "maybe not"?

Doesn't matter why. I'd like a reply to the substance of the lady's post instead of his usual anti-everything-right dribble.

Maybe you should check out the facts about this "lady" before getting all indignant on her behalf.

I'm not being indignant, I'm asking you to respond to the content of the original post. I don't care if the "lady" is a "lady" or something other than a "lady", and if we have to start conducting research on posters before replying to the content of their posts, this forum will the quietest on dz.com.

So, to stay on point, I'd like to hear you views on what the "lady" described, without respect to the inside scoop that I apparently don't have about this "lady".

Or you can continue to talk in circles. Libs are good at that, as you are clearly demonstrating.
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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does someone want to tell chuckakers why Kallend said "maybe not"?

Doesn't matter why. I'd like a reply to the substance of the lady's post instead of his usual anti-everything-right dribble.

Maybe you should check out the facts about this "lady" before getting all indignant on her behalf.

And where exactly are your "facts" from? The news?
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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does someone want to tell chuckakers why Kallend said "maybe not"?

Doesn't matter why. I'd like a reply to the substance of the lady's post instead of his usual anti-everything-right dribble.

Maybe you should check out the facts about this "lady" before getting all indignant on her behalf.

And where exactly are your "facts" from? The news?

I, too, have a problem with people getting their information about criminal cases from the news media. But I think the problem is far more nettlesome before the trial - i.e., before both sides' factual evidence has come out - than after the verdict. After the verdict, the news media are generally somewhat more accurate about reporting the trial evidence. Of course, even that that doesn't totally rule out the possibility of portions of trial evidence being selectively blurred or omitted in the news. To that end, if you can get your hands on a transcript of the trial, please post it.

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