
Speak English or Die

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I think bad spelling and poor grammar also should be punishable. They are so disrespectful of the reader and the language.

I think your version of this sentence gets my vote, John.

Just for the record.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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I think bad spelling and poor grammar also should be punishable. They are so disrespectful of the reader and the language.

I think your version of this sentence gets my vote, John.

Just for the record.


Merry Christmas, RL.

Right now I am listening to (live) Carols from King's College, Cambridge on public radio. Makes me feel quite nostalgic. I lived in Cambridge for 13 years.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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An Englishman, an American & a German (who can now forget her effin' Plasma TV) were discussing English...

"It's when? Peace on Earth and what?... Billvon's gonna what? Oh! I see.":$

Both versions are fine. Mine's better 'cos it splits the vowel sounds at the end of "grammar" and the beginning of "also"


Either one is acceptable and I owe John an apology.:)


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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An Englishman, an American & a German (who can now forget her effin' Plasma TV) were discussing English...

"It's when? Peace on Earth and what?... Billvon's gonna what? Oh! I see.":$

Both versions are fine. Mine's better 'cos it splits the vowel sounds at the end of "grammar" and the beginning of "also"


Either one is acceptable and I owe John an apology.:)


Merry Christmas. Have another drink.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Merry Christmas. Have another drink.

You'll join me? Two fingers of fine Kentucky Bourbon topped off with clear Lemonade.:)

Did I mention that the "two fingers" are the index and the pinkie?:ph34r:


Edited for pic.

Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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OK. As distribution of Christmas presents is over for this year, I don't need no Plasma TV any longer B|

The Ferrari (which) I found under my Christmas tree is much much coooler. Yeah, OK, not the largest one but, not bad :$ bwahahaha

Now, (I'm) off for a nice little banquet (or better: a huge Christmas drinking-bout ?).

Have fun everybody and be happy!



We should put a frame around your post: Brit, American, German! All in one sentence w/o making troubles at each other. That's The Holy Night, right? Cheers.




("Mine's better b/c .... blablablawhahahah) ;););)

edited for typing error

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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We should put a frame about your post: Brit, American, German! All in one sentence w/o making troubles at each other.

Kein Österreicher, kein Franzosen, keine Probleme.;)



The Ferrari (which) I found under my Christmas tree is ... not the largest one...

Geniessen Sie Ihr Neue Ferrari.:ph34r:



Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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Which country are you referring to?

The thread title is Speak "English" or Die, so I'm assuming Britain. But good to ask the question just to be safe.

(These guys are pretty rough on the ol' Brits though aren't they?)

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Wow, someone with balls! Or someone from the left with typical "planting" tactics. I haven't read the bullshit in between. Don't know about the die part though. Work it through legislation now while you can. This PC crap is just a front and politicians follow it because there is no opposition to it. Voice it loud to everyone and your rep. and dropzone of course.

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If you live in this country, learn it, love it, live it, or get the fuck out. That is all.

Though, I do not feel anyone should die for the lack of a language, I do feel we should all learn 3.

1st your native tounge - Keep your native traditions alive

2nd English - for what ever reason it has become the international language.

3rd any other

This would go a long way to solve and avoid problems.

ie airline pilot could not speak english and nearly caused a devastating crash

My Mother lived over seas as a child and learned 7 languages. she taught us some of what she knew. When we moved to europe she told us to always learn the common language. She told us to use it in public as it was a sign of respect for those around us and disrespectful to do otherwise. She said the people around you may not understand what you are saying. She said if the group wants to speak english, great.

My family comes from Germany, Ireland, Spain, England, Scotland, etc. They all tried to learn english as they wanted to become a part of America and not set themselves apart. They felt, as do I, proud to be americans, celebrated it's diversity, and embraced the unique union we form when we come together. They felt, as do I, that they were no better than others around them, that they grow through learning and sharing.
Some of them were quite old. They tried and leaned enough to get by if they went out.

Imagine an America if none of the immigrants ever learned english. We would not be united and certainly not great.

I have learned much about other cultures and can converse in several languages. This does not make me better, it makes me better at understanding others.

Consider there are places in the US where you have to speak another language to get even basic help. All public services are in a foreign language. Is this not a shutting out of the non-speaker? Is this not showing a preference of one race over another? Since we can not possibly cover all languages, let's keep it to one and provide assistance to speakers of foreign languages.
ie Driving is a priveledge not a right. How safe can you be if you can't read the non-pictoral road signs?

You want to become a citizen or vote but it is not worth your time to learn english. Please enjoy your visit and come again soon.

We are richer by sharing our differences and coming together as a union of people. We have great potential when we work together. A language is a very good way to unite a population or to divide one.

"You did what?!?!"

MUFF #3722, TDSM #72, Orfun #26, Nachos Rodriguez

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