
woman, sometimes partly responsible for rape?

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i think that this attitude of "i should be able to wear what i want, where i want, and when i want" is sometimes partly responsible for them getting raped

I 100% agree that all rape is wrong, but if a woman is dressed like a slut, leads a man on... goes back to his house, then says no to sex right at the last moment..... she must shoulder some of the blame for what happens next

in a perfect world, a woman should be able to say no at any time and its respected, but its not a perfect world. People need to take some responsibility for things that happen to them because of the situation they have put themselves in.

If a woman puts herself in a situation of danger because of what she's wearing, where she is, and what she's doing, if it goes tits up an she gets raped... the fact that she said no, and she was in the right is going to make no difference to her AFTER the event, she's still been raped..... so why put yourself in that situation and just rely on being able to say no and it being respected? Is the fact you where in the right going to stop the pain of rape? i doubt it
drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police

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I think your on thin ice with this subject but I shall attempt to answer you sensibly...

I know alot of women who will tease and tease and wind you up with no intention of doing anything with you. They just like the attention. They do not deserve to be raped. That is ridiculous. They certainly dont help their cause but any person who rapes a woman should be publicly hanged.

By the way, from experience (sounds dodgy ;)) I reckon 90% of rape allegations prove to be false. Either malicious or some sort of cover story. ie - young girl scared about what to tell parents so makes something up.

You just know your gonna get flamed though and this will probably be locked or deleted so I dont know why im bothering.

Do you want a bigger stick so you can stir up a whopper with this one?

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You just know your gonna get flamed though and this will probably be locked or deleted so I dont know why im bothering.

Why would he get flamed?

His post serves as a clear warning to any woman who might ever consider being alone in a room with him that it is not a safe thing to do.

Edited to add: I think your percentage is off by a magnitude of order, Scoop.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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You just know your gonna get flamed though and this will probably be locked or deleted so I dont know why im bothering.

Why would he get flamed?

His post serves as a clear warning to any woman who might ever consider being alone in a room with him that it is not a safe thing to do.


don't talk wet
drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police

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Dependent on scenario. If we are talking random attack, then I dont think so. If we are talking a prick tease, then yes. No doubt about it, they would be partly responsible. What are you trying to prove other than provoke a reaction?

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Yeah. Your right...

I think what Ians getting at is are they asking for it.
I say no. noone asks to be raped but you cant go around teasing people and throwing yourself around cos as we all know the world aint a safe place and some people are nutters. You wind up the wrong person and it might happen.


Responsible - NO
Not helping themselves - sadly seems so [:/]

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Dependent on scenario. If we are talking random attack, then I dont think so. If we are talking a prick tease, then yes. No doubt about it, they would be partly responsible. What are you trying to prove other than provoke a reaction?

On your Myspace page you claim:

Erm, women. Hmmm. Well, its not that I dont want one. I just am useless at reading signals and dont seem to be in right environment - ever!! :D

Are you sure that woman is being a 'prick tease' and not just being friendly? :)

nothing to see here

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Hey, I had a serious prick tease on my case for a long time. I really liked her and she fucked me around. Really upset me. Strangely we are still mates and are very close now. But I wouldnt wish what Ian's saying on anyone.

And... hey like I say.. Im shit at reading signals!

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No doubt about it, they would be partly responsible.

The only person responsible for a rape is the rapist.

i don't agree, i think in certain situations, after certain actions by the woman... she shoulders some of the blame for what happens to her

If we lived in a perfect world, all woman would be able to wear anything they wanted, go anywhere they wanted dressed a they like, and do anythign they wanted at that place, dressed as they like... BUT this isn't a perfect world, realise that and dont put yourself in certain situations because sometimes your NO is not going to be taken seriously, and the man is going to think that because of all thats gone on in the lead up to that point...he can carry on and have sex

you need to understand i don't think this is ok, but i'm a realist who lives in the real world, and thats what DOES happen sometimes

ok, another sinario..... i'm walking through a rough area of Nottingham at 3am, i'm wearing nice clothes and talking into my mobile phone.... i get mugged, am i not partly responsible for what just happened to me because of my own nievity in believing i should be safe in this world doing what ever i want?
drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police

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No doubt about it, they would be partly responsible.

The only person responsible for a rape is the rapist.

That's true. But there are definitely places I stay away from and situations I keep myself out of because I know that it'd be stupid to assume that nothing will happen to me because I'm doing nothing wrong....

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Yeah. Your right...

I think what Ians getting at is are they asking for it.
I say no. noone asks to be raped but you cant go around teasing people and throwing yourself around cos as we all know the world aint a safe place and some people are nutters. You wind up the wrong person and it might happen.


Responsible - NO
Not helping themselves - sadly seems so [:/]

When I was in college, a girl I knew went to one of the frat houses one night. They got her drunk and then they trained her. She was too toasted to do anything but lay there, and afterward, she felt as if it were her fault anyway, so she never pressed charges against them. She ended up leaving school.

There are a lot of men in this world who take "no protest" to be "yes," and they don't understand the myriad motivations that underlie a woman's silence.

It doesn't matter if a woman "asks for it," rape is rape. Don't do it.


(There are exceptions to this that relate to an ongoing relationship and the assumptions we make while in one, but they have nothing to do with this thread. But even in a relationship where "yes" is implied, "no" still means "don't do it.")
If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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ok, another sinario..... i'm walking through a rough area of Nottingham at 3am, i'm wearing nice clothes and talking into my mobile phone.... i get mugged, am i not partly responsible for what just happened to me because of my own nievity in believing i should be safe in this world doing what ever i want?

Stupid, maybe. Even probably.

But not responsible.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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No means no.. period.. no matter what she is wearing.. period
Any guy who does not understand that needs to go somewhere that he can practice saying NO... to no avail... for a very long time>:(

have you seen Jodi Foster in The Accused?
drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police

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