
Normal behavior for a stripper?

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So my friend rented out a club tonight for her birthday party and she had a few male strippers there. This one stripper pulls me out of the audience and brings me up front and we started dancing. Then he whispers in my ear, "ok, I'm gonna put you down on the floor now...just go with it." So he throws me down, face down on the floor. I'm thinking ok, this is weird, and out of the corner of my eye, I'm watching my friends going crazy, and I see him pull out a can of whipped cream. Then before I know what's happening, he pulls my pants down, puts the whipped cream in my ass crack and licks it off!!! So, I'm wondering, is this normal for a stripper to do???

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So my friend rented out a club tonight for her birthday party and she had a few male strippers there. This one stripper pulls me out of the audience and brings me up front and we started dancing. Then he whispers in my ear, "ok, I'm gonna put you down on the floor now...just go with it." So he throws me down, face down on the floor. I'm thinking ok, this is weird, and out of the corner of my eye, I'm watching my friends going crazy, and I see him pull out a can of whipped cream. Then before I know what's happening, he pulls my pants down, puts the whipped cream in my ass crack and licks it off!!! So, I'm wondering, is this normal for a stripper to do???

I don't think so. Drunk skydivers on the other hand...


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Yes, this is normal behavior and not just for strippers. When I met my girlfriend's parents I did the same thing to my gf's mother to break the ice. Worked like gangbusters!
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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Hi 17,
"I just love this Sport!!!!!" Just leave it to a skydiver to do something that "off thewall!!" Although the stripper probably wasn't a jumper, it sounds like he has good jumping "genes" and should be!!! It's gigs like this that have kept me going in this great sport for the last 41 1/2 years and I'll double that if I can!!!!!!

Picture the same scenario on a "nekid skydive" on VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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I just got this picture from right after it happened. The look on my face is priceless!

Just thought I'd point out that you post a picture of a stripper sitting on your butt, and I notice this:



Dec 24, 2005, 5:55 PM

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Registered: Jul 18, 2005
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May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Then he whispers in my ear, "ok, I'm gonna put you down on the floor now...just go with it." So he throws me down, face down on the floor.

So, all he had to do was tell you to?

...what are you doing Monday?


Haven't you ever heard of the 11th commandment??

"Thou must obey strippers";)

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