
Fast Food Nation - anyone who has read that, or abstains from fast food, please read...

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You understated: You can EASILY make a meal for SEVERAL people for $8 worth of groceries. If I used $8 wisely spent, I could make a meal I could eat for several days worth of leftovers.

I hear you there. When at college I tried the school commons. The meal plan was very cheap and all you could eat. Not worth it. So I went back to cooking, and ate spaghetti about half my meals. I'd get the huge 5# box of noodles, and make up a huge pot of red sauce the way mom taught me (with lots of sausage & garlic). Got my roommates in on it and they would often pay for half the makins. It got a little boring at times (sorry mom), but we ate very well and very cheap. My guess is that it was about $1 per meal.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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>If ape shit tastes like heaven and makes my hunger go away, I
>don't care it's ape shit. Gross, but true.

I doubt that. There are things that taste good but will make you sick; ethylene glycol comes to mind. Most people (you as well, I suspect) would prefer not to eat things that make you sick - even if it makes your hunger go away.

>Pathetic argument for staying away from fast food. You either like it
>or you don't. Personal preference.

Right, and liking it or not has to do with how it tastes, how good it is for you, how much it costs, whether you want to support them or not etc. Which is why it's not a bad thing to know more about your food.

>As opposed to the little cottage industry of proletarian comrades,
> working from their homes, raising ecological cattle that are killed by
> playing classical music.

True, other than the classical music. The market for such meat is growing by about 20% a year, and farmers know a moneymaker when they see it. Since organic farming produces only about 80% of what large commercial farms produce per acre, there is a significant price premium - which is why McDonald's doesn't get organically grown beef.

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As opposed to the little cottage industry of proletarian comrades, working from their homes, raising ecological cattle that are killed by playing classical music.

Funny statement, but even if it's based on false perception and trendy fiction, it's real market. We have to face it that people make decisions on very subjective things. I think we're better for it in many ways, which is odd considering my normal thinking.

More power to the small businessman who see's a fanciful market and says "ME TOO".

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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This is where the moral conflict arises - if you are committed to a cause, is there any time when there is justification for backing out of it, or are you then just a bandwagon jumping moral crusader with no direction whatsoever?

Sure there are such times, but here's the thing: It's a cause that YOU have committed to, therefore only YOU can tell when there is moral justification for ignoring it. Asking others to provide you justification for violating one of your mores is kinda silly, ain't it?

(drink Mountain Dew)

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