
Child Molesting Priest Murdered in Prison

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this x-priest went to that VERY special place in hell reserved for those that hurt children.its next to the place reserved for those that torture pets


I think priests get an even more special place within that group - they're SUPPOSED to be trustworthy. Kids SHOULD be able to turn to a priest without ANY fear of something like this. To me, this elevates them to whole other level of evil apart from the average layscumbag.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Ahh I see. Well if hes found guilty he might as well go for it and clean up some more of the filthy fuckers inside.

In that kind of posiition of trust and abused it. Lets see what kind of reception he will get from the lord now. FUCKER >:(

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Well he's probably in Heaven if he asked for God to forgive his sins.[:/]

John 14:2-3

In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

I suspect that place would strongly resemble the plastic room they put Magneto in X-men 2.:P
"Buttons aren't toys." - Trillian

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Damn, that priest was killed over two years ago... I'd about forgotten about that.

Well, better to have scum like that killed in prison than have our tax dollars wasted on their incarceration. :|
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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It does make me feel better knowing that he won't be going to Costa Rica to work with kids any time soon.

It's not about unmolesting the kids - it's about keeping it from ever happening again. Prison should do that via incarceration - or, in this case, the 'criminal justice system'

Not saying it's right, but just as a white-collar embezzeler knows he's being sent to Federal pound-me-in-the-butt prison, so a child molester (and juries and judges and wardens and guards) knows that any jail time may be a death sentence.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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I personally think he had it coming. Any worthless fucker that touches a child deserves to die.


My thoughts are that it's bad to think someone 'deserves to die'. Anger and hatred towards people who commit abhorrible crimes does absolutely nothing.

As far as child molesters go, I know a relative of mine who is one...I don't think he deserves to die, but if he doesn't repent, he will definitely face punishment when he stands before God.

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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Maybe anger and hatred does nothing. But at least if they die no other child is at risk. Kill the lot of them would be my view............ but then have kids myself and experience of people who have suffered.. not something easily forgotten

I'm NOT totally useless... I can be used as a bad example

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As long as they really stay in prison the rest of their lives, that is o.k., but what about parole?

There was a case here in TJ of a priest that had molested a child a long time ago. Last year, the molested child (now an adult) made it public. The church immediately intervened on behalf of the priest and, as "punishment", he was transfered to some church in some little hilltown in South East Mexico, before any official claims were filed or before the molested kid killed him or something.

Imagine what he will be able to do over there, where people are more naive/ignorant and honestly consider priests to be their guides. [:/]

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I personally think he had it coming. Any worthless fucker that touches a child deserves to die.



"He's basically saying, 'I killed him because he was a pedophile priest,"' Murphy said. "'I don't want him getting anyone else."'

Main problem is that other prisoners are hardly qualified to act as a judge for other people's crimes. The priest was surving a 10 year sentence, not a death row one. And we know very well there have been false accusations before, as retribution against teachers.

So if the priest really did grope a hundred boys, maybe karma did the right thing. But it violates our founding principles of justice to be a bit too happy about it. Innocent until proven guilty, right?

Given the circumstances, the death penalty seems appropriate for the killer. There's no doubt of guilt on his side. Just a weak pysch defense, and a prior history of trying to use that angle. Nevermind proof that keeping him behind bars isn't preventing him from killing more people.

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I personally think he had it coming. Any worthless fucker that touches a child deserves to die.


Yeah, here's a thought:

How can you sanction murders that take place in prison, when the priest's sentence -- for whatever reason -- was not death?

How about if some prisoner doesn't like drug dealers, and so he decides to once in a while murder drug dealers in prison?

Here's another problem with keeping murderers alive in prison rather than executing the pieces of shit: when they murder someone in prison, be it another prisoner, or a guard or other employee of the prison, what the fuck can you do to him to punish him further? He's a murderer in prison "for life": how else can you punish him?

Murderers should be executed. Molestors should be caned, viciously.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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From the story:
"Druce, 40, would be sentenced to life in prison without parole if convicted of first-degree murder.

He is serving a life sentence for killing a hitchhiker who allegedly made a sexual pass at him. He used an insanity defense, without success, during that 1989 trial."

Oh. I see.
How horrible for him, that he should have his sentence extended from "life" to, um, "life." :S

See, folks. Here is the fuckin' problem with NON-capital punishment for murderers, in a nutshell. They get the chance to murder again. If you support the idea of extra-legal murders taking place in prison just because you have a special loathing for those who are murdered there, then you're pretty fucked up, and you really don't have any legitimate claim to any other kind of protection by the law:

Cops beat you up when they arrested you for D.U.I.? Too fuckin' bad. I want to see extra-legal beatings dispensed to those who risk my life and the lives of my loved ones by driving drunk.

Prosecutor fudged evidence, withheld exculpatory statements made by witnesses on your behalf? Planted incriminating evidence? Faked lab results? Well, too fuckin' bad. Some of us want people to go outside the law to get you. :S

How do you like them apples? >:(

Look, the long and the short of it is, if you wanted the priest dead, you should have wanted it done in a legal, moral, ethical way -- i.e. the state, representing the People, sets sentence and executes it. NOT some scumbag already-murderer carrying out "jailhouse justice."

And then you have no way to punish him further, so every murder after his first is, essentially, a freebie.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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It does make me feel better knowing that he won't be going to Costa Rica to work with kids any time soon.

It's not about unmolesting the kids - it's about keeping it from ever happening again. Prison should do that via incarceration - or, in this case, the 'criminal justice system'

Not saying it's right, but just as a white-collar embezzeler knows he's being sent to Federal pound-me-in-the-butt prison, so a child molester (and juries and judges and wardens and guards) knows that any jail time may be a death sentence.

Are you pro-capital punishment?

Because I can't see how you would not be. You want to make sure that a priest can't ever molest a kid again; do you also want to make sure a murderer can't take another person's life?

Execution makes that a reality.
Imprisonment fails to.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Not saying it's right, but just as a white-collar embezzeler knows he's being sent to Federal pound-me-in-the-butt prison, so a child molester (and juries and judges and wardens and guards) knows that any jail time may be a death sentence.

Wow. Is that how you want the prison system to be? You say, "Not saying it's right..." but it's pretty clear you cheer the idea of it.

If juries and judges and wardens and guards send ANYONE to prison knowing/believing that the person is headed for an extra-legal execution at some unspecified time into his prison term, then they all should be convicted of malfeasance and imprisoned as well (possibly to be executed by other inmates, themselves, I guess).

What you're saying is that you wish our penal system were run like they are in third world countries.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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