
Censorship - some don't like it, so YOU can't watch it

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Not to delve into semantics here, but I'm using "censorship" in a broader sense of the term. The "censors" to whom I'm referring are the members of the public who not only were offended by the show (their prerogative), but who also insisted the show be pulled so nobody could watch it. So what they're doing is using their clout to regulate what you and I can watch. (People at both ends of the ideological spectrum do this - pressure TV stations not to air shows that offend their personal bugaboos.)

My feeling about this sort of thing has always been: Don't like the show? OK, so don't watch it. Just don't make it impossible for me to decide for myself whether I want to watch it.

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I agree with you, but you gotta understand the general kind of people living in tennesse, and i'm going to take a random guess that this is also in a more bfe part of tenn.

the station would probably be better off, over there, not to play the show, so as not to cause a boycott or public backlash.
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I've heard lots of negative things about this show, coming from the Christian perspective, and I am happy they pulled the show. Misrepresenting Christians and being blasphemous about the Bible, God,etc, is not something that I want to see endorsed.:|
( I know most will disagree with me, especially if their religious views are different, but I don't care. I am going to stand against something that I believe is wrong.)
Mocking God/His followers is one of America's favorite past times it seems.:|

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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I respect your right to feel offended by the show's content, and to exercise your right to not watch it. What I don't like is people taking it to the next level by using pressure to prevent me from exercising my right to watch it. In an open society, let the dynamics of the marketplace decide the show's success. If the show gets good ratings, then people want to watch it, advertisers will want to buy commercials during its slot, and the show will survive. If it's a lousy show, then it will get lousy ratings and die. But once we're adults, our neighbors shouldn't get to dictate what shows we can watch (or books we can read in the library, etc.)

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Similar examples:

-Try to buy liquor on Sundays in Kansas
-Try to get served three beers at once in Utah

It's the will of the majority of the people. It's de-facto religious law codified into civil law. I think it sucks, but that's democracy.

If you don't like it, move.
Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.

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Mocking God/His followers is one of America's favorite past times it seems.:|

...Which may or may not be the case, but it's sort of a hijacking of the thread, which is about censorship (or quasi-censorhip...or whatever one wishes to call it...)

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What I don't like is people taking it to the next level by using pressure to prevent me from exercising my right to watch it.

I know EXACTLY how you feel!!! Except on my side, there is pressure to SEE filth in the world that exists, no matter if I change the channel, quit reading the article/book,etc.
(What if I see/experience things in this world that I don't want to? SAME THING!)
What can be done, to prevent people like me, from being "pressured" to participate in the filth and garbage of this world? :|

You want to watch what you want to, and so do I...except I don't want to watch programs that are filthy, overly violent, etc.

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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I guess I don't see this as any different than PETA attempting to get people to boycott KFC........except they did not get the job done or KFC would have changed things
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Mocking God/His followers is one of America's favorite past times it seems.:|

...Which may or may not be the case, but it's sort of a hijacking of the thread, which is about censorship (or quasi-censorhip...or whatever one wishes to call it...)

Sorry, I wasn't trying to hijack, honestly! :$

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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It is all $.

The Station has to sell advertising slots to make money.
You can't sell advertising to a client if he/she knows your veiwers are not watching.
What you call censorship Disney/Fox/NBC/CBS etc. etc.... calls the bottom line, which is, cash in hand.
An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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What I don't like is people taking it to the next level by using pressure to prevent me from exercising my right to watch it.

I know EXACTLY how you feel!!! Except on my side, there is pressure to SEE filth in the world that exists, no matter if I change the channel, quit reading the article/book,etc.
(What if I see/experience things in this world that I don't want to? SAME THING!)
What can be done, to prevent people like me, from being "pressured" to participate in the filth and garbage of this world? :|

You want to watch what you want to, and so do I...except I don't want to watch programs that are filthy, overly violent, etc.

How exactly are you being pressured to watch filth if you turn the TV off and close the book?
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Similar examples:

-Try to buy liquor on Sundays in Kansas
-Try to get served three beers at once in Utah

It's the will of the majority of the people. It's de-facto religious law codified into civil law. I think it sucks, but that's democracy.

If you don't like it, move.

Mmm. Where I live (Philadelphia), can you do all the above, and can believe it... you can still smoke! Right next to the Liberty Bell! What is this world coming to? Think of the children!


I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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if you don't like the actions of the network, send them an email at programming@wsmv.com. Then, send the companies that run ads on WSMV's news programs letters saying that you will not be patronizing their companies until and unless the network brings back the show or they pull their sponsorship from the network.

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Let me ask this... why, do they put a channel selector on televisions or an on - off button on them? As well as 'parental controls'? I really get tired of people bitching about what is on television. Why, does the majority allow themselves to be led around by the nose by a minority? If, parents don't want their kids watching something on T.V., DON'T let them watch it. Same goes for folks who don't like something on T.V. Don't watch it! It's really simple. Maybe, too simple. Sheesh!


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You are so right. Every single station has to now program every single show ever produced since the history of time - simultaneously. And I don't care if it's impossible. I want choice dammit.

how dare they do programming based on customer demographics

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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how dare they do programming based on customer demographics

OK, that's a reasonable point to raise; let's look at it.
Targeted complaints & similar pressure tactics sometimes reflect demographics, but sometimes don't. Seems to me, if you (the local station) want to really be sure you're using demographics, and not pressure politics, to influence your programming decisions, the mechanism is already in place: the ratings. If the ratings are poor in your geographic area, and you pull the program in response to that, you're truly using demographics -- fair enough. But if the ratings are good, but you nonetheless pull the program due to targeted complaints, then you're doing so not in response to demographics, but due to pressure politics. It's the latter example that doesn't pass my smell test.

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how dare they do programming based on customer demographics

OK, that's a reasonable point to raise;

but I wasn't trying to be reasonable. Damn, foiled again.

(Nicely put with your 'smell test' BTW - let ratings decide to keep something on air or not. Now the only gap is what to put there in the first place - which is just guesswork anyway. Unless it has vampires and lots of cleavage, then you JUST KNOW it'll be a hit.)

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I wouldnt mock christians.

I would have a TV Show where we burnt them at the stake.

I'd call the show:


The format:

It would be about making real all the imagined persecutions that I hear constantly from American Christians every goddamn day.

Between shots of hot girls in red devil outfits flashing their breasts and dancing to rock music there will be conservative christian commentators who will be satirized.

A Pat Robertson lookalike will be placed in a bath tub and school children will raise money to have the honor of defecating on him.

Throughout the show we'll be torturing christians and getting them to renounce the lord.

We'll also be burning Christians on pyres while devil clad strippers will dance naked, having sex with each other.

I'm timing the shows run to end about the same time that the US blows up.

For profit TV will never have any spine. It's not about art, its about $$$$.

christian, satanist, immoral, amoral.

It doesnt fucking matter. Scare the station, scare the sponsors, watch the show disappear.

I'd license a line of gingerbread men.

Christianity lacks a good decaptitation.

So maybe we'll add that on the DVD.

TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.

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sorry that was a typo.

I mean to say:

Did you see the show that you're judging so harshly?

I'm sure you can see how easy it would be to type the other thing instead.

Forgive me.

It's like, the keys are just next to each other and all...
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It's only censorship if someone makes it illegal.

Otherwise, the owners of a private company will do whatever it takes to make their customers happy.

If the customers complain too much about something, the owners of the company will change that thing to keep the customers happy.

We are a consumer-driven economy, and that's the way it is, whether it's about religous offensiveness or about New Coke, or whatever.

tuff shit for the people who like New Coke, or the TV show. (i haven't seen the show so I don't have an opinion about it one way or the other.)
Speed Racer

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also, is it censorship if the company cancels the show because a lot of people just think the show sucks ass??

are you being denied your rights if you liked the show, even tho most other people did not?? That's happened to me before, but I didn't call it censorship.
Speed Racer

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