
Another Christians' are 'tards post.

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Much of the anger was directed at the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA), the group of 92 journalists from non-American publications who hand out the Golden Globe Awards. The Times, along with many other large overseas publications, is not represented at the HFPA.

Gee looks to me like they are concerned with what the REST of the world is interested in.. not the opinions of people who need to get all their entertainment from the pulpit on Sunday.:o

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I liked:


“None of the three movies — Capote, Transamerica or Brokeback Mountain — is a box office hit. Brokeback Mountain has barely topped $25 million (£14.2 million) in ticket sales. If America isn’t watching these films, why are they winning the awards?”

Which is totally logical from the Christian perspective because their god is real because the bible is a best seller and - well gosh! - there are so many Christians that it must be real, or we'd all look silly wouldnt we - heavens to betsy.

I'm a tumor I'm a tumor
I'm a tumor
I'm a tumor I'm a tumor
Oh OH oh I'm a tumor.

TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.

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And much to the same tune of my post in your other thread, exactly how many "christians" in these groups are going insane over Brokeback Moutain vs how many christians don't care, regardless of wether they agree w/ the movie or not? Again, probably somewhere above the 95th percentile don't care enough/are crazy enough to go and actually protest Hollywood.

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Whether it's Christians or Muslims trying to ensure that their local ethical standards are followed, what such a campaign shows is that in any large enough religious group, there's going to be a substantial group of people trying to tell others what to do and think based on their religious convictions alone.

Protect yourself and your kin from the outrages as you wish. Don't try to limit my rights and freedoms in the process, that's all. Religious faith is personal and cannot be argued with sensibly.

It'd help if there was some kind of peer pressure review system of general religious ideas. Of course there is - but Christians not following the lines are just labelled "not *real* Christians.

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there's going to be a substantial group of people trying to tell others what to do and think based on their religious convictions alone.

I don't know about substantial, but I completely agree otherwise.


Protect yourself and your kin from the outrages as you wish. Don't try to limit my rights and freedoms in the process, that's all. Religious faith is personal and cannot be argued with sensibly.

Totally agree.


but Christians not following the lines are just labelled "not *real* Christians.

Well people like Pat Robertson aren't just not following the lines, he's just completely off the scope and a nut compared to 95% of christians. Point being, I think the vast majority of the mainstream christian group of people think this guy is crazy, to at least some degree.

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Protect yourself and your kin from the outrages as you wish. Don't try to limit my rights and freedoms in the process, that's all. Religious faith is personal and cannot be argued with sensibly.

But, what ifdoing so is part of their religious beliefs??
It seems that quite a few religious people believe that their religion demands that they shall not suffer unbelievers to live, much less go about their lives in peace undisturbed. Some claim that their god dictates that they convert or exterminate any who won't believe. Others simply claim that their god tells them that it is incumbent on them to not leave "unenlightened" any who don't share their beliefs.

See, it seems part and parcel of many religions that it's not enough to live a good life on your own; you have to go bother others and insist that their way is wrong and your way is right, and the only way that will "save" them.

It's sickening.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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