
I am an agnostic....and proud of it.

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I am the Semi-Arbitrary Anti-Agnostocrat.

But it doesn't really affect me one way or the other until someone can prove the title does or doesn't exist. In the meantime, it's a nice title but I don't really care.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I am the Semi-Arbitrary Anti-Agnostocrat.

I'm the Bride of Satan.

I demand you give me credit for your new title.

Credit, credit, credit.



mildly amused... i'd be much more pleased if you made it part of your sig w/ appropriate props.

did you get my pm from earlier today?


I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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mildly amused... i'd be much more pleased if you made it part of your sig w/ appropriate props.

Show me what you want my sig to say.


did you get my pm from earlier today?

Yes. But I can't keep up.

I won't be here in April (I'm pretty sure anyway, although at the rate they're hiring my replacement, I could be).

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Who's to say I do? You probably are right: I don't; then again anyone who disagrees with me (on whether or not I exist) can punch me in the head (thus proving I exist).

I’ll add to the agnostic thread. I’ve been joking and goofing off in here all day but here is a serious point that I feel very strongly about.

Jesus was tortured, crucified, speared in the side and killed, rose from the dead (as predicted by himself) 3 days later, appeared before his disciples, and had Thomas touch his wounds (because he doubted) thus proving to him that he existed and was who he said he was (kind of like your punch in the head theory). Thomas was later stabbed with a spear and killed for his faith. Most of the other disciples were crucified like Jesus because they would not deny what they personally saw and believed. The fact that Jesus could conquer death was the biggest proving factor that he was who he said he was (God in the flesh). He did all that to pay your penalty and mine for breaking God's moral law (wages of sin is death). Something no one on the planet has ever been worthy of doing except for him because he was the only one without sin. You might think you’re a good person. You might think that you don’t need anyone to make anything up for you because you haven’t broken any laws. I’d ask you if you think you or anyone else here have kept God’s moral law, the 10 Commandments. I haven’t. You might say you don’t believe they are the word of God in the first place so who cares if you haven’t kept them. I’d say that I think you and everyone else here knows in their hearts (even if they won’t admit it in a public forum) because deep down your conscience tells you that they are. Otherwise, I’d ask you, if what the Bible says is true, would you be guilty or not? If what the Bible says is true, would you be going to heaven or hell (whatever either of those turns out to be; all we can do is go by how the Bible describes them both). The Bible says that there is no one who is capable of meeting that standard which is why everyone here needs Jesus and will continue to be dead in their sin without him. You will die someday and will be judged for everything you’ve done in your life. When you stand before the judge (God), you will be guilty without the savior. A “just” judge, which is what God must be because he is holy, must condemn sin. Without Jesus, you will go to hell. It should concern you. It doesn’t have to be that way, though. God provided a way (a bridge back to him). It’s a free gift. You’ve just got to take it (God doesn’t want anyone to die; spiritually speaking, that is). I challenge everyone here to see if you meet the standard and at least think about the consequences. Regardless of how much bickering and argument is probably going to take place in this thread. Ultimately, there’s not much that is more important. Below is a good website with a description of what I’m talking about. The one below it is an excellent radio station that just started up a couple of weeks ago. You can listen on-line. It’s very, very interesting even if you aren’t a Christian. It’s an open discussion between Christians and others who often are not who call in to debate topics. I recommend it if for nothing else but entertainment when you’re bored.

Are you a good person?

[url www.wayofthemaster.com/radio] Way of the Master Radio

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Added: By the way, congrats on your promotion. >:(

I have it on good authority that if you slip up, I get to keep you as a cabana boy for all eternity. >:(

Think of the fun we'll have in the lava pits. :D

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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