
I am an agnostic....and proud of it.

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Added: By the way, congrats on your promotion. >:(

I have it on good authority that if you slip up, I get to keep you as a cabana boy for all eternity. >:(

Think of the fun we'll have in the lava pits. :D


oh rl, i'm so honored by your sig line. how incredibly thoughtful of you! >:(

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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oh rl, i'm so honored by your sig line. how incredibly thoughtful of you! >:(

Ask and ye shall receive. :D


(Y'know, I worry that this may be a little blasphemous or heretical or something--it doesn't bother me, and I don't really care if I offend certain people...but there are others I don't want to upset needlessly. You know who you are, so if this starts to bug you, PM me and I'll quit.)
If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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oh rl, i'm so honored by your sig line. how incredibly thoughtful of you! >:(

Ask and ye shall receive. :D


(Y'know, I worry that this may be a little blasphemous or heretical or something--it doesn't bother me, and I don't really care if I offend certain people...but there are others I don't want to upset needlessly. You know who you are, so if this starts to bug you, PM me and I'll quit.)

NOTE to all those who it may bug... dig the cotton pony out of your ass and get a sense of humor.

Your big hearted rl. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If they do, stab them w/ your trident.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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NOTE to all those who it may bug... dig the cotton pony out of your ass and get a sense of humor.

Your big hearted rl. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If they do, stab them w/ your trident.

There are some folks I don't care about bugging, Michael. But the ones I have some respect and affection for--well, it's not worth upsetting them...unless they start preaching to me...in which case I start pasting my posts from our little to-do. :D

Besides, I had thunderbolts (from my sci.space junior goddess days) long before I had the trident. I can use those. :D
If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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I am VERY offended. And I don't get offended easily, so it must be like super, ultra, mondo offensive.

Bite me once, bite me twice, bite me three times.

Your time will come, baby. Sooner than you think.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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I am VERY offended. And I don't get offended easily, so it must be like super, ultra, mondo offensive.

Bite me once, bite me twice, bite me three times.

Your time will come, baby. Sooner than you think.


for a tick there I was thinking you were going to regale us w/ a sick remix of the lionel ritchie tune.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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for a tick there I was thinking you were going to regale us w/ a sick remix of the lionel ritchie tune.

THAT would be hell...

I think I'll stop to see you on the way. :|


i'm not far up the road a piece from pajarito... i'm expecting a brief stop here as well.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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for a tick there I was thinking you were going to regale us w/ a sick remix of the lionel ritchie tune.

THAT would be hell...

I think I'll stop to see you on the way. :|


If I was Catholic like Sinker (sorry...Micro), I'd be holding up my crucifix in front of me right now with my CamelBak full of holy water and a few wooden stakes packed away in my coat. I think I might be getting my devil stuff mixed up with the whole vampire thing. Better safe than sorry. You sound dangerous.
That's ok. B| :ph34r: :D

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If I was Catholic like Sinker (sorry...Micro), I'd be holding up my crucifix in front of me right now with my CamelBak full of holy water and a few wooden stakes packed away in my coat. I think I might be getting my devil stuff mixed up with the whole vampire thing. Better safe than sorry. You sound dangerous.
That's ok. B| :ph34r: :D

You may be a holy roller, baby, but you surely are just cool as...uh...cool. ;)

Edited to add: Michael, dear? Permission slip? :|
If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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If I was Catholic like Sinker (sorry...Micro), I'd be holding up my crucifix in front of me right now with my CamelBak full of holy water and a few wooden stakes packed away in my coat. I think I might be getting my devil stuff mixed up with the whole vampire thing. Better safe than sorry. You sound dangerous.
That's ok. B| :ph34r: :D

You may be a holy roller, baby, but you surely are just cool as...uh...cool. ;)

Edited to add: Michael, dear? Permission slip? :|

[mexican] we don't need no stinkin permission slips [/mexican] just for you to uh stop by... >:(

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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I appreciate your concern for my well being. However, I wasn't raised in your faith, and I don't share your beliefs or faith now.

I generally feel that one's faith is a large product of luck of the draw (where and when they were born). If you were born in the 800s in India, you would have probably been a Hindu; if I was born in the 1100s in the Ottoman Empire, I would have probably been a Muslim. So much is chance.

I do believe, on the other hand, that you have every right to have the beliefs you have, which is a point I was trying to make with the "...and proud of it..." post. I simply don't share them.

I'm just as proud of where I came out on the subject as was the original poster of the other thread on where she came out on the answer.

You're also free to call me a "bad person" and not like me as a result of my (lack of) beliefs. That's up to you. Personally, I don't hold anyone's religious beliefs (or lack of them) as an indicator of much of anything. I've met wonderful atheists, and horrible, but devout, Christians. The converse is also true (i.e., I've met bad athiests and nice Christians). I guess I just haven't found much of a correlation between faith and whether I think people are "good" or not.

- Jeff

As an aside, my agnosticism isn't a response from ignorance: I've studied Christianity (read the whole Bible, including a lot of the apochrypha), Islam (the whole Koran), Judiasm (anyone want to talk Maimonides?), and a bunch of other religions, ranging from Zoroastrianism to Zen.

I just don't feel that I have a need for the transcendent, at least as it manifests itself in religious thought. The only universal truths that I've found are math, and even that's up for debate.

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Everything in the bible is hearsay. The books were written many years after the "facts". Stories passed down and embellished as they went. Interpeted and reinterpeted time and time again untill they are nothing but stories that hold no truth whatsoever.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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You're also free to call me a "bad person" and not like me as a result of my (lack of) beliefs. That's up to you. Personally, I don't hold anyone's religious beliefs (or lack of them) as an indicator of much of anything. I've met wonderful atheists, and horrible, but devout, Christians. The converse is also true (i.e., I've met bad athiests and nice Christians). I guess I just haven't found much of a correlation between faith and whether I think people are "good" or not.

I think you missed my point if you thought I was calling you a bad person or judging you in any way. It certainly didn’t mean that I wouldn’t like you based on whatever you believe.

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Set up a code you claim no one can adhere to (and make certain to tell them they can't), decree yourself to be the only one who can grant forgiveness, keep everyone in line by threatening eternal damnation, offer nothing as proof other than tautological arguements, obfuscate with constant tangenital references to His love, and His glory, His greatness, His word, blah blah blah.

A greater scam has never been unleashed.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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